
Inside the Strom

In 'Inside the Storm', Aiden finds himself on a thrilling and dangerous mission to uncover the truth behind the deviant android population in Detroit. When Aiden is assigned an android as a partner along with his best friend, he quickly discovers that what seems like a normal investigative case is far from it. With the help of his android companion, Aiden has to navigate a world of secrets, lies, and conspiracies. Together, they must uncover the truth in order to save the city from certain disaster. Unknown is an exciting and captivating journey through a modern-day dystopia, and Aiden and his android companion are the only ones who can save the day.

Jinxx_9741 · Games
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2 Chs

I'm Sorry, You're Who?!

Aiden sat at his desk, typing up some stuff from previous cases he worked the days before. He had his headphones in so that he wouldn't be bothered by anyone around him when he felt eyes staring at him. When Aiden looked up, he saw an Android looking at him while another one stood at his partner's desk. "Can I help you?" The black-haired male asked the android. "Hello Detective Gold, I am Boot, the android sent by Cyberwear. I am here to assist you and Lieutenant Finnegan in the deviant cases," 'Boot' replied to the male. "Thanks, but no thanks; I can handle these cases by myself without a fucking robot getting in my way," he said, going to put his headphones back in, but before he could, the android that was standing by Finnegan's desk walked over. "Hello Detective. My name is Ethan, the android sent by Cyberwear, here to assist you and Lieutenant Finnegan in the deviant cases," 'Ethan' said.

Aiden rolled his eyes. "Why don't you go find him then," the male replied. to the androids. "Do you know where he might be?" the ET300 asked. "No, but someone else might, so why don't you ask around," Aiden said to Ethan. Ethan nodded, then walked away to find your android-loving partner. Aiden noticed the BT900 stayed and was just looking at the male. "Why don't you go with Ethan," Aiden asked. "I've been assigned to you," Boot said.

"Fine, then sit down and shut up," he said, pointing to the desk across from him. He put his headphones back on and went back to his reports. The BT900 sat down in the chair across from his desk. Aiden took out a headphone and looked at the android. "Actually, answer me one question," Aiden said to the android. "Why does he have a normal fucking name, and you have the name of something you put on your foot?" BT900 stayed silent for a minute. "It was just the name Cyberwear gave me before I was given my orders to come here," he replied. "It's so stupid; they must have really hated you," Aiden said, chuckling a bit.

Aiden finished all his paperwork and started on some of Onyx's, so the male didn't have a lot in the morning. After a while, he looked at the time and sighed as he missed lunch once again because he got into his work. He turned off his computer and grabbed his jacket. "Where do you and Ethan go when it is time for Onyx and I to go home?" Aiden asked. "We go to the closest Cyberwear warehouse," Boot replied. Aiden nodded and started walking out of the department. "See you in the morning," Aiden said, waving to the non-Androids.

Aiden got in his car and leaned his head on the steering wheel for a short while before starting it and driving to a bar that Onyx frequently goes to. "That asshole better be here, because I'm not hunting his ass down," Aiden mumbled. He drove with music playing softly in the background. His phone went off a few times while he was driving, but he had to ignore it until he got to a safe point to check it.

Once he got to the bar, he quickly parked and looked at his phone, seeing that he had a few texts from his babysitter and two from his mother. He read the ones from his babysitter and asked her to stay longer, saying that he would pay for the overtime. He then read the ones from his mother that were just her checking up on him. He replied with small sentences, saying that she could pop in at work or his house if she was truly worried about him. He got out of his car and put his phone and keys in his back pocket before walking into the bar to see if his partner was there.

Aiden looked around before spotting the blonde male sitting at the bar with a glass in his hand. "You had some balls not showing up today, Onyx," Aiden said, sitting next to the male. The blonde rolled his eyes. "Whatever, it's not like we had anything come in for us or else you would have called me," Onyx said, looking over at the black-haired male. Aiden sighed. "That doesn't mean you can just not show up for work," Aiden said, as a glass of water was placed in front of him. He nodded at the bartender and looked back at the older male.

"Are you here to take me home then?" Onyx asked. "I was, but not now. I think I'll leave you here and take your keys," Aiden said. "Don't you fucking dare," the blonde said to the younger male. Aiden rolled his eyes before hearing the door to the bar open before turning to see who just entered. The male's eyes widen upon seeing the two androids. "Fuck," he whispered before trying to hide his face.

"What the hell?" Someone asked, seeing the two androids walk in. "Damn, Doc, I didn't know you were updating your help around here," another person said, looking at the androids. The black-haired male hid his face more. "They are kind of hot," Onyx murmured, looking at Boot and Ethan. Aiden lightly kicked the older man before sighing.

Aiden looked up, feeling a tap on his shoulder. "Detective Gold, I found you," Boot said. "I wasn't hard to find," Aiden said, looking at Boot. "I checked your house, but your babysitter said 'you hadn't come home yet," Boot said. "I'm sorry. You went to my home!" Aiden said. He was getting a little angry at the android. "Gold, calm down. He didn't mean any harm," Onyx said finally, placing the glass down and rubbing Aiden's back.

"Hello, Lieutenant Finnegan, I am Ethan, the android sent by Cyberwear. I was sent here to help you and Detective Gold in the deviant case," Ethan said to your human partner. Onyx just nodded, not really paying attention to what the android just said to him, and seemed to be solely focused on calming the male down. "Why are you two here?" Aiden asked. "We got a report about an android murdering their owner," Boot said. "Whatever, let's get this over with," Aiden said. He took the key from Onyx. "We're taking my car, and you two are in the back. Just put the car seat in the trunk," Aiden said to the trio.

They nodded and got in the younger man's car. Aiden drove to the scene from the bar, and he had his music blasting. "I'm sorry; you're from where, and you're who?" Onyx said. He was finally catching up to the conversation.