
Inside New World

Is this the novel everyone was reading and talking about? Am I inside the novel ? Wait. It's not as simple as that. ..... ....

Only_I_Know · Eastern
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7 Chs


"Before starting the test , there are a few students who we already deemed as capable enough to be in Elite Class " - Rain.

"Those name I call, stand at that side. "

"Arthur no. 7 , Lily no. 9 , Juan no. 14 , Nana no. 23 , Sumi no. 77 , Leo no. 101 and oh lastly Jason no. 111 , Krish no. 112 and Jenny no. 113. " - Rain.

Hearing this name all of the students were surprised. Juan and Nana at the side were also shocked.

Juan expected him to enter the Elite Class but not this way , as for Nana , she didn't even have confidence after the test.

This type of prior selection are given to most talented and with deep background.

But since the name was called , calming the beating heart , they have to move to the side.

There was murmuring around the crowd for a while. Haru also looked at the students who were away from the crowd.

He already knew about it. These were the major characters that will play major role in the story.

He looked at their face. All of them were handsome and Beautiful as expected from major characters.

"Silence , Student no. 1 come to the stage. " - Miss Rain.

The student no. 1 by the story was supposed to be Ryan but now it was Haru.

He entered the stage.

"State your name and your ability . " - Miss Rain.

"Haru, Ability is Teleportation. " - Haru.

This also caused a bit of sensation in the crowd.

Jason and Jenny at the side also looked at him with interest.

"Show your ability . " - Miss Rain.

Just when her sound ended , Haru was at the corner of the stage.

Miss Rain showed a bit surprised expression. Same was the case for Jason and Jenny and also other teachers.

This speed was from those who practiced the ability properly. But they couldn't practice this before the Academy unless they had background so it was considered good.

"What are its limi....." - Miss Rain.

Before she could finish her words , a teacher came next to her and whispered something.

Miss Rain looked surprised.

"Okay. Student Haru , you passed , you will be in Elite Class. " - Miss Rain.

Haru was also surprised . But student no. 2 was called so he bowed and left.

The no. 2 was as he expected Ryan.

Although they couldn't see what he did , he was sure that he casted some illusion on Miss Rain.

She seemed surprised and smiled.

"Student Ryan , Pass , Elite Class. Next. " - Miss Rain.

After that was the big gap. Until , they reached the 50 , there was no one who passed.

There were many ability like strength , fire , water , transformation , telekinesis etc but they all failed.


"Congratulation. " - Nana and Juan.

"Thanks but even I have no idea why I was chosen. " - Haru.

The two were also confused. They were sure that Miss Rain was going to ask about his limitation. If what he said was correct there was very high chance that he would have been eliminated.

Just around then Ryan also joined them.

They congratulated him.

They then went to the side and stood.

"Do you want to know about the other chosen ? " - Ryan.

"You know about them ? " - Juan.

"They are pretty famous so I know a few things about them. Are you interested ? " - Ryan.

"Sure. " - Haru wasn't that interested. He probably knew more than him.

"Why do you sound uninterested ? Could it be that you know ? I can bet that you know less than me. " - Ryan.

"Sure let's bet then. How much ? " - Haru.

"1000 dollars. What bout that ? " - Ryan.

"Nana, how much would the dish I had last night cost ? " - Haru.

"50 dollars. " - Nana.

"You two ...." - Ryan and Juan were shocked.

"It's nothing . My family own a restaurant. He visited it coincidentally. Really. " - Nana explained.

The two looked at them wierdly but said nothing.

"Sure then. 1000 it is. Just don't be sole loser later on. " - Haru.

"Arthur , comes from the well know Su family. His ability is super strength and by super I mean super. There are probably any of his match in our generation in physical battle. And also the most handsome student in his High School. A bit arrogant but it's due to his ability. Add if you know more. " - Haru.

"No. Next . " - Ryan. He knew that Arthur was from well known family but he didn't know which.

"Lily, Come from Li family. Wealthy family. Her ability is related to Plants. If I may add, is extremely beautiful and known as No.2 Next Gen Flower of Love City. She is fierce one. Know more ? " - Haru.

"No. Next. " - Ryan was close to giving up.

"Sumi , comes from Unknown Family but is wealthy and powerful. She has the most mysterious background. Her ability is related to water and air. Extremely beautiful and known as No.1 Next Gen Flower of Love City. Unknown to most, she is very kind. Know more ? " - Haru.

"No. " - Ryan was helpless.

"Ok. I lost the bet, here is your 1000 dollars. But please continue. " - Ryan. He handed ten hundred dollars notes.

"I can continue but Classmate Jenny , don't you thinks it's rude? " - Haru.

The others were quite confused.

Just then a beautiful girl appeared next to them.

"Oh. I am sorry. I was just curious. I don't mean to hide and listen. But I am surprised. You are the fifth person on our class to notice me. " - Jenny smiled.

The others were shocked. Since when was she with them? They haven't noticed at all.

"I have pride in my instinct. " - Haru.

"Haha. It seems so. Let me join you guys. I am Jenny. " - Jenny.

They introduced each other.

"Please continue , why don't you tell about mine? I wonder if you know about mine ? Lets have a bet , if you have info about me and student no. 112 , I will pay you 1000 dollars as well. " - Jenny.

"Sure. " - Haru didn't mind having free money.

"Then let's continue with you , Jenny , comes from a normal family. Have extremely rare ability , Invisibility and Healing. Although not ranked, If it was up to me , I would rank you to No.4 Next Gen Flower of Love City. " - Haru.

"Just no.4? I am hurt. " - Jenny.

"I would have ranked you on 3 if it wasn't for your scheming character. " - Haru.

"How rude.You are not a gentleman. " - Jenny.

The others laughed seeing the scene.

"By the way , who is the No.3 of the list ? As far as I can recall there are only two . " - Ryan.

"As I said , that was the ranking according to me . " - Haru.

But truly speaking it was the ranking made by the readers of the novel.

"How is the ranking ? " - Jenny.

"Sumi no.1 , Nana no.2 , Lily no. 3 and Jenny no.4. Oh. Sorry I forgot about that. Jenny isn't no. 4 , she is no. 5. No. 4 belongs to another student named Amy. " - Haru.

"Wow . You rank Nana so high ? No offense. " - Ryan.

"None Taken. " - Nana was also curious. It was just a personal ranking but still.

"Well, Sumi aside , Nana here is close to the others even without make up. Plus her personality is better. " - Haru.

"I don't do that much make up as well. " - Jenny was close to cursing.

Nana was embarrassed hearing all the praises.

"But why are you putting Sumi aside ? " - Ryan.

"Can't you see ? She is a fairy. Both her beauty and personality raises the bar .Plus her ability. " - Haru.

"Stop about this nonsense. Although I have no offensive ability , I might just lash out. " - Jenny.

"Sure . Are you satisfied ? Do you accept your loss ? " - Haru.

"What about his ? " - Jenny calmed down.

"Well, it makes sense that you are curious about him. You are scheming and he is rude. You two are made for each other. " - Haru.

"It hasn't been 10 minutes since I met you but I can tell you are the rudest of all. Do you have a grudge against me ? " - Jenny.

Haru then realized that he was really being rude. It was true that he stopped reading the novel around the end but he was a fanboy before that.

He was carrying a grudge against her character because a Arc was extended because of her .

Haru took a deep breat to calm himself down.

'I am not a fanboy anymore. I am not a fanboy anymore. '

He continuosly repeated in his heart.

"Ok. I am sorry . It was really rude of me. Let's continue. "

"He is Krish , he is half Chinese. His ability is related to shadow. His ability is extremely dangerous and personally I don't like his personality. " - Haru.

"Do you know more about him ? " - Jenny.

"Why ? Are you really interested ? " - Haru. He was confused. As far as he could remember , she shouldn't be interested in him before the second year.

"No. Don't speak about it with anyone but I sense some sort of Vile Vibes from him. " - Jenny.

"Oh. Really ? " - Haru was surprised.

The others also looked at him but said nothing.

"Oh. Is she the Amy you mentioned ? " - Juan said suddenly.

On the stage , they saw a beauty who was floating in the air.

"Yeah. " - Haru nodded and remembered the face. She also had major role.

She was chosen to Elite Class which wasn't that surprising.