
Inside An Ad**t Game As A Former Hero

I got pulled into the NTR game I was going to gift to my pure harem lover friend. The game has already progressed to the middle, and the heroines seem to have been already stolen away from the hero, in which I was transmigrated into. Now I just deeply crave for a cigarette, but I can’t even smoke in this world…! This novel is a real work. The reason I'm publishing this as a fanfic is because I want people to read it for free. As for Patreon, I'm sorry but I have to pay my rent. I would be very happy if you became the boss :D patreon.com/Daoist02

Daoistmtl02 · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Dance With The Orcs! (1)

If you want to read the fully translated chapters including the last chapter very cheaply. p(a)treon.com/Daoist02


Only the three of us were sitting in the quiet inn, Annie raised a glass of ale. When we three clinked our glasses, the cups filled with ale swayed like a wave.

"Gulp, gulp, gulp, Kyaa! Sweet!"

"What does a little lass like you knows about what real alcohol tastes like?"

As I said with a grin, Annie burst out.

"Of course I know, the taste should able to create an atmosphere! Atmosphere, you know. And you eat up that atmosphere!"

"Huh… so you know the basics?"

"Haha! Today, this messy life and this messy country, all over, guhahaha! It's all thanks to you, stubborn guy!"

"If you hug me, you die."

"Kek. Goodness, stubborn guy is so cold. Doesn't even appreciate a hug from a pretty woman like me."

"Pretty? You? When, how?"

Annie frowned as I looked up with my eyes wide open in shock.

"Stubborn guy should have died in the final, huff."

"Then you would have been a server here for your whole life and then poof, death of old age."

"Um… I would be so sad if you died. Oh, more than that, oppa! I have a question… What did you get as a prize?"

Annie asked, her eyes twinkling. While pretending to be polite, the old geezer Stanley also pricked up his ears.

"Why are you curious about that?"

"Why, me, curious? You just won the Battleground Championship! You must have got something amazing, right, right?"

"It's not huge or anything like that. I just received 1 million gold and two other items."

"Bollocks… One million..!"

Annie's mouth widened.

Wasn't the amount she earned from betting was 240,000 gold, excluding commissions?

She was amazed when an amount close to four times of her own popped out.

"Item… What items did you get?"

"Not really an item, I just got three ordinary rings."

I got three rings for winning the battle.

Bleeding Ring.

Increases the chance of bleeding. During bleeding, the opponent takes damage equal to 2% of their maximum HP every 1 turn.

Perm's ring.

Negates the first low-level magical attack initiated at the start of the battle.

The green ring of an unknown knight.

Durability increases by 10%.

Although they are not bad rings, the reason I participated in the Battleground Championship is because of the green ring of an unknown knight.

The Ring of an Unknown Knight Series.

I've already collected 2 out of 4! Now, if I just collect two more and go to that dungeon to upgrade…

"What kind of rings are those, yup?"

My thoughts were broken by Annie's face that suddenly intervened in the middle of my thoughts.

Gosh, don't pull your ugly face like that. I just failed my concentration.

I pushed Annie's face away with my palm.

"How much curiosity do you have? When you are curious, rather make a plan for your life."

"Keke, that's all already set up. I will change to Prona Kingdom."

"Prona Kingdom? Why there?"

"Among other kingdoms, the land there is the most fertile, isn't it? I'm thinking of buying a suitable farm and some slaves to look after the farm. While the slaves works, this lady will play and eat!"

"Hoh… that's a great life plan, haha."

"I know, right? To be honest, I really wanted to go to the Empire, but the taxes there are too much…"

Annie's shoulders drooped down naturally. I patted her on the shoulder, and consoled.

"Still, it's not bad if you want to switch to the Kingdom of Prona. It's peaceful and quite beautiful there. But how are you going to get to the Prona Kingdom?"

"I'm thinking of putting an escort quest in the Adventurers' Guild. Wouldn't it be okay to spend about 5000 gold to hire two or three strong people for my protection?"

"Oh. So, a woman with some heavy 240,000 gold is going to go that long way alone, accompanied by three adventurers? What, should I praise your courage, ha?"

Annie tilted her head for a moment. As soon as she realized what I was saying, her complexion turned blue.

"W, Well, then, how about travelling with a caravan? I think it will be crowded enough and safe too!"

"Why would they accept you when you and them don't even know each other?"

"That's… right… Can't you then just give them… some money?"

"Would a rich businessman accept a lump of luggage for some pennies? You sure think differently from normal people."


I thought money would solve everything… Annie grabbed her head and muttered.

I smiled at the slight and turned my gaze at the old geezer sipping his ale beside us.

"Can't you just ask for help from the old man here? It's not like you don't know him, right?"

"Eh? Why is old man coming here all of a sudden?"

"In the outside world, old man is a pretty great businessman. It's those who sit on the big top."

"No, wha, big top?!"


As Annie opened her eyes wide and looked up, the old man coughed in embarrassment.

"Gee, is it for real? Sta, Senior Stanley! Help meeee!"

Annie fell on her knees abruptly and started hanging from the old man's legs. Old mam Stanley tried to pry her apart in embarrassment, but she wouldn't let go of his legs as if she had met her last pillar of hope.

"Stop, stop, I meant to help from the beginning. So let go."

"Really? Come then and say nothing more! In other words, alcohol with peanuts!"

That was when the inn was getting noisy.


The inn door opened and a man entered.

* * *

The hierarchical social order is fixed among vampires.

Who is born with a nobler blood and who is not? Their birth permanently determine the status of a vampire.

A lower rank vampire cannot oppose a vampire nobler than them.

Especially if it is the family master who shared their own blood with them.

The same is true for Krappa.

He fell into Haley's sight 200 years ago and became a vampire. He didn't know it until he became a vampire, but after becoming a member of her family line, he realized it.

How noble and great his master is!

'I will never let master down.'

"Hey there~ Handsome brother~"

The drunk Annie tapped on Krappa's shoulders.

How dare such a inferior thing dare touch my noble body!

Should I just pull out that filthy arm? No, I have to endure, it's my first priority to carry out master's orders!


"Is that real? You came to see this oppa all the way from the finals?"

Well, she speaks in a timely manner.

So be it, I'll mercifully put off the idea of pulling out your arm.

"Yes, that's right. It was such a mind blowing scene. To be honest, I still can't forget it. That's why I wanted to meet my idol in person, so I followed after."

Krappa looked back at Cloud with a friendly smile. It's because the person in question was wearing an indifferent expression since he came.

After a moment of awkward silence, Cloud opened his mouth.

"What about the others?"


"There must be other people who should have followed me besides you."

Other guys?

Oh, is he talking about those trashes?

"Haha, I did notice a few people like those. But they can't stop me from meeting my idol."

"What did you say your name was?"

"It's Howl."

Of course, he wouldn't tell the lower human the true name he was bestowed with. So Krappa took the pseudonym of Howl.

"Yes, Howl. I won't turn round and round to spew meaningless talks. And, I really don't like anyone lying to me."


"Don't lie."

Cloud's eyes looking on Krappa fell coldly.

'…did he noticed?'


No, that's not important now.

If he has noticed it, there's no point in acting now.

"…since when?"

"From the very beginning. The bastards in this city won't stand a winner who has beaten their sponsored warrior like that in the finals. At least, I was thinking, they would sneak up while I was sleeping or something. So what did you do with those rubbishes?"

"…killed them all."

At Krappa's words, the air in the inn froze. Annie and old man Stanley looked at Krappa with hardened expressions, the alcohol's intoxication had completely gone away.

Meanwhile, Cloud's eyes were still cold.


"It was unavoidable. They were plotting to kill you, Cloud-sama…"

"No that, why did you kill them? Even if it wasn't for you, they would have died in my hands anyways. All I'm asking is, what have you got to do with looping around me and killing them?"

What to say now?

Yes, just spew sh!t.

"Because I admire your skills! So, it was hard for me control myself, to let those guys attempt to do things like that. Cloud-sama, please let's go together! Give me a chance to learn in the wider world!"

Krappa bowed his head and shouted out enthusiastically.

For him, the honorable henchman of a top rank vampire family, bowing his head to a human is a great shame.

However, in order to fulfill his master's orders, this level of shame can be drunk down his throat!

'…why isn't he saying anything?'

It's been a while since he has bowed his head, but there was no answer. Whether you accept it or not, isn't it already time to give a proper answer?

But raising his head now is something he can't do. Krappa knew it from the experience of serving his honorable master for a long time. He must not raise his head until the answer comes.

Without knowing how long it took, Cloud finally opened his mouth.

"You want to come with me… It doesn't really matter, but… Do you like garlic?"

The moment he heard the word garlic, his body trembled. He even wondered for a moment if he was caught. However, soon he judged that it was impossible.

He not only hid the characteristics of his race, but also suppressed his blood energy to as low as possible.

He can't be noticed until humans see him using blood magic. No matter if the person in front of him is a hero or not.

"Garlic… Why…?"

"Welp, that's because I like garlic very much. If you're going to come with me, you'll have to later eat a lots of garlic, so I was wondering if it would be okay."

"…I will bring my own food."

"For reference, I don't plan on going with a guy who doesn't eat garlic. The companions I had last time said they didn't like the smell of garlic and so ran away."

'…so the biggest reason for the disbandment of Hero Cloud's party was because of garlic…! Hisss-!'

No wonder they split so easily.

The garlic smell is just so unbearable. Who can help it?

"So you like garlic? Don't ya?"


The higher race, the vampires, have two weaknesses.

The first is holy magic.

The holy energy practiced by the priests who believe in Goddess Iris can burn the flesh and blood of a vampire.

The second is garlic.

Unlike the Holy Power, it is an object that can be easily obtained by ordinary humans, and it is like poison for the vampires.

For some reason, which is still not known, but if low rank vampire eats garlic, he will lose control of his blood, and might even fall down from his vampire life.

The above two reasons are the culprits why the vampires, who are a higher race, have to hide from these lower humans.

No matter how mighty and strong they are, their weaknesses are also that obvious.

Hearing Cloud's words, Krappa fell into deep trouble.

'Of all things, garlic. Garlic, it's motherf*cking garlic again!'

When it comes to someone of Krappa's level, eating garlic can't kill him.

It will be just a little bit painful.

'F*ck, not just a little, but very painful…'

"Why? Do you hate garlic?"

"No way. Honestly, I like it the most!"

He can bear any level of pain for the sake of his master's orders. Even if it is a pain that burns to the intestines!

And if humans were to eat garlic, how much would one can even eat? At the most, they would use it as a seasoning for food.

With that in mind, Krappa accepted Cloud's offer.

And so, the next morning.

"Hey, garlic in the morning is delicious."

Krappa was terrified when he saw Cloud handing him a bunch of raw garlic while chewing some himself.

"Uh… um… what is this for…?"

"Why? Of course, to eat, dude."

Saying that, Cloud took a piece of raw garlic, put it in his mouth, and chewed it like peanuts.


The noble vampire spoke out low-grade swear words out of his mouth after a long time.

* * *

It's a certainty.

This damn bastard must have figured out who I was. Otherwise there's no way he can commit this type of sh!thousery!

Krappa murmured to himself as he chewed on the jerky pickled in garlic sauce. Moreover, in front of him was a glass of garlic juice and garlic bread.

Even if he wanted to eat something else without garlic, Cloud dismissed it, saying there was no such thing.

Since then, he has been having his piece of crap.

– Ew, that Mr. is once again filling the room with garlic's smell. Can't he go somewhere else to eat?

– You can go and tell him that.

– What? No, no. You just saw earlier. Someone else went to tell him that, but his eyes made the poor man run away. Those eyes, they spoke murder.

The people using the same room as Krappa and Cloud murmured their dissatisfactions.

Krappa raised his eyes.

Damned lower things! Who wants eat something like this! Every time I pick it up to my mouth, my stomach turns upside down!

Krappa turned to his side, shaking his head.

The culprit of this situation was lying peacefully on the bed with his eyes closed. Krappa was very vexed with his ways, but what to do? He had to carry the orders of his master, he have to endure it.

"…you still won't tell me?"


"Our destination. It's been a while since we have been on this ship, but you still haven't told me where we're going."

A few days have passed since their first meeting at the inn.

Cloud said he would later tell him where they were going, but he didn't tell him even until now, when they were already so far in the sea.

"Well, the time has come to tell me. So where are we actually going…"

It was then.

Thud! The ship shook violently with impact.

– Wh, What? What's happening?

The room was suddenly engulfed in commotion.

"Howl, go out and find out what's going on."


He didn't like the way he was treated by his new 'boss', but he had no choice but to do this.

Because he had to carry out his master's orders…

Krappa tumbled out of the room.

"Hey, what the hell's happening this time…?"

Krappa narrowed his eyes at the scenery before him.

He rubbed his eyes with his fingers, but the scenery did not change.

"Haha, shit."

These days, low-level swearing keeps coming out more and more frequently.

He turned back.

With the door closed, Krappa strode forward and grabbed Cloud by the collar. Cloud, who was grabbed by the collar without a word, tilted his head.

"Hey, you bastard! I told you to walk instead of going by sea! You ignored my words and climbed into this f*cking ship…!"

"Um? What happened to you all of a sudden?"

"Why else!? Storm! There is a f*cking bigâss storm outside!"

A great storm was raging in the sea. The sailors were busy trying to somehow steer out of the storm.

Listening to his words, the people in the room became more agitated.

Cloud's reaction, on the other hand, was flat.

"Anything else? When I saw your reaction, I almost thought some twisted deep-sea octopus with slimy tentacles had popped out. And, you are trembling like this just because of a storm?"

"Anything else?! Just because of a storm?! The ship looks f*cking wrecked right now, and that's what you are saying now?!"

In front of the mysteries of Mother Nature, he who belongs to a high-ranking vampire clan can do nothing.

He can pose no resistance and will be just as similarly swept away as any other person here.

-Wrecked! Wrecked! No, I can't die!

Confused and shocked, the guests rushed outside. Cloud sighed and released himself from Krappa's hand that was hanging his collars.

"Yes, I understand now. It must be your first time, first time going through a storm, eh?"

"…so it's not your first time?"

"It's natural, mate. What else is not there in my adventure life? As an experienced adventurer, I will teach you what to do when you encounter a storm at sea. Come, follow along."

Krappa gulped his saliva with a nervous expression on his face.

Really… Is there a way to deal with storms?

Yeah, looking at his confident face, maybe there really is.

No matter how inferior a human is, isn't he a Hero who has been wandering around the continent?

Krappa decided to believe in Cloud's words.

"For starters, lie down in bed."


It was a strange instruction, but for once, Krappa laid down comfortably on the bed.

"Close your eyes."

Krappa closed his eyes.

"Take a deep breath to calm your mind, and chillax."

As he took a deep breath, the feeling of urgency calmed down little by little. He was no longer concerned with the noise around him.

'Not bad.'

Yes, being calm is the most important thing in any situation. A vampire of my rank must not forget that.

Reflecting on himself, he waited for the next instruction.

"Are you calm now? Good, then go to sleep."


"You don't know sleep? Sleep like, sleeping?You are grown up, dude, what the heck?"

"Sleep? You literally mean to go to sleep?"

"Is there any other meaning behind sleeping?"

"…Didn't you just say that it was a remedy for the storm?"

"Of course, man. If you just go to sleep peacefully and wake up, everything will be fine. Whether the ship gets out of the storm, or gets wrecked and washed up on the shore, or we get drowned and go upto heaven. We just have to calmly wait for the results."

Then, Cloud laid down on the bed and calmly closed his eyes.

Krappa was at a loss for words at that casual action. He regained consciousness and grabbed Cloud by his collars again.

"How's that a f*cking way to deal with it!"

Cloud said while looking at Krappa with an annoyed expression.

"That's the accurate way. Tell me, is there any better way than to follow the rules like a good boy instead of going against nature? Just leave it to fate. That's life, bud."

Cloud shrugged off Creepa's hand, then laid down back on the bed and closed his eyes peacefully.

"Peace xD."

Krappa's eyelids twitched.

If you want to read the fully translated chapters including the last chapter very cheaply. p(a)treon.com/Daoist02