
Inside An Ad**t Game As A Former Hero

I got pulled into the NTR game I was going to gift to my pure harem lover friend. The game has already progressed to the middle, and the heroines seem to have been already stolen away from the hero, in which I was transmigrated into. Now I just deeply crave for a cigarette, but I can’t even smoke in this world…! This novel is a real work. The reason I'm publishing this as a fanfic is because I want people to read it for free. As for Patreon, I'm sorry but I have to pay my rent. I would be very happy if you became the boss :D patreon.com/Daoist02

Daoistmtl02 · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Conflict (5)

If you want to read the fully translated chapters including the last chapter very cheaply. p(a)treon.com/Daoist02

"Wh, What the f*ck…? Why is that punk taking off his clothes all of a sudden? What the heck is happening for real?"

"Is he out of his mind?"


"Hey, you crazy bastard! I bet 10,000 gold on you, what are you doing?!"

As soon as the match started, most of the spectators were shocked to see Cloud throwing off his clothes. This chap already had a hard time climbing up with his sufficient sword skills, and then now, he suddenly let go of his sword, so it was inevitable what the end result will be.

It was the same with Gallid who felt absurd.

No, he felt offended beyond absurdity.

"What are you doing, twat? Did you think that if you pretended to be my kind, I'll go gentle on you? If that's what you are thinking, you'd better take it outta ya head. Go back now and come armed, b!tchy lad."

He warned the approaching Cloud. But despite his warning, Cloud did not stop. Rather, he got a little faster than before, and then ran rushed as fast as he could.


Cloud's fist pierced Gallid's face. Plurp. A spurt of blood pumped out of Galid's nose. Gallid frowned heavily.

"If you want to sh!t yourself like this… come you sh!tty head!"

Gallid swung his fist.


Cloud's head turned. His body twisted along with his head. He reclined his body posture, and then suddenly turned around and kicked Galid's chin.


No matter how resilient he was, the barbarian felt dizzy when the kick thwacked his chin squarely.

Gallid's sense of balance was disturbed and he staggered.

Cloud wrapped his hands around the back of Gallid's head, and then began to kick his knees up against Gallid's face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! You cheeky bastard!"

Even with a knee kick on the face, Gallid was firm. When his sense of balance returned, he slapped Cloud to the side.


The solid connection was pretty good. Probably this retard's organ were crushed too.

However, the hand that was wrapped around the back of Galid's head didn't release. The knee kick in the face paused for a moment. Then he started smacking Gallid in the face again.

"Let go of me!"

Wham! Wham! Wham!

After being hit three more times, Cloud released Gallid's head.

"Whoa… a tough bird…"

Gallid stepped back for a moment, trying to recover his body senses.


But Cloud didn't give Gallid the time to recover. He ran straight up and b!tch slapped Gallid in the face.

As Galid's head cambered backwards, Cloud punched his fist twice into the barbarian's stomach.

"Guughk..! This bastard, ghaaa!"

With his head tilted, Gallid rotated his waist and swung his fists. It was a fist filled with the strength of his waist.


Cloud's head staggered.

But Cloud didn't stop, although he must have been quite impacted. He also slapped Galid in the face with his back strength. It didn't end there, he slapped him in the side once again.

"Yeah, yeah, just like this. Don't stop until one side falls, right?"


With blood splitting out of his mouth, Gallid also extended his power.

Cloud's waist was curved like a hunchback.

—only for a while.

Cloud's fists and kicks poured down on Gallid.

Gallid Hits!

Cloud Hits!

Gallid Hits!

Cloud Hits!

There was no defense or evasion in the fight between the two.

There was only pure attack.

Even the spectators, who were initially stunned by the heat, were completely absorbed in the game.

– Once again, Gallid! Wooo!

– Don't stop Cloud! More! Thrash more! Waah!

They didn't care less who won or lost now. They just wanted to see this fight last a little longer.

An unprecedented wave of cheers echoed throughout the venue.

'Damn… why isn't this punk falling?!'

Meanwhile, Gallid was confused.

Usually, when he bashes this much, it is normal for the opponent to grovel on the floor or to even die. This level of tenacity was only limited to his clan's warriors, and the weak ragdolls of this kingdom should have already died.

But Cloud didn't.

No matter how hard Gallid pummeled him, he did not fall. Instead of falling, he immediately launched a counterattack.

No matter how intensely Gallid performs his attacks, he just refused to fall down. Rather, as if he were going to die the very next second, his attacks got fierer than before.

'Bloody hell!! What's with all these guys?!'

Gallid was born in a tribe of barbarians in the Principality of Polycia. He had strong musculature from birth, and he had no fighter to match his age, and all of his tribal warriors were at last defeated by him, one by one.

That's why he looked down on this Battleground Championship.

When it came to winning the championship, sometimes one punch and sometimes two, nobody could stop his rampage, the winner would be him, it was inevitable in his view.

But the last guy he met was different.

He himself was not sure if he was dreaming. He just couldn't imagine someone like this punk to exist in this world.

It was the first time it happened.

Little by little, his hands and feet began to tremble. The power injected into his fists weakened.

'Why? Why all of a sudden? What the heck is wrong with me?'

At the unfamiliar sensation he was experiencing for the first time, Gallid bit his teeths. It was time for him to somehow give his body the strength to counter this crazy person.


His and Cloud's eyes met.

Unfocused eyes, filled with fighting spirit and madness. He felt only a single desire in them—to somehow defeat him, Gallid.

It was then that Gallid realized what unfamiliar sensation he was feeling.


The primal sense that the human race feels when its survival is threatened.

There are two types of actions that humans respond with when they are scared.

—to fight.

—or, to run away.

In Gallid's case, it was the latter.

Gallid is a strong warrior. He is a person who intimidates others, who is feared by others, not a person who gets scared of others. So he never felt fear.

Even a strong barbarian of great size was all but a child in the face of his first fear.

Gallid turned his back to Cloud and started running towards his door.

'Axe. I need my axe.'

It is necessary to split this assho!e's head with an axe. Otherwise, the madman won't stop. This crazy demon-like bugger will swallow him up with an eerie laugh.

That's not happening.

Absolutely not.

A great warrior like him shouldn't die in a place like this!

'Damn, why did I leave my axe behind? F*cking idiot!'

It was because the participants he had met so far were so f*cktard. He regrets it so much now.

It was the time when he was running with all his being towards the door.

The body leaned forward along with the strong impact felt on the back. Gallid just fell forward.

"The barbarian… ran away…?"

Galid's body stiffened at the sound of the voice behind his back. He turned back slowly. Cloud was looking down on him as hell was brewing behind his back.

There was no more fighting spirit or madness incast in the eyes peering down on him.

What it contained in those cold, sunken eyes was indescribable disappointment and unfeeling murderous intent.

The crazy dog-like appearance disappeared, but the fear that Gallid felt did not. However, the taste of his fear had changed.

If what he felt before was the fear of being hunted down by a vicarious beast.

Now, he felt the verdict of an irresistible approaching death.

"G, Go away!"

Gallid squeezed his remaining bits of power and swung his fist.

It didn't reach Cloud. He avoided it lightly, as if all the blows he had taken from Gallid before was all but a joke. Cloud poked Gallid's eyes with two finger.

"Aaaaaah!!! MY EYES!! MY EYES!!"

Gallid enfolded his eyes with his palms and screamed. As if it was not enough, he even rolled on the floor to ease his pain. It was a plain disgrace that could not have been seen coming from a strong barbarian warrior like him.

"I can only sigh."

Cloud grabbed Gallid by his hair and started walking in the direction of his sword.

Gallid was dragged on the floor like a pig being snaffled to a slaughterhouse.

"W, Wh, Whaaagh! Let me go! Let go!"

Gallid swung his fists, flexing his legs, and even tried to break Cloud's wrist that had latched onto his hair, but to no avail.

Nothing could stop Cloud.

"Aww! Let me go! Let me go! Ah ah agh!!!"

His body was slowly dragged along into abyss-like darkness. He couldn't even resist. All he felt was great fear.

Enough to make even the great warrior Gallid struggle like a child.

Cloud picked up his sword.

He let go of Gallid's hair. Instead, he trampled on the barbarian's chest, preventing him from getting up, and then he placed the tip of his sword's edge on Gallid's neck.

Gallid swallowed his saliva at the sharp sensation passed down his throat.

"Hey, stop it! You won, I surrender! T, There's no need to kill me."


"Now even begging for life… After all, you are really not a barbarian."

"No, no. I'm really a barbarian, see, see! If you spare me… w-well, then our chieftain will give you…!"

"Shut up, rubbish. No more insults to barbarians, and none to my friend"

Cloud gave strength to his hand—inching his sword.


The sword pierced through Gallid's neck.

"K-Kgheh…! Sah, save me…"

Perhaps, he had not yet given up on his regrets, Gallid struggled with his arms. But it didn't last long. His arms drooped down like a toy that had ran out of battery.

Cloud drew out his sword and swung it strongly.


Gallid's head rolled down on the floor. Cloud looked at it coldly, then turned his gaze to the awestruck host.

The host, who received Cloud's gaze, trembled.

"Didn't I win? So, why are you sitting still?"

"Oh, I-I'm sorry. Finals are over! Participant Cloud wins! The winner is—Cloud!!!"

The presenter exclaimed with both hands outstretched.

– Clap.

– Clap.

– Clap, Clap, Clap.

Gradually, applause poured in from among the silent crowd.


A loud cheer dominated the venue.

Cloud didn't turn to look at the crowd.

He was in a very bad mood at the moment. He walked out of the arena as soon as the doors opened.

* * *



A low whisper sounded.

Haley, one of the four heads who rule the kingdom of Alitia, was rarely so perplexed.

The reason she came to watch the Battleground Championship was simply because of a minor interest.

Hearing the report that the Hero Cloud was participating in the battle, she thought it would be an interesting spectacle.

The Incompetent Hero, Cloud.

From the preliminaries to the quarterfinals, she got well-acquainted with the strength of Hero Cloud she had only heard of. She had seen him poorly struggle in the matches.

It was even funny that such a thing was a Hero like Gis, who was sponsored by the Zarakh Society.

But, that thought was throughly shattered in the finals.

It was quite amazing in itself that he engaged in a fist fight with Gallid without stopping. Because the Cloud she had came to know so far wasn't a guy who picked up reckless deeds.

But up to that point, it was just a little surprising.

It was then after that when he gave her shock and despair.

It was shortly after Gallid tried to escaped and Cloud took a step forward to pursue him.

From that moment on, to the moment Cloud left the venue, Haley couldn't lift a single part of her body from head to toe.

It felt like a cold blade was grazing her slender neck.

If she moved even in the slightest, that blade will tear her body to pieces.

"Among the vampires, I'm someone who is fighting for the top… and, I was crushed by a mortal…?"

Is he from some unknown race? Or a strange new lifeform?

She couldn't even titter at this situation.

"Gis… Even that little kid is impossible…"

It is impossible even with for Frillite, let alone Gis.

Vampires can't be shaken by the spirit of a human. No matter how strong a human being is with a strong body, the spirit or will is the same.

Because on life level, vampires scale higher than humans.

Isn't it strange that a higher lifeform is affected by a lower lifeform?

Literally, the soul is different.

But now the impossible had happened. A vampire was crushed by a human's spirit.

It is also on a high ranking vampire like her, not just any random vampire.

And she was not just suppressed, but was left completely immobile.

'…it is impossible.'

In the first place, there are only a handful of people on the whole continent who are capable of crushing her, with her high-ranking bloodline, and with her powerful spirit—

Dragon King. Elven King. Devil King. And, even her master, the Blood King.

Except for these mythical beings, not many others.

But none of them can weigh her down to immobility with their spirit alone.

So what just happened must be her delusion.


"Yes, my lady."

"Did you feel it too?"

"…with what regards you maybe talking about, my lady?"

So he didn't feel it either.

'It must have been my illusion, yes.'

It was time for Haley to be relieved. Suddenly, she remembered what the Blood King had once said to her in the past.

– Haley. You are superior to me when it comes to perception. If you make good use of its strengths, you will be able to achieve outstanding achievements in blood art.


Her pretty face, which was about to loosen, hardened again.

"…Krappa. Take my orders."

"I will accomplish anything, my lady."

"Become a companion of Hero Cloud. And report his every move to me. Nothing shall be missed."

"I oblige."

Krappa, who lowered his head, did not show any doubts. For vampires, the relationship between a master and a servant is just like that.

After Krappa left, Haley closed her eyes and fell into deep thought.

'I wish it was just an illusion.'

If what she felt was true.

If Cloud's rank really exceeds that of even the Blood King.

"I don't know what to do…"

If you want to read the fully translated chapters including the last chapter very cheaply. p(a)treon.com/Daoist02