
Insanity Of A Reverend Reader

Fang Yuan is know as a smart and cunning man with great ambitions and wisdom. Everything and everyone eventually follows his plan, as he ascends and becomes stronger and stronger. One person, who recently got into reading about his tales due to his life's misfortune, died after reading chapter 270 and reincarnated as a baby in the Gu Yue clan. Can he gain enough adventages in the early stages of the story or will he become a pawn to be discarded in the future by forces hidden in the shadows? I started writing this when I was on chapter 270 of the story, so MC will have knowledge of up to that chapter in order to avoid any complaints and confusion. I have changed some small details about the strength path and there are some minor tweaks to Gu worms, apertures and mortals. The system is also not OP and the MC isn't pathetic. He can't be Fang Yuan levels of not pathetic, as he is only a 16 Year old with little experience. Guy in cover image resembles MC's brother not MC. The first 5 chapters are wonky... Because of lore reasons, so it pops off after that. Hope you enjoy.

Nike13K · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

Pre-war preparations

The schemes of this old clan leader are quite brilliant. He wants to sweep every other elder and my rise in one session by giving me a worthless title and using me to pressure the other elders into giving up benefits to help in the war.

He will swipe away my achievements and then manipulate me i to giving up my assets to help out in the war, as "It is normal to contribute more as an elder than a normal clansman". And seeing me contribute a lot of assets he can pressure the other elders to give up twice the amount I give.

This strengthens his faction and weakens every other faction in the clan and all he has to do is get me to say yes and he even schemed there!

I am known as a spiteful and rebellious brute, so he thinks having the entire clan's elders disapprove me will make me angry and I will agree out of spite. He is being blatantly shameless and his schemes are so obvious he isn't even trying to hide them, but the people around him can't help but fall for it, as they have no other choice.

This much attention isn't what I want to be honest, so I'll just keep my benefits and say "Thank you, clan leader for such honour, but I agree with the other elders. I am not an elder yet and don't think I deserve any title holding such a high authority. I might become a rank 3 one day, which is probably not that far away, but I am not one right now, so I can't accept such a position.

Even though I refused to be a young elder, I would still like to contribute to our clan as much as possible, as clan leader personally requested it. I have a total amount of 350k spirit stones as of now and would like to exchange them for Gu worms!"

The elders all looked confused and shocked at my response, especially the clan leader. Let me unravel this for everyone. My choices are, give up my wealth and reputation to get some benefits, get a useless title and a salary or give up my wealth in exchange for Gu worms and a reputation boost.

If I align with the clan leader position, then I will be set for life, having money and leisure time. They also think I have no future prospects, so buying Gu worms is pointless, as having 2000 rank 1 or 500 rank 2 Gu worms is overkill, I won't become rank 3 ever, so buying a couple rank 3 Gu worms is not wise and the same could be said for rank 4 Gu worms. It makes absolutely no sense as to why I would spend money on Gu worms.

Spending money and houses is even less logical. We are going to war, which means people will die and property values will go down to hell. The only reliable thing on this world is yourself, but these people could never imagine I have a special Gu worm and that getting more Gu worms is the most beneficial thing for me.

The clan leader looked at me with a perplexed look and said "Are you sure, young Nem? I won't force you to do anything, but becoming an elder of our clan is a high honor."

I shook my head and said "Clan leader is correct, but I am too young and not ready for such responsibility. I still want to contribute to our clan and recently I had a wild inspiration on a very powerful support Gu worm, so I wish to purchase a huge amount of Gu worms for research purposes and help the clan by using my lowly skills."

The clan leader looked at me with a soft gaze, but I could tell he was extremely irritated on the inside. If I manage to create the new recipe, then the clan will have to compensate me for it, but he has no choice there.

The clan leader smiled and said "Young Nem is still talented. To think you would create a new Gu recipe while still so young. I agree to your proposition. Bring me a list of all the materials you might need and I'll give you highest priority in exchanging for them."

I cupped my hands and smiled "I thank clan leader for his magnanimity. Now, I shall offend you elders and take my leave first."

I left the elder assembly hall quickly and got to my house before someone could scheme against me. Now, let's make that list clan leader asked for.

The materials I need are 5 little light Gu, a voice changer (high) Gu, a condensing lense, heat amplifying Gu and dome moon orchard petals. After today, I will be branded with the clan leader's faction. I want exactly that. Clan leader is the highest position, so why wouldn't I want to be allied with him?

My reputation will be bound with the clan leader's from now on. That sucks, but I Don't think the clan cam exist long enough for that to become a problem.

Just a sidenote for you guys, I am currently a refinement path master! Yes indeed I am! How, you might ask and rightfully so. I have never refined a single Gu in my life, so how can I be a master at it?

You might think refinement path is pointless, as I can just buy any Gu worm in existence, but that isn't true. I don't have a list of Gu worms I can scroll through nor a search engine. I need to think of the Gu worms ability and then will I get the specific Dao mark and that Dao mark might not even be compatible with the killer move I am making, so I need refinement path to make the correct Dao marks(Gu worms).

I call my "system" Baby Alchemist, but it is most appropriate to call it Baby Dao Alchemist. The things it absorbs aren't some ethereal energy. They are Dao marks and I can directly study heaven by looking at the Gu worms in my mind.

This is extremely beneficial for attainment and developing killer moves. After 14 years of continuous study, I managed to reach refinement master attainment and I am going to make full use of it now.

Two days passed and I have given away most of my wealth in exchange for Gu worms and a couple of sets of refinement materials. I only need around 3 sets of materials, so the rest of the Gu worms were converted into Gu points, boosting me up to 32K Gu points! That is 320 years worth of lifespan! Now, let's make that Gu worm!

Star formation with all connections ready to squish the fuels, 9 points to make 7, arranged in mutual balance, light of stars and the moon to burn in the connection between the food and the light, intense fire to ignite the subsidiary flames.

This is the Gu recipe for the small 7 pointed star within my hand now. My first attempt failed because I overestimated how many petals I would have to put in to make the voice changer (high) Gu explode and ended up burning it rather than blowing it up.

The second try went flawlessly and the Gu worm exploded, attracting the 5 little light Gu worms towards it and creating a small sphere of light. I filled it with my primeval essence and added 3 primeval stones before it succeeded and condensed into a small, 7 pointed, yellow starfish.

"I shall name you, little glow Gu!" I nemed this little glow because of its specialty. It can boost tye range of light path, rank 2 Gu worms by about 25%. EXTREMELY useless if you ask me, but once paired with a Moonglow Gu, then you will see the true effects.

This boosts the range of a Moonglow Gu by 100% and directly halves its primeval essence expenditure and, get this, for no extra primeval essence cost! The Moonglow Gu and little glow Gu can achieve peak rank 2 power without any extra expenditure!

This is extremely powerful and my killer move takes full advantage of it. The supplementary items in the killer moves are an amplify effect Gu and a sound path Gu worm called vibration emitter. It is a rank 2 Gu worm. The cores are Moonglow and vibration emitter Gu worms, while the supplementary are little glow and amplify effect.

using this killer move costs 50% light red primeval essence, but I can fire up to 5 boosted Moonglow blades at once. It isn't limited to 5. If I use it more I can fire 10, 15, 20, etc. This is a crowd control move and a desperation move if I ever run out of primeval essence when I reach rank 4 or 5. I shall name it is slash of light!

The feeding cost of Moonglow and little glow is moon orchard petals, but that won't matter. The total cost for buying them is less than 100 Gu points, so I can freely exchange for them if I feel desperate in the future.

My preparations have been complete. My Liquor worm has advanced to 4 flavours liquor worms and I have 100% talent, so my aperture has 100% scarlet red primeval essence. My current cultivation is about the same as my previous one, 55% crimson red primeval essence. Next objective, time to strengthen my brother!

Primeval essence is my main weapon along with Gu worms, but Chun Jack physically can't cultivate and his only weapon is Guts, but Guts is only a normal iron sword. It might be huge and able to cut beasts, but it is extremely fragile and a single rank 2 rusted iron Gu can easily destroy it, so I need to make sure Guts doesn't have such an easily exploitable weakness and my brother can use it even against rank 5 experts.

The perfect form of Guts is a complicated killer move made out of over 4 rank 4 Gu worms and a lot of supportive items. I have prepared most of the items needed, which cost me 25k Gu points and I had to spend the remaining 7k on buying a special muscle Gu.

Now, It is time to give my brother the strength to fight rank 4 Gu masters! "So, how has your muscle enhancement progressed?"

My brother has been in his bed for the past 2 days, while the rank 4 rubber muscles Gu worm has been enhancing his body. His beast phantom is a powerful thunder element one, so he needs a lot of thunder resistance to protect his organs from being injured. Rubber muscles seemed like the best option for him, so we unanimously chose that as his muscles.

"I think my body has mostly settled down. That hurt like a bitch though! Couldn't you have used another zombie nerves Gu to help a brother out?"

"Pssssh! You can take it and those things cost like 50 Gu points! I am basically broke now after buying all the necessary things for Guts. You ready to complete the god slayer?"

Chun Jack nodded his head at me and stood up. His huge muscles seemed to have toned down and he now looks like a normal, 1.9 meter tall young man with a well-built body. He doesn't even look that muscular anymore, but that will be fixed as soon as we delete those two rank 1 bore phantoms and he absorbs the stronger, rank 3 boar phantom.

"The first step is to breath life into Guts and make sure he learns the appropriate lessons. Using the higher rank living weapon Gu on Guts will give it a mind and a soul of its own, essentially giving it the sentience of a variant human, but this is not a human and never will be. Gits is a sword and teaching it human emotions like empathy, kindness and sadness will only dull it. The first lessons we need to instill is ruthlessness, courage and loyalty."

My brother looked slightly confused but nodded his head, as he knew I was going to continue explaining "How do we teach it all of those things? Well, we can do it gradually, but there is a better way. This second Gu worm is another rank 4 Gu called first impressions Gu.

Guts will be a newborn, which already makes him curious. That coupled with first impressions Gu will make the first 24 hours of its life the most important moments for its growth. I already have a plan. Next we will use rank 4 supreme talent for a day Gu. This Gu worm increases the ability to comprehend the great day of a Gu master for 24 hours. That along with the previous conditions will make Guts achieve, at the least, master level attainment in 1 path and this is the final Gu worm, rank 4 disintegration Gu.

Disintegration Gu carries the law of destruction in it and is a one time consumable Gu. Its ability is most prominent in the form of destroying beast phantoms without any side effects, but if Guts comprehends the Dao of destruction, then we won't have to worry about a single Gu worm in the future."

My brother's doesn't have much attainment in Gu paths, but he prominently remembers destruction path. It is a special path, which is publicly know as the strongest path, but it is the hardest to cultivate. Destruction path destroys everything and consumes 10 times the primeval essence a normal Gu worm does and there are only 200 in existence.

They also can't be refined, as they destroy any other Gu worm they come in contact with. Guys comprehending even master level in this path will allow Chun Jack to walk in all 5 regions unimpeded. If Guts fails to comprehend it, then it isn't the end of the world, but my brother's fatal weakness will still remain and be easily exploited by anyone!

The way for Guts to comprehend destruction path is, obviously, destroying Gu worms. Not cutting the bugs apart, but destroying the very Dao marks they embody.

"I will start now. Guts will come to life and we will go on a massive hunt! Our goal is to kill 1 thousand living creatures and at least a single thousand beast king. The more, the better, but we need at least 1 and I can't help out at all. If I help you out, Guts will learn reliance and will not be able to fully depend on himself or you. We shall first raid a wolf den, kill 1 thousand wolves, then use Disintegration Gu and destroy the hundred little light and finally hunt down a thousand beast kings!"

Chun Jack smiled and picked up Guts "Let the chaos begin!" I picked up living weapon Gu and placed it near Guts. This is a consumable Gu and needs to be cut by the sword to activate. With a small motion, my brother cut the Gu worm and Guts suddenly twitched.

Without stopping, I quickly used up my primeval essence to barely activate both the supreme talent for a day Gu and first impressions Gu. Both quickly turned into Dao marks and flowed into Guts and all 3 combined to make some kind of extremely simple, but effective killer move I like to call, True insight.

All 4 of the rank 4 Gu worms are extremely rare Gu worms with one being from the immemorial antiquity era. Living weapon Gu has been extinct for over two million years! The other three still exist in this day and age, but I don't think anyone knows their recipes and can only be found after they are created naturally. Artificial means are much less likely, especially for disintgration Gu, but all 3 are unlikely to be refined by current Gu masters.

They are powerful Gu, which bring about great potential. Still, these Gu worms will achieve nothing if we don't use them correctly and that is why we are here! Behold, a thousand wolf den!

This is a wolf den near our house, which is owned by a thousand beast king, which I will be taking care of whole my brother cuts down the rest of them.

Guts might be powerful, but it is not that much different from before without the destruction attainment. Quasi-master can cut through up to rank 3, master can cut through rank 4, quasi -grandmaster can cut through rank 5 Gu worms and grandmaster attainment can cut through even rank 6 Gu worms!

These all are my theories, which can't be proven unless directly examined, bit I believe them to be pretty solid. Without destruction attainment, we can only impart sword path onto Guts, which isn't bad, but isn't as peerless as destruction path.

Paths can be countered by Gu worms from other paths or the same path, but who on this god forsaken world has the recipe or attainment to found destruction path or the primeval essence to use it? I don't think even those legendary Gu immortals can fully use destruction path Gu worms!

The thousand wolf king I am fighting isn't that strong in my opinion. It is a recently advanced wolf and the Dao marks on its body are still of a rank 2 and the Gu worms on its body have already been devoured by me, so it can't even defend itself.

Baby Alchemist can refine any Gu worm up to a meter away from my aperture, even if it belongs to someone else. As long as the Gu worm isn't in an aperture and within reach, it is mine to refine!

The thousand wolf king died really fast and I just made sure Chun Jack didn't die in the middle of his slaughter, which laster for over 3 hours. What kind of stamina does that guy have?

The total amount of wolves he cut down is 879. How can I tell? Guts is a living weapon and absorbs the iron from the blood of the creatures it has killed. These wolves have around 5 gram of iron within their blood and guts is now 254.3kg instead of the previous 250.

We are gonna hunt down some more wolves and thousand beast kings, so I will not bore you with the details... But he will! BAM! POV swap! Chun Jack, you're up for host!

Kai Nem isn't going to cultivate light path. It is only a killer move.

I combined 4 chapters into 2 because why not? They are long and less annoying.

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