

"Now, what is my name?" Benedict gave the three-year-old a stern look as she bounced on his knee giddily.

"Benedict!" She shouted, giggling. Benedict gasped dramatically and shook his head.

"Wrong, try again." He scolded, tickling her sides as the girl squealed in laughter.

"Your name is Benedict!" She giggled, squirming as she tried to get out of his grip

"My name is 'Daddy' to you, you little rascal." Benedict growled, attacking her with more tickles as she squealed. She managed to get out of his grasp, running as fast as her little legs would take her. She nearly tumbled into the Christmas tree before latching on to Madeleine's legs.

"Mommy, Mommy! The tickle monster is going to get me!" She shrieked, hiding behind Madeleine's legs. Madeleine laughed, holding six-month old Aurora in her arms.

"Oh honey, you want to know a secret?" She smirked, crouching down to meet the girl's eyes. Isabella nodded quickly, eyes wide with curiosity.

She was the spitting image of Madeleine, all the way down to the incessant need to know the answer to everything. Madeleine cupped her free hand around her mouth, leaning close to the girl.

"Your daddy is quite ticklish, too." She whispered in her ear, a sly smile on her face. Isabella gasped in delight and turned to Benedict with an evil grin on her face.

" What did she tell you?" Benedict's eyebrows narrowed as the girl ran over to him and jumped on his lap, attacking him with tickles this time. Benedict laughed loudly, feebly attempting to grab her little hands.

"You are absolutely evil, do you know that?" He shouted at Madeleine through his laughs, trying helplessly to get the little girl off of him. Madeleine laughed and shrugged her shoulders innocently.

"Eddie, come quick! I got Daddy!" Isabella shouted, laughing hysterically as she tickled him. Little Edmund, two years of age, came running from near the Christmas tree to join his sister, jumping on Benedict.

"Oh no, not two of you! I could not possibly take you both down!" Benedict groaned dramatically as the two laughed, climbing all over him.

"All right you two little monsters, let Daddy breathe." Madeleine scolded, a smile on her face.

"Come on, do you want to hear a story, hm?" She placed Aurora in the bassinet and sat on the sofa next to Benedict, a Christmas tale in her hands.

The children gasped and settled down immediately, Eddie crawling into his mother's lap while Izzy snuggled up to Benedict. He kissed her head, wrapping his arms around the girl.

By the time Madeleine finished the story, little Aurora was sound asleep, but the other two were still full of energy.

"Another, Mommy! We want another!" Eddie clutched her shawl, giving her big puppy eyes.

"How do you ask nicely, little man?" Benedict nudged him and the boy groaned.

"Please can you read another story?" He gave her his best puppy dog eyes and Madeleine laughed, nodding.

"All right, one more story. But then it is bedtime, Santa Claus will not come if you two are awake." She warned them, eyes wide for dramatic effort. They both nodded immediately in agreement.

Once she finished the second story, Isabella was cuddled up in Benedict's arms, barely able to keep her eyes open as her head laid on his shoulder.

"Seems like the two of you are finally ready for bed, hm?" Madeleine smiled, gently stroking Edmund's hair as he nuzzled his head in the crook of her neck.

The toddler mumbled something about not wanting to go to bed but his sleepiness seemed to be getting the better of him. Benedict laughed and stood up with Isabella in his left arm, holding out his right arm to take Eddie. Madeleine handed the boy to him and stood, picking up Aurora and following him upstairs.

"These two are getting rather heavy." Benedict chuckled, going to Edmund's room first and setting him down in bed. He tucked him in as best he could with Isabella in his other arm. Madeleine smiled and kissed the boy's forehead, turning off the light and leaving the room.

"Daddy, is Santa going to come now?" Isabella mumbled sleepily, wrapping her arms around his neck. Benedict laughed softly, laying her down in her bed.

"Yes, my dear. But only if you go to sleep like a good little girl." He winked at her and tucked her in, kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight, Daddy. Goodnight, Mommy." She called out, falling asleep almost immediately. Madeleine giggled softly.

"Goodnight, sweet Bella." She turned off her light as well, heading to the nursery and laying Aurora down in her crib. Benedict grinned as she closed the nursery door, kissing Madeleine's forehead.

"We have our hands rather full, don't we?" He laughed, heading back downstairs with her to set up the presents for morning. Madeleine giggled and nodded.

"Indeed, we do. But I would not have it any other way." She smiled up at him and he nodded in agreement, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her sweetly. She smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you." He whispered, resting his forehead against hers.

"I love you too." She smiled up at him, feeling happier than she had ever felt in her entire life.