
Innocent Villain

"An innocent villain? That's highly... Contradictory." ...

Lu_Grace · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Truth

"I miss you."

She heard him whisper.

Her heart jumped unexpectedly. An unfamiliar feeling flattering her already hectic heart.

Before she could ask what he meant, the burning pain she'd felt intensified and she abruptly pulled away from him.

For a moment, she'd felt like her skin had actually caught fire!

But as soon as she was away from him, it was as if it had never happened...

Darien looked at her regrettably, a silent apology written on his expression, as if he was the cause of her unspoken pain.

She heard a deep sigh, after which he promptly walked out.

Rena remained seated on the bed, more angry than she was confused.

How could she forget that she despised this man?

He'd just proven to her that she was right to hate him... Right?

Her opinions and emotions were conflicted in a way she'd never imagined.

She clenched the bedsheets under her, boiling with anger. "How could he just—"

She cut herself short as someone literally appeared in the room... She convinced herself that she was just seeing things, and turned to the man.

"And what do YOU want?" She hissed sharply.

"I just wanted to answer your questions Red... At least some of them." He told her, then began to walk out.

"But if you don't want me to, then I'll just leave."

"Wait!" Rena resigned.


Xander turned and raised his brows, as if expecting something else.

"Please." She pleaded.

Her need for answers being greater than her pride at the moment.

"That wasn't so hard now, was it?" He sat comfortably next to her, as if they were best friends about to catch up on their lives.

Rena said nothing for a while, wondering where to start. Eventually, she cleared her throat and asked,

"What... Who are you exactly?"

Xander gave her a look she'd never seen from him before. He seemed to be considering his next words.

"I am..." He paused to look her in the eye.

"A demon."

Goosebumps covered her skin at his words. She stared at him, waiting for him to laugh in her face, or tell her it was a joke, but his expression never changed.

The atmosphere inside the room was considerably tense, and so was Rena.

Soon enough, however, logic won and she looked at him.

"Are you now?" She rolled her eyes, deciding to let it go. She had more important things to know after all.

"Why did you force me to marry Darien?"

At that, his playful nature returned almost instantly.

"Let's just say you, uh... Need him."

Rena's expression darkened. She wondered if she'd done the right thing asking him to stay. His answers made absolutely no sense.

"Need him for what?" She inquired, deciding to go along with whatever he was saying.

"To control you."

At his answer, she almost lost her patience with him.

She clenched her teeth in unhidden rage.

"Who are you to Darien." She forced herself to continue.

"His... Confidant."

"You mean friend?" She raised a brow.

"Irrelevant." He dismissed her.

Sighing she used her last ounce of patience to ask another question.

"Do you know what really happened to Leo?"

Xander could see the restrained emotions in his eyes. He was therefore reluctant to answer.

"He drowned. You know that."

"No... I KNOW that's not true Xander." A single tear fell from her eye.

"He was... He..." She bit her lip, attempting to hold back her emotions.

"He was murdered."

More tears fell, fast and unrestrained.

Unexpectedly, Xander held pulled her into a hug, letting her sob as much as she wanted to.

His embrace would seem awkward and unnatural to another, but it was enough for Rena at that moment.

"She killed him... I know she did."

She whispered weakly.

"Listen to me carefully Irene." Xander's held her shoulders, forcing her to look up at him.

"Sometimes the truth isn't what we want to hear, neither may it be logical." A grave look had replaced his usual casual smile.

"But if you really want the truth, then you MUST be ready to accept it, no matter what." He stressed the last three words.

Xander stood, ready to leave, but Rena held him back.

"Thank you." She said, shocking both him and herself.

She wasn't quite sure WHY she thanked him, but she felt it was necessary.

He gave her a warm look that disappeared a second later.

"Irene?" A pleasantly familiar voice called from the door.

"May I come in?" Angel asked, smiling at the two.

"I was just heading out," Xander said as he headed out.

He stopped at the door, where Angel held his arm and beamed, a silent gesture of gratitude.

"Nice lad isn't he?" Angel walked over, her elegant and affectionate aura never-changing.

"Yes," Rena replied, though still a bit unsure of Xander's personality.

"Though a bit too mischievous sometimes," Angel admitted as she sat next to her.

"Sometimes?" Rena raised a brow.

Angel chuckled pleasantly, and Rena found herself smiling for the first time that day.

"How are you feeling dear?" Asked Angel.

"Honestly, I'm hurt, angry, confused..."

"Is there something you want, or maybe need?" Angel gave a meaningful gaze. 

"I just need... The truth."

"Are you ready to know the truth dear?" Angel implored.

"You don't just want some sort of explanation for everything that's occurred. Just so you can try to make sense of everything, and put your mind at ease?"

Rena avoided her gaze, knowing she'd read her like an open book.

Angel smiled understandingly.

"You have to realize that the truth doesn't always make sense, dear."

Rena looked back at her and nodded.

"Yes... Xander said that as well."

"Is one ever really ready though?" Rena asked.

Angel gazed at her for a minute, then spoke.

"Alright, how about this; I help you learn bits and pieces of the truth. Then you can put the pieces together on your own." Angel offered.

"You can also ask for help if you need clarification."

Rena seemed to think it over for a minute, then smiled uncertainly.

"Alright, fair enough."

"Take my hands dear."

Angel held out both her hands to Rena.

Rena did it without question, her eyes hopeful and expectant.

"Now close your eyes," Angel said, her voice low and calm, as if she were luring Rena to sleep.
