
Innocent Villain

"An innocent villain? That's highly... Contradictory." ...

Lu_Grace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"Or... I could be wrong."

Grace broke the silence after some time.

The tension that had risen was too much for her to bear the guilt of having incited.

"Good evening everyone." Xander's calm and buoyant voice rang out.

Angel appeared after him, and all the tension in the room instantly dissipated.

Angel and Xander introduced themselves to Ethan and Grace, then Angel turned to address everyone.

"The food is almost ready, and I would like us all to have lunch together if you all don't mind."

Everyone agreed and headed to the dining room, Rena and Darien being last to leave the living room area.

As Darien was about to walk past her, Rena reached out her hand to stop him. Darien briskly turned to look at her back before she could touch him.

Rena stared at him defiantly.

"We need to talk."

"Let's not keep the others waiting." He said and walked away without waiting for her reaction.

After lunch, Rena decided to leave the house.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Rena turned to find Darien, his hands folded and brows raised.

"I have a job, in case you forgot." She answered, fighting the emotions that started to resurface.

"Really? I wouldn't have noticed." He smiled teasingly. 

Rena was certain that Velma was capable of handling everything in her absence, so she didn't worry much about her business. But being cooped up in the house was driving her mad.

She also needed to check up on her friends. She hoped they didn't hold it against her to have suddenly disappeared on them.

"I'll drive you." He offered but she directly declined.

"You don't have to."

"I insist."

And insist he did.

"Darien?" Rena called, not looking at him directly.

"What happened that night?"

She was surprised when he pulled over by the side of the road.

"What do you think happened?" He asked.

"I'm... Not sure." She admitted.

"I only recall seeing my mother, then it was as if I blacked out. When I opened my eyes I saw you, then Sandra by the lake, screaming. Then I saw... Leo." She took a deep breath.

"And I guess I blacked out again"

Neither of them said anything for some minutes.

"Did you bring me back to the house after that?" She asked.

He nodded, then started the car, getting back on the road.

Rena could feel her exasperation rising consequential to his attitude toward her lately. She however concluded that it wasn't the best time to confront him.

"Will you be long?" Darien asked when they pulled up to the building.

"Maybe. Depends on how things are going." She shrugged after getting out and shutting the door.

"I'll wait for you here then."

Rena frowned.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"No." He answered almost instantly.

Rena turned and walked inside, hoping she wouldn't need to be there for long.

As much as she loved her job, it wasn't quite the environment she needed at the moment.

Rena sat in her office with her assistant, discussing the latest events.

"The client was being a bit difficult, but I handled it. You have nothing to worry about." Velma assured.

"Thank you for everything Velma."

"I know you have a lot on your plate right now..." Velma began, dropping the professional tone.

"I'm truly sorry about Leo."

Rena recalled that Velma had been the one to lead in the preparation of the get-together that unfateful night.

Rena gave a sad smile, not quite knowing what to say.

"You're the owner here, aren't you?!" An unfamiliar middle-aged man barged in.

He looked at Rena with undisguised malice.

Velma immediately stood before him, adjusting her glasses.

"Mr. Adams, if you have any more concerns—"

"Shut it! I wasn't speaking to you! You've 'helped' quite enough!" Mr. Adams snared at her, returning his gaze to Rena.

Rena gave an indifferent look, stood, and came face to face with the man.

"I am the owner, Sir. How may I help you?" Rena calmly asked.

"Help me?! I want my money back!" The man raised his voice.

"Sir if you would please—"

Velma tried to calm him down but failed miserably.

"I SAID SHUT IT!" He pointed his finger accusingly at her.

At that moment, Mr. Adams failed to notice the severe change in Rena's aura and the look in her eyes.

Velma however, noticed it instantly and slowly took a few steps back.

"Ah!" Mr. Adams screeched.

His finger which had once been straight, was now in Rena's hand, being bent in ways it wasn't supposed to.

Soon enough, the sound of a cracking bone was heard.

The door flung open and Rena instantly let go of Mr. Adams.

Her body began to fall, but Darien caught her. He covered her with his jacket, carried her out of the building, and into the car.

He took out his phone and made a call, before driving away.

Back at the mansion...

Angel was walking around the house when she came across Xander and Spike in the garden.

"Xander dear, you shouldn't have him out in the open like this! Have you forgotten we have guests?!" Angel scolded, glancing wearily at the ten meters snake slithering around a small away.

The animal turned and gazed at her, as if offended by her words.

"He just needed some fresh air. I'll take him back in a minute." He shrugged.

"Alright, please do." She gave a stern look.

"By the way, have you seen Irene?" She asked him.

He seemed to think for a minute.

"Yeah... she and her husband went to DIE."

Angel's eyes widened in genuine terror. 

"Calm down Angel, it's just the name of her business." Xander chuckled heartily.

"Xander! Don't say things like that!" Angel held her chest in relief.

"How is it my fault she decided to name her business that?"

Xander laughed pleasantly, but wrapped his arm around Angel reassuringly.

"Don't worry. They'll be back soo—"

He was interrupted by his ringing phone.


{I need you to take care of something for me.}

Darien said from the other end of the phone.
