
Innocent Overlord In Highschool DxD [DroCompleted]

A Child who was killed Countless millions of Time Before he could even be 2 year's old. Because he was in a mortal world The Reincarnation Guardian always Reset his memory but Thing's are about to get serious when A Celestial Being See's this ......

tiko_tiko · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Sona Sitri,Time Limit

A/N: Should i use Hextorias or Ceresc as MC's name? or should continue with Hex?


Hex was sleeping in his room.Then Albedo came in the room to wake him up but seeing him sleeping she just stood their and mumbled " oh my Hex Sama,how cute you're, you're the best,i love you i love youu i love youuuuu aren't i enough for you my love?"

Hex who was sleeping hearing some one mumbling he opened his eyed seeing it was Albedo he just rubbed his eyes and asked " Albedo what happened?"

Albedo who was mumbling second ago had a refreshed look after hearing his voice then turning around almost like dancing she said " Good morning Hex Sama "

Hex seeing her like this smiled and said " Yes good morning"

Albedo said happily " Erza and Jisoo prepared breakfast with mother so they are calling you "

Hex said " ah i see ,You go I'll be there "

Albedo nodded and retreated from the room.

Hex got up from bed and brushed his teeth,took a bath then picked a white T-shirt and Black shorts to wear with a black sneakers and white socks.His half calf and knee was showing which was creamy white and rosy.His hair was as tall as him and was untied and he never tied his hair but today he decided to tie his hair into a ponytail,with a Halo black crown on his head and eyes that looks like it has hidden sun moon or the whole galaxy,He came Infront of A mirror and thought ' hmm i look good on anything but today i might kill someone pfft just joking '

Then He happily went to his back garden which was today's venue to eat breakfast.

In the back garden there was a huge umbrella and in the umbrella there was a table and Albedo was sitting on one of the chair's and Quera,Erza and jisoo was preparing many dishes.

In that moment Hex appeared, seeing Hex who never tied his hair today in ponytail.Albedo seeing hex stunned,from her nose blood came out,Jisoo dropped a plate full of Cheese cake and Erza unable to control her desire just kneeled like a knight on one knee, Quera seeing Hex just swayed once but then regain her calm and said" did you know Sitri heiress is coming today so you deliberately tied your hair today?"

Hex hearing this tilted his head as if didn't understand what does what mean and asked " what Sitri Clan and what heiress?"

Quera smiled and said " Today Sitri Clan wanted to come after knowing you're the heir,as Serafall already knew it but didn't tell to anyone in Sitri Clan, Sitri Clan is a Prince Level Clan Royalty like you But not comparable to you"

Hex hearing this said " Alright let's sit down and wait"

Quera nodded her head and told everyone to sit down she would serve after Sitri Clan arrived.

After sitting down they waited for 10 minutes then A magical circle appeared and from that came out Serafall Leviathan.

Serafall after seeing Hex with ponytail was in a little daze but she got out of it and said " I see you a are waiting let me present you the cutest,the beautiful one and only Sonaaaaaa Taaaan"

after she said all this from the magic circle 2 person appeared both of them were around Hex's age and both of them were Slim one had black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes Other one had long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes.

Serafall said " Sona tan i told you to not bring you Queen"

Sona said " Onee Sama don't worry about it and don't call me like that"

after they finished talking they saw Hex after seeing him Sona's face blushed red and her queen was panting for air and kneeled down while panting.

Serafall said to Albedo " Albedo chan please take her queen away to rest "

Albedo nodded her head and took Sona's Queen away.

Serafall said to Sona " Sona tan you're getting naughty i told you that he's not something you can just bear "

Sona who had bright red face calm down and said to Hex " I am sorry your Highness I didn't mean to"

Hex just nodded his head and said " it's alright Sitri heiress come sit down i am hungry without you mama won't serve breakfast"

Sona nodded and sat down in the chair And Serafall also sat down.

Serafall said to Hex " Ceres chan she's my sister same age as you and Rias , She's a genius isn't she? ten year's old and already a Low Tier High Class Devil although not comparable to you but In young generation Rias , Sairaorg, Seekvaira are all ten but High tier middle class Devil but Sona Tan yesterday got in to high class Devil that's why we decided to pay you a visit as middle class Sona couldn't"

Hex nodded his head and said to Sona" Thank you for coming actually 3 day's ago something happened Seekvaira ahem let's forget it, It's really nice to meet you Sona ,I hope we become very good friends" and got out his hand to shake with her .

Sona As a young genius was like Seekvaira proud but as she was a High Class Devil she could bear with that Devilish smile and shook his hand said " yes we're the next generation ruler's of the underworld so i hope we can be friends "

Serafall said " Sona tan You've a fiance don't fall in love as he also have 2 fiance already"

Sona blushed but Hex and Sona both asked at the same time " two?"

Sona hearing Hex she understood that Hex didn't knew it.

Serafall let out her tongue and said " ara you didn't know Ceres chan? after assaulting you that girl Seekvaira was betrothed to you"

Hex was in dazed and confused why would that girl be betrothed to me?

then they talked about this and that Sona also challenged Hex to a Chess match but he lost.

after Serafall with her sister left Zekram came into the yard.

Zekram After sitting with Hex said " Hex your grandpa and Clan is protecting you from many dangerous and given you many benefits do you agree?"

Hex nodded his head and said " yes grandpa i know and this is also my Clan and i wouldn't be here without you or Clan"

Zekram nodded his head in satisfaction and said " we didn't raise you for nothing but i am sorry i decided your marriage and 2 day's ago it was decided that Seekvaira that girl which assaulted you in the funeral should also be your wife ,i am sorry I didn't ask you for you opinion" and be bowed a little.

Hex got up from his sit hugged his grandpa and said " My Clan has given me everything from reputation to protection from my childhood,so you don't have to ask me about it and both of them are good girl's right?"

Zekram Bael nodded his head and said " very good girl other devil girl's at this age who are nobility you don't even know what they do ,they have like 15 peerage members all male ahem.... let's just say they are bad but your both fiance are good looking and morally uptight "

Hex nodded his head and said " then thank you for finding me such good wife's"

Zekram smiled and said " You're welcome,now on to the main topic ,You have to seriously train In the next 6 year's to get strongest after six year's you'll be the Lord Bael and I'll train your Queen in territory management and politics."

Erza came out Infront and said " Leave the training of my king in my hand I've already disappointed him it's time for me to redeem my self"

Zekram nodded and said " that's decided then Hex you train and be strong,your Queen will be taking classes with me to aid you and Your bishop will also train with Quera to be good maid"

Jisoo nodded her and said "Yes sir"

Zekram continued" After 6 year's Bael clan will show you to the world by throwing a Grand party , I'll be taking over this Clan for 6 year's but that's all My heir 6 year's later you'll be new Bael lord "

Hex nodded his head and said " Yes grandpa but i want to ask something"

Zekram said " ask away my child"

Hex then said " what happened to Sairaorg and his mother?"

Zekram said sadly" Sairaorg is a good child but as i was not here when he borned his father was the lord of the clan he Banished them to country side but after he got injured i took responsibility and made him Bael Heir for the world and given him all the privilege's but Misla After some time she fell into Coma for unknown reason but It's one kind of Devil's disease or curse of the immortal devil's. we also provided her with many medical supplies but she's still in coma , Sairaorg didn't have any grudges against our clan he's a really good boy"

Hex nodded his head and said " I'll visit them sometime later to see them"

Zekram bael said " yes as the next Bael lord you should visit them and visit many more places but now focus on your self at least one year then you can move around a little "

Hex nodded his head.

should i drop this?

tiko_tikocreators' thoughts