
Innocent Overlord In Highschool DxD [DroCompleted]

A Child who was killed Countless millions of Time Before he could even be 2 year's old. Because he was in a mortal world The Reincarnation Guardian always Reset his memory but Thing's are about to get serious when A Celestial Being See's this ......

tiko_tiko · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Revenge? Crown Prince?

After both of them came out to Dining Hall,Hex sat on the main chair and on his right sat Seekvaira,on his left sat Albedo, Seekvaira's mother sat with her daughter's right and Quera was serving everyone with Mito.

Seekvaira's mother suddenly opened her mouth while eating and asked " Hex i thought you'll be very angry and will go to take revenge,was she not important to you?"

Hex said sadly " she was very important to me,as a peerage member she was with me for 2 year's and she was always the most polite member in my peerage but i am not stupid to just go die,in the name of revenge,nor i am stupid enough To yell with my full power to let underworld to know i am angry,i am angry very angry but anger has to go in right place, I'll train hard and those old Satan faction? I'll destroy them my self but i am not ready yet if i go now I'll just be a mess as I've never fought in a life and death battle and that Sacred Gear user which made sneak attack on grandpa, I've a hunch he's not alone and even if he's alone he's dangerous, i will make them pay but i am not a anime Hero you see i am A Prince,i have to think before do something as I've many people more to protect than losing my life for nothing at the end"

Seekvaira's mother nodded her head and said " very good that's how a crown prince should be , Seekvaira see he's not that impulsive you have to learn from your 'Honey' ufufufu"

Seekvaira blushed and said " I know"

Seekvaira's mother asked " then what do you plan to do?"

Hex shook his head and said " as all the elders has confer me title of Crown Prince I'll be the Overlord of the underworld and be a guardian of the underworld as nobody could just do anything towards Devil's under my protection that's the lesson I've learned from jisoo's death "

Seekvaira's mother was shocked too see a 12 year's boy who she teased because her daughter was his fiance but this boy had such determined eyes.This eye's are dangerous and enchanting.

Seekvaira seeing Hex like this her eye's shone and she said " I'll be the empress or Queen of my Overlord "

Hex nodded his head and smiled and said " I'd expect nothing less from you Seekvaira"

Seekvaira then said " You will take care of me right?"

Hex nodded his head and said " of course in sadness and happiness I'll be always there "

seeing two of them in their own world Seekvaira's mother thought ' Ah they are so cute together! mommy is so happy for you Vaira '

Albedo said " ahem my King let's go train" interjected the two.

Hex came out from the dreamy world and blushed a little and nodded his head and said seriously" we have to train harder and Seekvaira you train harder , don't go out of underworld,if you want to go then take me with you"

Seekvaira's mother smiled and said " Seekvaira is learning about nobility and many things here so she didn't need to go anywhere ,human world can't teach her that much "

Hex nodded and said " Alright i promise you, I'll destroy those factions so you can go anywhere Seekvaira without any worries "

Seekvaira said " i know Hex ,i love .." blushed

Silvia said " ara ara two love birds, It's time to go home Seekvaira"

blushing Seekvaira went up to Hex and kissed his cheek and said " let's become stronger"

Hex with red face said " yes "

After Agares mother and daughter left.

Hex said to the peerage members" All right let's start the prelude to become OVERLORD"

All peerage members said " Yes my king"

Hex then asked the peerage members," are you disappointed in me ? as I've not reacted in jisoo's death as i should've? as i didn't create chaos with my power like a maniac?"

Albedo blushed and said " Now that you put it that way it seems immature but yes we are a little disappointed in you for not reacting hard enough,you just cried and slept like a baby"

Hex said smilingly" my negative emotions tend to erase it self as Sirzechs said my soul is a little special that rejects most negative thing's but i was angry very angry at that time , wanted to destroy every thing,then Quera mama said to me ' If you go and die I'll die here too and all your peerage members will be used as weapons for killing or mass destruction ' so just cried. I am a prince you know if i act like that I'll be nothing but a commoner who just got his power and depends on luck to get help, I'll kill that person no worries but it have to be in my pace not his "

All peerage members understood that Hex is a nobility through and through. He just won't act like any spoiled brat and take revenge impulsively but calmly.

Hex then said " suppose Albedo was in a pinch and i can go there and either save her or die 50/50 ,what do you suggest me to do Erza? Kushina? Mito? nami?"

Kushina said " i don't want you to go"

Mito said " Same answer "

Erza Said " Yes I don't want to see something happen to both of you "

Nami said " Yes although it will be heroic i don't want you to depend on luck"

Hex then said " I'll still go to save her even if the chances are 10/90 ,10% in my favour even then I'll go to save her because i can save her but what about jisoo? she's gone not even 0.1% chance given sniff sniff "Hex cried a little and said " you must think i am a cry baby"

Peerage members smiled and said " you are a cry baby "

Hex said " I didn't get any Chance and by acting on impulse i don't want to give him a chance"

Quera said " Hex my baby you've matured "

Hex said " no mother I've a long way to go to become A good Prince for my Clan who trusted me to become next heir take responsibility "

Quera smiled and said " You'll be a great lord Hex "

Hex just said " I'll try my best not to disappoint them who placed their hopes on me like you and my Peerage members "

After that they trained Hard and Hex practiced his Non material destruction power.

Inside Zekram Bael's Mansion

Zekram bael who had his hand fixed was sitting with Sirzechs and 3 Satan's.

Zekram Said " It's Old Satan faction but They have joined hands with some other faction otherwise it was impossible to injure me "

Sirzechs nodded his head and said " we know that much , there's a new terrorist group forming, I don't know their reasons but Old faction is with them all the evidence suggests that"

Ajuka said " if we didn't ended our conflict this thing won't be coming out this early "

Sirzechs nodded his head and said " How's Hex dealing with this? i thought he'll just blow up so i was ready "

Zekram rolled his eyes and said " he's not Sacred Gear user who was a mortal and now getting hand on power,he'll just do anything to impress a girl ,he was raised a noble and do you really think he's that idiot? "

Sirzechs said " although he's innocent but he's not idiot,I guess well get our answers soon"

Everyone nodded their head nobody asked which questions and which answers.