
Innocent Overlord In Highschool DxD [DroCompleted]

A Child who was killed Countless millions of Time Before he could even be 2 year's old. Because he was in a mortal world The Reincarnation Guardian always Reset his memory but Thing's are about to get serious when A Celestial Being See's this ......

tiko_tiko · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

End of the party and Confession, Punishment.

Hex while holding Grayfia's hand had an astonished expression.

Grayfia seeing this chuckled and said " this is why she didn't tell you i guess"

Hex with an embarrassment in his face said " it doesn't matter, she is my mama anyway, it's just i am a little surprised"

Grayfia smiled and said" don't tell her anything, I just told you because you'll be worried for her , now you can relax a little "

Hex nodded and said " Thank you nee sama "

Grayfia smiled didn't say anything , Hex returned her back .

Hex then took Serafall Leviathan's hand and said " Please dance with me Sera chan "

Serafall as if waiting for this moment leaped up in his embrace.

Hex slowly took her in the middle of the hall and danced slowly, she wanted to dance fast but Hex just gestured her to take it slow and and whispered ' don't be hasty '

Serafall nodded her danced away with him slowly in his rhythm.

Hex opened his mouth said " Sera chan ,Your Sona chan is gonna pursue me from now on " then chuckled.

Serafall had a shocking expression then she pretended to be sad and wiped her non existent tears form her eye and said " She's a big girl now , doesn't need elder sister anymore, oh well you're a good boy Hex tan "

Hex smiled and said " i wonder about that Sera chan"

Serafall as if understanding something, asked " have you done something bad recently?"

Hex raised his one brow and said " you can guess that? "

Serafall while dancing looked in Hex's eye said " Just a guess "

Hex smiled and said " ah! I did something very bad , I am gonna confess it after the party to Sona and others and ask for their forgiveness"

Serafall smilingly said " Devil did something bad and confessing it as well as asking for forgiveness , heh look's like you're in the wrong territory"

Hex laughed at her joke then slowly returned her.

Hex then got to Silvia Agares and said " Mother Agares may i have a dance with you?"

Silvia smiled and said " Of course my dear Hex Chan"

Hex taking her hand he danced slowly and very respectfully.

Silvia also maintained a slight smile seeing her son in law like that .

Hex with an embarrassing face said " You're making me embarrassed mother , don't smile like that"

Silvia pouted her mouth said " i am smiling because, you're so handsome my daughter sure is lucky"

Hex with a embarrassed face said " She's too good for me Mother, I'll try my best to make her happy"

Silvia said " Ah! she's already happy, in our mansion when ever she returns from human world, nowadays she's always cheerful so yeah i know she's happy and doing fine "

Hex smiled and said " That's good then mother"

" i want grand kids in a couple of years " said Silvia with smile.

Hex's face got red and said " Let us be married first "

Silvia as if knew it would be his answer said " I wanted Seeka Chan to practice a magical technique only a maiden can use "

Hex released her hand from his in shock and said " I am sorry "

Silvia smiled and said " it was a charm technique anyway " then she slowly returned with a victorious face .

Hex then with a little embarrassment went to Venelana and asked her hand to dance like a gentle man which to she agreed.

While dancing Venelana said " Do you think only Agares Heiress deserve your love ? love our Princess too , i want to see my Rias's children"

Hex blushed again and said " What are you mother's doing? don't tease me like that"

Venelana chuckled didn't say anything.

Hex returning her went to Quera and went down on his knee and said " Mama come dance with me "

Quera agreed and they went to dance together.

Quera smilingly said " I use to dance only with your mother Hex , those were good day's, I am really grateful to you for being with me "

Hex hugged her while still dancing with his leg whispered in her ear's " Mama I am grateful that you raised me, Don't talk like that, no matter what i do I'll always be your child so please be with me "

Quera in his hug felt overwhelming love from her child, said " I'll be sleeping from tomorrow onwards so be careful and when my grandchild is born i want to be there so remember to call me "

Hex said " You'll have a lots of grandchildren mama that you won't be able to sleep for long "

Quera smiled brightly and kissed his cheek said " Good luck "

Quera Returned on her own .

After dancing Hex watched other people who were dancing.

Lady Phenex danced with Her Husband but was looking at Hex time to time.

Hex outright ignored her, Seeing Hex near her Rias wanted to come closer but before she could do Cat eared Little Koneko got closer to him and Hex picked her up into his embrace and she fell asleep.

Rias came closer and said " sorry about that"

Hex smiled and replied " no, it's alright she's still a child she can sleep in my embrace"

Rias nodded and gently caresses Koneko's head with her left hand right hand held into Hex's arm.

They looked like couple with a cat from distance as Koneko was folding her legs together she looked tiny in Hex's embrace.

Rias while caressing Koneko's head gently said to Hex softly " This child suffered a lot so i took her in , as she's a nekomata she smelled you and took liking towards you, I guess"

Hex smiled and nodded said " no worries, she can sleep on my embrace whenever she wants "

As they were talking, dancing on the stage finally finished and Zekram Bael took stage once again.Thanked everyone present in the hall for coming a ended the party with a closing speech.

Hex with Koneko in his embrace took his two fiance, his and Rias's peerage members and Sona,Tsubaki home.

Quera silently disappeared from everyone's sight and went to Bael royal mansion innermost chambers.She already said good bye to Hex and his wife's and encouraged them to make baby's.

Hex after appearing in his mansion said to everyone " Everyone please be seated on the living hall I've something to say. I'll go lay down this little kitten in the bedroom "

After yesterday's incident Hex got powerful and his hair also grew same height as him when he was growing up from infant stage , His hair touched his toes but Rias, Seekvaira and others said not to cut it as it would show his ears and enchant more women.

Hex laying down Koneko in a bed smiled seeing her beautiful little posture of sleeping and thought ' she's very cute '

Then Hex returned to the living hall where everyone was sitting in the couch and talking.

Hex went to the middle of the living room standing tall spread his arm's 'ahem' and said " I Crown Prince of the underworld, Prince of all Devil's and Lord of the Bael Clan " then he bowed and kneeled with both of his knees.

Seeing him kneeling all of the ladies got up from the couch looked at him seriously and a little panic was all over their faces, as he has very high status even in the supernatural not just underworld.

Kneeling Hex smiled seeing their panicked look and said " I wanted to confess something, I've cheated on you guys, behind you back I've had sex with Lady Phenex in the middle of the party, i know i am guilty if sorry could do anything i would have said it but i know I've done something horrendous so you can punish me anyway you want " then he lowered his gaze while kneeling.

Seeing him like this all of the ladies were dumbfounded and angry.

Everyone looked at Rias as she was the first wife and their leader .

Rias had a very angry and troubled face.

Hex who was kneeling said " Yesterday i became a very powerful entity, no one can compare with me in the underworld but as i was a Devil all my sins also flared up , my soul which suppress all my sins as a Devil didn't start the purification yet , I didn't know that so acted on my carnal desire when i saw Lady Phenex in almost naked state , When i started to dance with you guys purification then started but it was too late "

Rias hearing ' almost naked ' asked " and why would Lady Phenex be almost naked Infront of you in the middle of the party "

Hex kneeling replied " while i was searching for the smartphone you gave me, Lady Phenex was in one of the rooms upstairs, She tagged along as we talked and searched the phone, when i found my phone inside a room she locked the room and got naked, well almost naked , She wore white inner garments, I told her it's wrong and how she's emanating lust , she just said she was testing me and to see i am good enough for her daughter, anger got me first and then lust "

Rias and the ladies had a astonished face and said " she was testing you like that? what the fuck?"

Rias then said " even then you deserve a punishment, look at me and your Queen or everyone present in the room how much we have waited, go wait outside we'll discuss your punishment."

Hex nodding got up from kneeling position and went outside then disappeared to a separate space.

Inside the living hall atmosphere was tensed.

Hinata very nervously asked " s...s... Sisters is Sin of Devil really a thing?"

Rias nodded and said " yes it is , Devil is a devil because of their sins and when Hex was borned his soul suppressed all his sins, this is the first time he acted based on his sins"

Mito said angrily " even then how dare he cheat on us ?"

Kushina with a similar expression said " I've waited for so long and now ...sob...sob" a little tears were forming in her eyes.

Erza said " Albedo say something"

Albedo who had shocked face said " I will accept him who doesn't want him can raise your hand "

Seeing nobody raising their hand Seekvaira said " we love him and he loves us back, He made a mistake kneeled and confessed, he's so powerful he can take or do whatever he wants but look at him, didn't you see the guilt in his eyes?"

Mito and Kushina nodded their head .

Rias said " Alright it's settled then , we'll forgive him but as for punishment"

Akaya who was quiet all this time expressionlessly said " Let's take his freedom when it comes to 'women' as punishment "

Rias's eye lit up she immediately hugged the expressionless beauty and said "Thank you little sister, We'll say that his punishment is ' you can't have anymore wife if we don't agree and you can never cheat on us ' well it's a little too much but let's take our chances if he agrees then jackpot if he doesn't then let's ask him not to cheat anymore"

Claudia smiled and said " won't it just hurt him? will he agree? isn't he a Devil ?"

Nami also smiled and said " I don't think we can chose any women for him though "

Sona who was quiet all this time pushing her glasses a little said " Although i am still not part of your sister organisation, i plan to be one of you so can i say something?"

Everyone nodded their head .

Sona said " A Devil can do many bad things, He did something bad yes but if he went to others like older generation to ask for forgiveness then they would just laugh it off, So Let's try what Rias's said but change the word's, let's say to him ' You can introduce first your potential lover to us if we approve then you can go ahead, As we have to live in the same house in the future if we're not comfortable with your lover it won't be a good thing ' something like that "

Rias smiled and said " you're as clever as ever " then she looked at the end of the hall where two black haired girl was fidgeting.

Rias said " you guy's can express your opinion too ,you know"

Tsubaki and Akeno said together " we don't dare "

Rias smiled and said " then don't come when we take a bite out of him "

Akeno who had a flustered face said " Rias are we worthy?"

Tsubaki nodded agreed with Akeno.

Everyone looked at them as if looking at a fool.

Mito angrily said " I am so angry now and two cry baby's are making me even more angry. why do you think he danced with you ? there were hundreds of ladies wanted to dance with him but he danced with you ,if you don't want him get out or present your ideas as a sister "

Tsubaki blushed and said " I...I...i think we should forgive him"

Akeno smiled and said " ara ara he is very sweet just forgive him with a little punishment " then she hugged Mito to calm her down.

Rias then discussed with everyone one last time then called somewhere to ask for opinion and asked Albedo to call Hex.

Albedo went out and returned then stood with the sisterhood , All the ladies stood their with arm crossed and a angry face. Hex slowly entered the hall.

Hex seeing even the gentle Hinata's arm crossed and Mito's gentle face fuming with anger he felt a little nervous.

Hex wanted to kneel again but Rias said no need, so he just stood there awkwardly.

Rias opened her mouth said " we sisters have discussed about your punishment "

Hex looked at her and smiled then said " Yes , anything you say I'll accept it "

Rias said " we want you to never be in contact with Phenex family and If you want to take in a lover you must discuss with us and another incident like this must never occur "

Hex said " But can you accept Rossweisse? as I've already promised her"

Rias looked at others and said" we've contacted with her and she's part of us sister's, and she'll agree with our punishment we've confirmed that "

Everyone present nodded.

Hex smiled brightly and said " I don't dare to add more and I promise i won't cheat anymore, if i do I'll die seve.... ah? " before he could finish his sentence Mito came running and bit him hard in his arm.

Rias while smiling said "now kneel we are gonna lecture you how to behave"

After 3 hours Hex left the room with wobbly feet .

Power Stone!!!!

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