
Innocent love- The journey

Once upon a time I have everything and now nothing. Rich, beautiful to miserable and lost. He's my everything now nothing. I lost everything in one night. He take my breath away with a single smirk but now no one here for me. My love My life My relationship But I found so many truth. We're liar. Playing with him or her. Dark Scary Truth want sacrifices and now I’m the one who sacrifices my love for them. He never know about my deal. I left him in darkness where he still fighting with his demons. His family playing with him and the one I love the most is on bet. Love Or Family I choose family and he choose me for paying what I had done. Revenge We met years later but holding a dark side. Both broken in love want each other to hold. I have a past that still haunted me In present. Losing everything I found my shine again. But he's the one I know in past. He changed and? played with me and I let him. Again fall for him one of my biggest mistake and I do that again. But what if that shine came in your life for destroy you? He hurt me but gave me a life that I never expected. Forever But now war the only one way I choose this time. This time I'm going to win him over them. Nothing going to stop me not even my past or My present He need to know about his past and our future but he's in danger in his safe life. I have no choice again but just one leave them alone. He's going to hates me when he find out my past. I tried to hide but my demon let him see me. The real rose with shores Then how I let him fall for me again where i can gave him just pain. He need to live alone without me. Without my Innocent love

Simran_Punjabi · Urban
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50 Chs

Chapter Forty One

"What are you doing here?" Jenna is standing holding a large gift box and I hate her dressing sense. Jesus, someone takes her to someone that teaches her how to wear a perfect dress. She came inside and more inside... wait she's coming to me? I get up and stand near the window.

"Happy birthday Baby." She kissed my right cheek.

"Thank you. You don't need.." I feel nothing. Maybe if Rose kissed me then the scene would be something else.

"Why not? I thought we would sit and celebrate your birthday alone." No... please...I want to go.

"I'm a little busy.." Avoiding her I acted to be busy at work.

"Liar... I will check your schedule so sit and let's talk." Then she kept going and going. One hour passed but her talk still went on. She's a pain in my ass.

"You're coming right. How stupid I'm? It's your birthday party." The attitude she's throwing on me like a boss I hate it.

"I told you.." Fuk the party again.

"Your mom arranged the party so." She always cuts my words and this is the most irritating thing she did.

"I need to do some extra work.."

"Sure why not?" Again? Did she cut me? Thank fuck!

"Then go." She pointed towards a large box. What now? Someone kill me please because her gifts were always stupid.

"Jenna!" She got up and wink.

"Don't be late." When she was gone I picked up my phone and called Rose. Why am I so clingy today? Her voice that I want to listen to now. Why? My plan was meeting with her today or spending the whole night on bed with her but fuck my luck.

'Ronald, are you okay?' That purity in her voice.

'You're coming?'

'What?' She's busy now.

'Mom throwing a party for me.'

'I can't Ronald. My job...'

'I want you there. Come.' Silence fell on both sides.

'I can't.' Why not? Is she mad at what I did to her last night? That was a mistake i know but now if she still acted like a mad cat then i'll be regretting.

'I'm not asking. It's an order.'

'Fine but it's not a promise.' That's it. But wait! That tantrum she's showing me I like it.

'Okay.' Then she cut the phone.

After the phone calls my eyes were on the clock and then the time came when I wore the most expensive suit with tie she gave me today.. It looks so perfect. Coming to the party, my eyes are on the door. When is she going to come? Everyone is here but she's not.

"You're looking so handsome, brother." Jessie handed me champagne. Everyone at the party. Dad, mom, Jessie, and Sebastian. Jessie came here because I told her and dad as usual want to see me.

"Well someone also looks gorgeous." Huh.. she pointed towards the door. Wait! No... she's Rose? She's wearing a black lace dress that fits her perfectly. Hair open, red lipstick, and golden blush at least she's the one tonight I want to watch, and seriously with this look, she's giving me that view.

"Close your mouth brother." What? Well, it's the first reaction I can give to her. She's standing far away looking around. She's finding me?

"You found your birthday gift. Go and grab her before Laura throws her out." No way.

"Mr. Ronald, we want to talk about a proposal." As soon as my foot started walking, two people came in my way.

"No now please." She's still standing searching for me. My body reacted to her. She's a magnet who's attracting me.

"Excuse me."

"Ronald behaves, they're here with a proposal." Mom held me by grabbing my hand. The crowd came in front of my eyes in which I lost sight of her view. Fuck that.

"Mom.." I whisper.

"Stay here." At last, she won and I lost her again. Fifteen minutes they kept talking and my time kept going because of them. Where's Theo now? Where's Rose? Just unknown people everywhere. Mom left me alone with them. Rose is not here now. Fuck work. After Excusing myself…


"Where were you? Where's she?"

"Who sir?" My angry gaze met him and he dropped his eyes.

"Rose came here but now she's not here. So where's she? Go and find her." He went for her but now my mood is getting worse. Why today I just want her around me? She's not picking up her phone and now this makes me mad. It's late and dark outside.

"Sir Mrs. Laura th.."

"I'm going. Handle everything." I know mom has really done something while I was busy with them.

"But sir." Without listening to him I take my car and turn towards roads. Fuck it's cold and dark. My fingers keep calling her number. Now I'm scared. Everywhere was just dark and silent. What if I lost her again?

"Damn it! Pick up at least." It's my birthday and for me, she's the gift. After spending time alone on my past birthday at least this time she's here. Two blocks away in the dim light I saw a reflection turning a block. My heart starts beating because the figure looks like Rose. Please, it's you... I have no power right now. Don't repeat history.

"Please." The car stopped far away from the shadow. It's Rose.. yes she's walking in the cold night. Is she mad? Coming outside I ran towards her. Taking her hand in mine I drag her near the garden.

"Ronald! What.." My mouth stopped her words with a simple kiss.

"Let's repeat history." That cute look came again like years ago. I remember her face.

"Wh..what does that mean?" My lips pinch her lips again. So soft and smooth like Patel. My hardness cut me from inside.


"You want more? You like my lips." Her shaky breath told me she needs me as much as I want her. Again my lips plant a kiss on her lips, again and again. We both watched each other with need. Taking two steps back I looked at her.

"Why?" Taking her chin between my fingers I came forward and linked her lips.

"You're a drug for me. Without taking you I can't think straight. You crushed me harder." The way she's standing with hands behind clutching each other and the whole body desperately leaning forward for my touch.

Taking her body in my lap I sit on the bench. The cold night gave her a shiver and the effect ran to throw her to me when she grabbed me for heat. Taking her lips in mine I take my time slowly and tenderly. Don't know why I make myself so emotional and loving towards her. First, she lets me enjoy her but our breath starts wild when she starts responding. Her tongue ran on my lips and I could taste of strawberries. She tastes like heaven. For closeness, she circles her arms around my neck.

"Don't make me enough hard for fucking you here. I'm controlling myself here." But she ignored my words and bit my lips hard.

"Fuck!" This is enough for me to take the next step. She made a noise when I traveled with my cold hand on her naked leg. The hand now stops on her ass. She's wearing lace.

"I like you in lace." Our lips never stop taking each other teste. Again when the wind touches her body she grabs my body for heat. Forget that fucking party my entertainment is here.

"Please." Our eyes met and a kind of desperation for me I can see in her eyes.

"Here?" She nodded. God, she's so ready but I can't hear. Taking her in my arms I came to my car and opened the door. Placing her on the seat, I came inside and started the car. During the ride, both hands were in a tight fist, the lips between her teeth. I speed up because after watching her in this situation I don't know what lines we crossed. Both are silent but I can hear her harsh breath.

"Open your legs." Huh? What? Seriously? At least this is what I can do now. She obeyed immediately.

"Now give me your hand." She obeyed again. Taking her finger I gave her direction but she snatched away.

"Rose I can't do anything now but you can. Now give me your hand." I want her to feel the pleasure at least. but the look she's giving me with the mixture of confusion and embarrassment. Wait! She never?

"Did you ever touch yourself?" She looked outside. Jesus, how does she suffer?

"Are you mad? How did you live without a man? At least give yourself pleasure." She's... just an idiot. A single tear left her eye. I want to wipe it with my kiss but..

"Yo..." My phone starts ringing so loud and my mom's name flashes on the screen.

'Yes, mom.'

'Ronald, where are you?'

'Something came up and...'

'You're with her right.' My eyes met with the person who's sitting next.

'No mom, I'm busy.' Those were my last words before I switched off the phone.

"Where's my gift? I saw you with a little box." Nothing comes from her mouth. Then her fist came in front of me. A little brooch but it's broken.

"I... it's so broken." Taking it from her hand I put it inside my pocket.

"Don't worry it's from you so now it's mine."

"How is it broken?"

"I fell in which the box fell.."

"Fine." She's lying.

After the last block passed we reached our building. Parking the car I helped her to come outside from the car. As soon as we enter the elevator I grab her from ass and pull them in my lap. She kissed me even harder.

"What can I do with you Rose?"

"Make love to me tonight."

"You're mine now Rose. Years ago I lost you but today I'm going to find you." The door opened and I came to my apartment but she was still kissing me.

"You're looking so beautiful today. " We both kept going until we lost our last breath. When she takes off my clothes I don't know.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Ronald." It's just our words when we take a breath again before deepening my kiss.

"I want my gift, Rose."


"I want to see you." The face two minutes ago was full of lust now in horror. What's the matter? She pushed herself away from me and walked away. Two minutes passed but she was still standing near the window watching outside. Her both arms hugging herself like she's hiding herself from me.

"Promise me."

"Promise. But what?"

"Not a single question. Not. A. Single. Question." Her hand dragged the zip down and the gown fell off the floor.

"What the hell is this?"