

May finds himself on an island in the East Blue when two strangers wash up ashore. See how May changes the world of One Piece with feather and ink and some good stories from the old world. May won't be a strawhat pirate. I have taken the liberty not to follow the canon to the point.

Syfa_SinOB · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 5 - Fire Fist (1)

Ace and Deuce had just gotten up and were eating breakfast in the kitchen when they head yelling from outside. "Ace! Deuce! Where are you!?"

"We are still in here, idiot!" Deuce was apparently not too happy to hear yelling in the morning as he sounded quite pissed.

The door slammed open and May ran in. "You guys won't believe what I found." he teased.

"Is it another boo..." Ace tried to guess but was interrupted by the excited May. "It's a weird fruit hanging from a tree atop a volcano. It could be a devilfruit but I can't tell from the distance."

Deuce smacked him over the head and said "Why didn't you just go up to check it?"

"Ouch. Do you think I didn't think of this myself?!" May replied, sticking his tongue out.

"Yes." Deuce paused for a second "So why didn't you go up?"

"You see there are these giant birds and when I tried to make my way up they started attacking me."

"Can't you use your rings or the books to get rid of them?" Ace asked bewildered.

"I tried to, but when I tried to continue they got more and more aggressive. It seems like they are willing to protect whatever is up there with their lives." May replied.

"Tsk. How annoying" Deuce said "So what are we gonna do now?"

"I know!" Ace exclaimed "We three go up there and kick these birds ass. And then we roast them over the fire and have a feast."

This time Deuce smacked Ace over the head "Why am I stranded on this island with an Idiot and someone that is willing to follow the idiotic ideas..." he sighed. "Look we need a better plan to get up there."

After what felt like hours of planning they came up with a feasible plan after Deuce had to shut down an enormous amount of idiotic plans from Ace and May.

May showed them the way to the volcano and as they reached the final line of trees before walking out in the open they stopped.

"You both know what your job is?" Deuce asked them.

"Yep." "Yes."

Deuce nodded and Ace and him sprinted in two different directions in the forest. Both going to the different sides of the volcano. Only May remained in place. He pulled a book out of his pocket and started reading aloud. After a few seconds a wand materialized over his empty hand and fell right in his palm. He shut the book and put it back in his pocket. Wand in his right hand with the One Ring and the three Elven Rings in his left he felt ready now he just had to wait a bit for the other two to take position.

Roughly 10 minutes later May stepped through the treeline and began he slow ascend up the volcano. He saw the first bird rip through the smoke of the volcano, soon followed by a second. He focused his will and circle of fire appeared around him and slowly the wind started to build up. A storm was forming around him, picking up the flames the heat increased but Narya protected him from the heat. The fiery storm did a good job to keep the birds away last time but his job this time was to be different. 

He directed the wand in his right hand to his head and whispered "Sonorus." He felt the Ring helping out increasing his aptitude for all kinds of magical energies. "I've come to get that fruit. So come attack me if you want to keep it or surrender to me!" he yelled out. The spell making it echo all over the mountain. A few more forms departed from the mountain and flew down towards him. He had practiced his fire powers a bit for the last day and opened a spot in the storm that the flames ignored by sucking all the oxygen into other areas. He saw six giant birds flying down towards him and directed his wand towards them.

Deuce POV

"I hope they stick to the plan." He said to himself as he waited at the edge of the forest. He had reached this spot a few minutes ago and was starting to get impatient. May should send out a signal soon. And there it was, a big fiery tornado formed on the other side of the volcano and he could hear May voice all the way over here. "I've come to get that fruit. So come attack me if you want to keep it or surrender to me!" 

That was the signal. Deuce sprinted out of cover and ran up the mountain. Five minutes into the run he started to realize that they had severely underestimated the time it took to scale a mountain. May would have to hold their attention for quite the long time. But he had faith, while May seemed like an idiot he had realized a few days ago that every time he and Ace did something idiotic an intelligent glint was seen in his eyes. As if he was just entertaining Ace's funny ideas. Knowing full well that there are better ways to do that.

He had run up further and was now at a point he would consider the halfway point. He had ignored what was happening on May's side until now. But he had to breath for second and used the opportunity to look in the air on the other side. A small yellow line shot into the sky, aiming at one of the birds. The bird dodged the line but as it passed by it exploded throwing the bird through the air. He lost sight of where it ended up but a moment later he saw a cloud of dust rising up from the mountain side. It seemed like May was able to handle situation so far