
Why me?

School starts tomorrow and boy am I soooo happy to have rumors spread about me. I hear them left and right 'Inks mom HAD to be high when naming her' and 'LOL IMAGINE HAVING TO TELL THE SUB YOUR NAME IS ACTUALLY INK' It's so annoying!! And you'd think that because V is popular I'd be popular, right? Well you're wrong, V is popular because she's rich, I'm popular because I am an easy target to bully. I walk into the class room of this fine morning- OMG IM NEVER GOING TO SAY THAT AGAIN EW. But anyways, I walk into my 1st period and guess what I see? If you said the popular girl dancing on the table while a sub scrolls on her phone then you're right! I take my seat and after like 15 minutes of that chaos, the sub finally put down her phone to take role. "Allie?" She says in an old rugged run down voice "Here!!!!" She says while getting out her phone. She continues on with the list and she starts to get to the 'I' section. "Ian?" She says while licking her finger. "Uhm here." he says in his 'I'm so cool' voice. "Ha ha guys very funny" The sub said sarcastically. I just already knew she got to my name! "Okay well is there an INK here?" She says jokingly. I raise my hand and say awkwardly "Here…" I just wanted to CRY. But thank irene she just continued like nothing happened after a few blank stares.