
School sucks.

After my INSANE class with the sub doing nothing but watching her phone I had one more class and then we go to lunch. I walk into my maths class, and see a bunch of kids huddled around this one spot, Great. Another class that will get out of hand. But when I FINALLY pushed through the crowd of people, I saw a cute fluffy hamster!! It's name was 'Shugar' which was named by the teachers 4 year old. We then take are seats and I wink at V, she sticks out her tongue. "Alright class! Today we are starting off with a HUGE maths problem so, be ready to get called on!" Ms. Clocktarp says with a happy smile. I rarely ever get called on so I highly doubt I'll need to do the problem. I'll just draw until we're done. "Okay class, what is 347 / 1200?" She says while pointing at it. "Hmmm… Ink! I haven't heard from you in a while!" She says with a smile giving me the chalk stick. I AM SO DEAD!!! I write down a random number and with a 'PLEASE BE RIGHT' look I say "0.2891?" I say starring at her. "That is correct!" I take my seat and soon enough the bell rings!