
Who’s to blame

I mean I did yell at her but I didn't think she'd take it THAT seriously! I mean, I bet she's been yelled at by her mom tons of times. Ugh who am I going to talk to about this?? I can't talk to the school counselor because he'd just make it worse! I can't talk to V because she'll just walk away and ignore me… OH WAIT! I COULD TALK TO MY SISTER SHE ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT TO DO!! *Knock* *Knock* "What do you want brat?" she says staring at me. "I need friendship advice…" I say awkwardly "Mmm… No." And she slams the door right. In. My. Face. Well I guess there's no other option then to talk to V… I go over to her house and knock on the door. "Oh hi! You must be that Ink girl V always talks about, Come in!" Her mom says, I thought it was a bit weird that it seemed like she was expecting me. I walk to Vs room and I see her sleeping. I gently shake her and pull of the covers. But to my horror, I see her brother sleeping N@KED!! "OMG IM SO SORRY WRONG ROOM!!" And I run out. I see V walking out of her room, and I sprint to her, while tears start to form. "V ARE YOU MAD AT ME IM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN IT!!" I say while hugging her tight and crying. V gave me a expression that just says 'Wtf'. "I'm not mad at you…?" She says awkwardly. I hug her tighter, "THEN WHY DID YOU IGNORE MY TEXTSSS?!" I say while more hot tears stream down my face. "You texted me?" She says confused. I let go of her for a second to show her the texts I send but I never actually send them… We both burst into laughter after I explained why she didn't get my texts. Man, it's good to have a bff, but sometimes it feels like we're more then bffs, like couples… XD WHY AM I THINKING THAT I CANT HAVE FEELINGS FOR V!