
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs


General Elara Stormheart stood at the head of a large, round table in the strategic planning room of Valeria's grand military headquarters. Ava and Captain Whitewood, now both members of the prestigious squadron, stood on either side of her. Along with them were three other respected knights who would play key roles in the mission to Rivenbrook.

Sergeant Roland,who had previously just been promoted from from a private and had accompanied the General the greenmeadow, a skilled knight who has been put in charge of the magic unit, was a young man of many words and possessed an air of boisterous confidence.

Lieutenant Marcus,responsible for the advanced infantry, was a towering figure with a stern expression. He commanded the utmost respect from his soldiers and was well-versed in tactical warfare.

Lastly, Lieutenant Theron, the leader of the scout/infiltration unit, had a keen eye for detail and was renowned for his ability to move silently through even the most treacherous terrain.

As the squadron assembled around the table, General Stormheart addressed her team. "listen up, our mission to Rivenbrook is of utmost importance. The Rock Bandits and their corrupt allies have caused immeasurable suffering to countless innocents, We are here to put an end to their tyranny and bring justice to those in need."

Captain Whitewood, with her usual resolute demeanor, spoke up. "Our task is dangerous, but it's one we can't afford to fail. We need to be prepared for any eventuality."

"Agreed," Ava chimed in. "We must plan for every possible scenario, especially considering the corrupted guards among the bandits' ranks."

Lieutenant Roland, the knight in charge of the magic unit, spoke calmly. "General, I have been studying the layout of Rivenbrook and have identified potential weak points in their defenses. With the proper use of the magic unit, we can exploit these vulnerabilities."

General Stormheart nodded. "Alright Roland, I want you to focus on providing support to the infantry and using the magic unit strategically."

Lieutenant Marcus, the leader of the advanced infantry, spoke next. "We must ensure that our troops are well-trained and disciplined. Our success will depend on our cohesion as a unit."

"Indeed," General Stormheart agreed. "Lieutenant Marcus, I trust in your leadership to keep the infantry battle-ready at all times."

Lastly, Lieutenant Theron, the scout/infiltration unit leader, shared his insights. "Rivenbrook's terrain is complex and filled with potential ambush points. My unit will gather intelligence, infiltrate their ranks, and provide crucial information for our operations."

Elara nodded with approval. "Excellent, Lieutenant Theron. We need to know our enemy's movements before we strike. Your expertise in reconnaissance will be vital to our success."

The discussion continued late into the night as they planned and strategized every aspect of the mission. The map of Rivenbrook was laid out before them, and they marked potential targets, escape routes, and rendezvous points.

Despite the daunting task that lay ahead, the camaraderie and determination among the squadron members were palpable. Each member understood the risks involved, but they knew that justice and the protection of innocent lives were worth it.

As the meeting concluded, High Commander Stormheart addressed her squadron with pride. "We are a team, united in purpose and resolve. Our mission is not just about defeating the Rock Bandits, but also about protecting the people of Rivenbrook from tyranny. I have full faith in each and every one of you."

The squadron members saluted their High Commander, a shared sense of duty and determination in their eyes. The upcoming mission to Rivenbrook would be one of the most challenging they had ever faced, but they were prepared to face the darkness head-on, guided by their unwavering commitment to justice and the belief that even in the darkest of times, valor would shine brightly.


The day after the strategic planning session, the sun rose over Valeria, casting its warm glow across the city. General Elara Stormheart and her squadron were about to embark on their mission to Rivenbrook. The excitement and tension in the air were palpable as each member readied themselves for the journey ahead.

As the preparations continued, Sergeant Roland gathered his belongings and prepared to join the rest of the squadron at the city's entrance. However, his departure was abruptly halted when he was confronted by Luke. Roland felt a sinking feeling in his chest, knowing that this confrontation was inevitable.

Luke's voice trembled with emotion as he accused Roland of trying to go after the bandits without telling him. His eyes held pain and determination as he revealed that he sought revenge against the bandits for killing his family. He felt betrayed that Roland had kept this mission a secret from him, believing that he had a right to be a part of it.

Roland tried to explain, his voice gentle yet filled with regret. "Luke, I didn't tell you because this mission is dangerous, more so than you can imagine. I wanted to protect you from harm, not keep you in the dark. Seeking revenge is understandable, but I can't guarantee your safety."

Luke's anger flared, his fists clenched tightly. "I don't need protection! The reason I came to this city and became an adventurer was to become strong enough to seek revenge for my family. Are you saying you won't let me do that?"

Roland felt the weight of Luke's pain and determination. He knew that seeking revenge was a deeply personal and complex journey, one that he couldn't deny Luke. Despite the risks, he understood that Luke's heart was set on this path, and denying him the chance to join the mission would only breed resentment.

Taking a deep breath, Roland made a difficult decision. "Fine, Luke. If your heart is set on this, I won't stop you. But you need to understand that this mission won't be easy, and I can't guarantee your safety. You'll have to stay close to me and follow my orders without question."

Luke's expression softened, grateful that Roland had relented. "Thank you, Roland. I know what I'm getting into, and I promise I won't be a liability."

With that settled, Roland led Luke to the city's entrance, where the rest of the squadron was gathering. Ava and Captain Whitewood were there, their faces showing a mix of concern and understanding. They knew that Roland's decision to let Luke join the mission was not taken lightly.

As the group assembled, General Stormheart took notice of Luke, her eyes scanning him with a mix of concern and respect. She could see the determination in his eyes and understood that seeking revenge was a powerful motivation. However, she also knew the weight of responsibility that came with leading a squadron into danger.

"Roland, is everything alright?" General Stormheart asked, sensing the tension.

Roland nodded, his voice steady. "Yes, General. Luke has a personal stake in this mission, and he's determined to seek revenge against the bandits. I couldn't deny him the chance to be a part of it."

The General studied Luke for a moment, assessing his resolve. "Very well. If he's joining us, he'll have to abide by our rules and follow orders without question. The safety of the squadron comes first."

Luke nodded, showing his understanding and determination. "I promise, General. I won't let anyone down."

With everyone accounted for, General Stormheart addressed the squadron one last time before they set out on their perilous journey. "We are united in purpose and resolve. Each one of you carries the weight of justice and protection for the innocent. We will face many challenges, but together, we shall prevail."

Ava and Captain Whitewood exchanged a knowing glance, the bond between them and their comrades growing stronger. They knew that the road ahead would be filled with danger and uncertainty, but they also knew that they could rely on each other to overcome any obstacle.

With a final nod from General Stormheart, the squadron set out towards Rivenbrook, their path fraught with dangers, but their hearts unwavering in their pursuit of justice. Among them, Luke's determination burned the brightest, fueled by a desire for vengeance and the belief that even in the darkest of times, valor would shine brightly.