

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 5 Part 3

He immediately moved to the right, and managed to block one of the flames. He then looked at Hristov, and saw him gritting his teeth, and his eyes turned completely white. What was his problem, Codarius wondered. Codarius then looked at the exit of the Grand Sanatorium, and wondered if he could temporarily exit the Grand Sanatorium to ask Clarista a couple of questions. But Hristov certainly didn't give him the chance.

Codarius then looked around to see if there was anywhere he could hide from the flames. Hristov seemed to be struggling with something. Codarius looked at the sheet music, which was still burning, but hadn't burnt off completely. Then a thought rose in Codarius head. 'Was the sheet music not burning because Clarista had been keeping the small bit of reality from being drowned into the flames of the void that Hristov was creating?

Was the flames in the world being caused the sheet music being burnt?' That would make the most sense, thought Codarius. He didn't know if Clarista could keep on holding on however. All Codarius knew was that at most, he could stall Hristov out for a little bit of time. With Hristov being completely debuffed with him possibly concentrating on seeing both the world and within the Grand Sanatorium, would certainly make him not be able to fight as good. Codarius then kept on thinking as he frantically barely dodged the attacks.

He couldn't think of anything. This situation was most definitely out of his league. Hristov then suddenly stopped his attacks. Now like a wild animal, he looked towards the halls that lead to the endless space. Codarius didn't notice at first, but now heard someone running towards the place. He wondered who it could be, and then the person showed themselves. It was Clarista. Codarius was relieved, and all the tension in his body loosened up.

But then a striking question arose, what happened to the other 3? Codarius immediately asked Clarista, "Hey, what happened to the other 3?" Clarista then rose her index finger and proudly mentioned, "Well, I created an avatar, and channeled the Absolute Magic through it. So now the Avatar is keeping the remaining bits of reality safe. Unfortunately, Hristov doesn't know how to do that, and it looks like he's gone mentally insane from just being here. Now just leave this to me!"