
information of character and species of tvshow and movies that I watch

Information of tv show character that I watch mostly tvd/to Xmen/marvel, problem more this information come straight off of the internet, this contained some boys that has been with boys and girls that has been with girls so no homophobic comments this is high key just for fun

WiccanDemiurge · TV
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99 Chs

History of Magic



Professor Cuthbert Binns


Class 72

Classroom 4F


A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot





History of Magic by common consent the most boring subject ever devised by Wizard-kind. Professor Binns, their ghost teacher, had a wheezy, droning voice that was almost guaranteed to cause severe drowsiness within ten minutes, five in warm weather.


History of Magic was a core class and subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This class was a study of magical history. This was one of the subjects where the use of magic practically was not necessary. History of Magic was taught from the first year to the fifth, and was completed with an O.W.L. exam with only a written section.

The professor of this subject, Cuthbert Binns, taught at Hogwarts for many years before his death, and even after his death he continued teaching at Hogwarts as a ghost.

Class information

My subject is History of Magic. I deal with facts, Miss Granger, not myths and legends.


The lesson plan usually consisted of lectures on the 'History of Wizards and the Magical World' (in which goblin rebellions appeared most memorably). This class was similar to the study of History in the Muggle World, as particular emphasis was placed upon remembering dates, names and events.

The class was taught by the ghost of Professor Cuthbert Binns. According to Hogwarts folklore, Professor Binns had failed to notice that he was dead: he simply got up from his chair in the staff-room one morning and left his body behind.

As Professor Binns was very old at the time of his death, he was very set in his ways and students find him difficult to relate to. Binns' lessons consisted of him reciting (or "droning", as many would put it) lectures to his students. He did not seem to mind (or notice) that the class rarely paid attention or even slept through his class (with the exception of Hermione Granger, who alone "seemed able to resist the soporific power of Binns' voice"). Ron Weasley and Harry Potter both found History of Magic terribly boring, and only managed to pass the class by borrowing Hermione's notes.

When Hermione ventured a question, Professor Binns did not even remember her name, calling her "Miss Grant," even though she was the only person in his class that actually paid attention. Professor Binns was also very dismissive of the legend of Chamber of Secrets when he responded to Hermione's question about it, calling it "Legend" and maintaining that he taught only "Fact".

During class, Binns sometimes fell asleep and students played and practised games. Peeves and other Hogwarts ghosts sometimes came in and lectured the class.



History of Magic classes took place in Class 72 on the third-floor and Classroom 4F on the first-floor. Classroom 4F was filled the room with books on history, with a Draconifors spellbook locked in a side-room, protected with minor magical.


Passing Grades

Outstanding [O]

Exceeds Expectations [E]

Acceptable [A]

Fail Grades

Poor [P]

Dreadful [D]

Troll [T]

Behind the scenes

As Binns became a ghost, he can no longer move beyond the veil, and will remain earthbound for all eternity. This means that unless he resigned or was sacked, he would be the History of Magic teacher forever. This is probably the reason that the school has not sacked him thus far, despite his dreadful teaching technique. Although it could be that sometime after the Second Wizarding War that a more engaging teacher took over from Binns, as it was crucial and neccessary for more students to make the subject far more interesting and to increase the chance for students to at least achieve a passing grade on their O.W.L. exam.

It is also unknown if any careers in the Wizarding world specifically require the study of this subject, since Careers Advice as shown in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix does not mention the subject as a necessary requirement for any wizarding professions, although it is possible that the subject is useful for Curse-Breakers, or journalists/researchers.

Ancient Studies may be a specific specialised branch of this subject, which is only taught about in N.E.W.T.-level classes. Maybe also partially in Study of Ancient Runes.

It could be that the extended theory and history of Alchemy is, at least partially, taught in this class.

Aside from a brief mention in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Professor Binns and the class are omitted from the film series. However, History of Magic is seen in some of the early video games, and Binns is included in the LEGO video games.

In Hogwarts Mystery, if players take Jacob's sibling to the O.W.L. through an optional side quest, they will definitely gain at least an A, even if they fail to answer every question.