
Infinity X Infinity

Perfection. It seems that every human strives for it, but what about when a person actually achieves it? Boredom. The only feeling Kazu Crital felt after doing everything thought impossible. So what is one thing that is know for being inevitable? Death. Kazu Crital tried to break the cycle of life and death... He succeeded in a way. Now reborn as a new person, as the champion of a god. But his master isn't some unknown god. His master is the god of gods, Herrescher of life and death, a being who spans universes with her influence. Infinity isn't the concept of a universe that will never end, but it is instead Concept of birth and renewal, the concept of life and death. Oh? What should you call me? I go by many names. But you can call me Ophis, my pet~. NO HAREM!!! The only character the mc will have a romantic relationship will be ouroboros herself. Also please make sure to correct me on any mistakes, and give me criticism on things I can improve. This book will also be very slow moving. This is also my first time writing an actual book with fleshed out characters. I might feel really robotic at first until I get my writing better. Also I'm on mobile sometimes so yeah. that too. I sometimes write on my computer.

Void_Eagle1230 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

- Yang Guang

I fly above the land as fast as I possibly can, I was heading towards the North. The tyrant Yang Guang is the leader of the north, and I have big plans for him, he is known for being a very cunning person. He was a man who ruled china with an iron fist, under his rule China went through an era of prosperity.

Ophis speaks up and asks a question. "So, what are you going to do with Yang Guang? I think it would be a waste to just kill him."

"You're right, it would be a waste to just kill him, I was planning on making his my advisor. Think about it, Liu Bei is too prideful of a bastard to submit to me, but Yang Guang on the other hand doesn't have pride. He is also very sensible from what I remember of him, he completed the grand canal, and he even rebuilt the Great Wall of China. I think he knows what is good for the people, and if he doesn't agree, oh well, I can always find another advisor." Ophis nods and hums at my answer. "I see, that's an alright plan, I don't care much though. When are we gonna stop~?"

"Jesus christ can you not spend more than 5 hours without trying to cuddle me? Just go to sleep or something." Ophis pouts and hugs me before complaining. "Oh come on, It's not my fault that I love you so much. Maybe if you weren't so hot and funny I wouldn't be complaining right now~." She try's to sneak her hand up my shirt but I slap her hand and tell her off. "Shut it, if you want me to even sleep next to you then stop complaining."

"... That's uncalled for."


"Somebody's approaching the gate!" A guard on top of the wall yells out towards the inside of the wall, we wait for a minute or two and the gate opens and a group of soldiers walks out.

"State your business traveler." One of the guards then walks closer to me. "Hello, I wish to talk to your leader. I come from the nearest fortress to the south, we want to discuss a treaty." The guards look at me and think for second, one of the guards walks off and comes back a couple minutes later. "Our leader would like to talk to you, follow me." The Guard says as he starts to walk away. I follow behind him to a palace in the distance, we enter the palace and keep going up. After going up 6 floors he stops at a door and knocks on it.

"Emperor Guang. There is a person from the south who has come to talk about a treaty."

"I see, he may come in." I slide the door open to the room, a man was sitting in the middle of the room. The man was surrounded by beautiful jade walls and silk blankets lining the walls of the room. "Hello young man, I am Emperor Yang Guang. You are here for a treaty yes? So, I believe we should talk conditions." I sit down in front of his table and pour myself some Baijiu. I down a cup of it and hum a bit.

"Hmm, I've never had Baijiu before, it has a nice flavor to it. Now that we are alone in this room, I wish to tell you the real reason I am here. I rule the south, though the official leader of the south is Liu Bei, he is... well, let's say I made him my bitch." I chuckle out, Yang laughs alone and ask a question. "Ok, then why are you here then? If it isn't for a treaty, then what is it for?" He says, downing a cup of Baijiu himself.

"I know that Liu Bei will not sit back and allow himself to be ruled over by somebody else, so I came here to ask you. Emperor Yang Guang, would you like to be the advisor of the Grand Emperor of China and the new god of this land." He smiles and raises his eyebrows. "Oh? New Emperor and God, isn't that quite pretentious? Explain it more to me."

I sigh and put down my cup. "You see, I am the apprentice and the lover of a god. Though this god is not a simple one, my god is the strongest god, she is a god who reigns over life and death itself. China will be the first descent of her influence, though a lot of gods despise her, so I am taking her stead. Through China I will make my name known, I will discard this mortal flesh and ascend to godhood. But being a god is taxing, and my power will not grow by itself, and that's where you come in. You will stay an Emperor, you will do most of the hard work, you give me the money, I give you power. You will also manufacture history to make me god, every school will be taught about me, and all kids will grow up to see me as a god."

Yang just looks at me and sighs. "You know, I would reject you. But life has gotten boring, so fuck it, I accept you my friend. I accept your offer of conquest, I will follow underneath you and I will bring you great fortune and power." We both stand up and shake each others hand.

"Well then my friend, shall I get you a room for you and your god? Follow me, I will show you the guest room I usually have empty. Do you have any food preferences?"


"This food is pretty good, man we should've done this sooner." Ophis says as she stuffs her face full of beef, chicken, and rice. "Indeed, this is some pretty good food, this room is also quite spacious." I get up and go into the bedroom, taking off my shirt and pants before getting into bed and thinking for a bit. Ophis walks over and realizes what's happening and gets into bed before cuddling up to me.

"You okay?" I sigh and roll over, hugging Ophis. "Just thinking about my family. This palace just reminds me of my family's old mansion, it just.... Brings back some touchy memories." She kisses me and looks me in the eyes. "Hey, that was all in the past. I'm sure your family is fine, even if distraught. Your family will one day stop grieving, but will you? How will you ever grow in this world if you always think about the previous world?"

I just breathe out my nose and hug her a bit tighter. "I guess you're right. Thank you, i'm sorry you have to deal with my stupid ass, I can't guarantee that I will move on. But I will try to."

"It's okay honey, the fact that you are trying is enough. Please, just remember that what you did in your previous life doesn't affect what happens here. Killing people, doing crimes, none of it matters, all that matters is you." She kisses me again and starts playing with my hair.

"Thank you Ophis. I feel a bit better now." She smiles and hugs me, laying her head on my chest. "Hey Ophis."

"Yeah?" She lifts her head up to look at me, I grab her chin and kiss her this time. She looks at me confused and shocked, before smirking and hugging me. "I love you too."