
Infinity X Infinity

Perfection. It seems that every human strives for it, but what about when a person actually achieves it? Boredom. The only feeling Kazu Crital felt after doing everything thought impossible. So what is one thing that is know for being inevitable? Death. Kazu Crital tried to break the cycle of life and death... He succeeded in a way. Now reborn as a new person, as the champion of a god. But his master isn't some unknown god. His master is the god of gods, Herrescher of life and death, a being who spans universes with her influence. Infinity isn't the concept of a universe that will never end, but it is instead Concept of birth and renewal, the concept of life and death. Oh? What should you call me? I go by many names. But you can call me Ophis, my pet~. NO HAREM!!! The only character the mc will have a romantic relationship will be ouroboros herself. Also please make sure to correct me on any mistakes, and give me criticism on things I can improve. This book will also be very slow moving. This is also my first time writing an actual book with fleshed out characters. I might feel really robotic at first until I get my writing better. Also I'm on mobile sometimes so yeah. that too. I sometimes write on my computer.

Void_Eagle1230 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

- Rain Hell!

[I just wanted to give some love to my friends ForlAMRebORN and Little_Foxxy. They make some good shit so send em some love why don't cha. Thats it.]

"Tch, damn fool. I allow him to live and then as soon as I turn around he tries to stab me with a fucking fork, a FORK, what kind of Colombian nose candy is he snorting!?" I sit on top of a fallen castle, fire and blood everywhere. "What did you expect? He was already pathetic enough to kiss you ass, i'm not surprised he would do that." I sighed stood up and walked around. "I knew he would try to do that but I wanted to do something cool! Like I would walk outside and say a cool one liner and then blow up the castle! Ugh, whatever. Get back into the pendent, i'm gonna fly towards the south."

"Do I have too~, come on honey just carry me, i'll make your favorite food~." I just sigh and pick her up in a princess carry and start flying. "Yaaaay! Thank you baby~." She loops her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek. I just mumble and grumble underneath my breath out of frustration.

The next hour is quiet and nice, the air blowing against my face, it is quite relaxing. I decide to stop for a second so I can use my radar technique to sense if any people are nearby, I land but I realize that Ophis fell asleep in my arms. I smile and set her down before using a Berka rune to make a campfire and a Ansuz rune to light it. I stand up and use my radar ability and sense nobody within my radius.

I sensed some cows nearby so I decide to go and get some meat. After a couple of minutes of skinning a dead cow I brought back a chunk of meat I know contains some ribeye's. I spent the next 10 minutes slowly and precisely carving the fat of the ribeye and getting rid of any bad meat. I use some more runes to create a wooden pan that's strengthened with Ansuz and Oruz runes so it doesn't get burnt and start cooking the meat on it.

Once i'm done with the meat I make some wooden plates and wake up Ophis. "Hmmm, huh? Oh, hey. Sorry I fell asleep, being in your arms made me feel tired and relaxed. Wait.... Did you make us food?" She gets up and look at the steak and back up at me before crying. "B-babe, I love youuuuu!" I move the plates out of the way before she tackles me so she doesn't tip the plates. "I only made you some under seasoned stake. You don't have to cry."

"Nobody has ever made me food before, you... I love you! Waaaah!" Ophis cries as she smushes her head into my chest. "Okay, okay. I get it but please get off, I don't want the food to get cold because you were hugging me for to long."

After eating the steak and burning the plates and scraps along with it. Ophis crawls up to me and hugs me, rubbing her head against me like a cat. "Christ woman, I get no ones ever cooked for you but rubbing up and purring on me like a cat is a bit much." She sits up a looks at me. "I know it's a very small thing but it means a lot to me, the person I love cooking me a nice dinner as I sleep before waking me up and eating our dinner together. It's a dream I've had for longer than you could imagine."

".... Sigh, now you have to make me sad. Here, i'll make an exception for today and hug of my volition." I open my arms and allow Ophis to hug me without being threatened. She quickly takes my offer and hugs me very tightly, sticking her head into my next and crying into it. After 10 or so minutes of me patting her back and playing with her hair, she lifts her head and stares into my eyes.

"Thank you, I needed that." she then pecks me on the lips a couple times and hugs me again. "I love you so much, I don't know what I would do without you?" I smile and hug her as well. "Your welcome. Now let's go to sleep, I don't know how far away the southern camp is so were gonna be flying for a while. "Okay~."


"So, from what I've gotten, the leader Zhu Yuanzhang is stacked with soldiers. 2,000 soldiers, 1,500 soldiers seem to be normal soldiers, but 500 of them look well trained. The way they walk and look around is definitely trained habits, reminds me of how my friends and fellow body guards would act. Then I'm sure Zhu is pretty decently strong, someone has to train these soldiers after all." I say standing up and taking my arm out of the ground. Ophis walks up and hugs me from behind. "So how are you gonna kill them all today?"

I think for a moment, before turning around and looking at Ophis. "Hey Ophis, this might sound weird. Could you make me a bow and an arrow made of steel with steel string?" She stares at me with a raised eyebrow. "It's gonna be hard to pull but sure I can." She then closes her eyes and forms a silver bow with a long shiny arrow before handing it to me. "Thanks, trust me, this will be pretty entertaining."

I put multiple rune on the bow and the arrow, Fire, lightning, water, ice, strength, air, life, light, and then knock the arrow. I syphon my mana into the arrow, pouring almost all of my mana into it, a bright light and shockwave pulsing off the arrow. I pull the back behind my head, my muscles screaming at me to let go. I lift the bow up 75 degrees and pull it back a bit more.

I use my magic to sharpen the arrow, making the arrow into a spear. "Now, Rain Hell! Cataclysm!" I yell as I let go of the arrow, the shockwave of the launch throwing me back a couple hundred feet before I stop myself by sharpening my nails and digging them into the ground.

"Ophis get on, I'm gonna fly up so I can see how much damage this will cause." I yell as I unfurl my wings as I and fly as fast as possible so I can watch this destruction. "YEAH FIREWORKS!" Ophis yells as she jumps up into my trajectory. I grab her as I fly and flap harder so I can catch up to the arrow.


"HAhahaha! The fucking idiot did that?! Haha!" A soldier laughs as he enjoys some beer, he talks with his friend as they stand around a bonfire. One of his friends looks up into the air, seeing a shinning star. But weirdly.... The star keeps getting closer.

"Hey guys. I don't know if it's the alcohol, but is that star getting closer to us?" He says, everyone looks at him and looks where he was looking. Seeing a bright light that was getting closer. "Oh yeah it is. OH FUCK IT IS! RUN!" One of them yells as the start crashes into the group. The entire camp erupts into a bright flash of light that blinds everything in a 100 mile radius.

When the light clears the only thing you can see is molten lava and cracked earth every where. Ice covered one part of the camp, water covered another, fire covered more than the rest with lightning arcing off the group and zapping anything that comes close. A massive hundred foot crater was in the middle.

A Chasm. That was the only way to describe the sight before me.

"Haha! Fucking look at that! Goddamn!" I say as I look down upon the fruits of my labor. Ophis looks down and whistles at all of the earth. "Damn Kazu, that's fucking sick." Ophis says as we descend from the air. My skin already becoming red due to the heat.

I smile with glee, I should be sad and distraught. But the cracked earth and red magma, brings me joy. My smile just grows more as I see a man on the floor who's body is still partially formed. His body somehow survived the explosion, though he is definitely not alive anymore. Judging by the way he's dressed, he looks to Zhu Yuanzhang, oh well he's dead now. Not like he could've given me any useful information anyways.

"Hah man, I really shouldn't be this happy, but this does put a smile on my face." I start laughing as I look around at the devastation I caused. My smile keeps growing as I look at what I caused, this once populated small town, now is a ghost town...

Genocide shouldn't be this fun.