
Infinity X Infinity

Perfection. It seems that every human strives for it, but what about when a person actually achieves it? Boredom. The only feeling Kazu Crital felt after doing everything thought impossible. So what is one thing that is know for being inevitable? Death. Kazu Crital tried to break the cycle of life and death... He succeeded in a way. Now reborn as a new person, as the champion of a god. But his master isn't some unknown god. His master is the god of gods, Herrescher of life and death, a being who spans universes with her influence. Infinity isn't the concept of a universe that will never end, but it is instead Concept of birth and renewal, the concept of life and death. Oh? What should you call me? I go by many names. But you can call me Ophis, my pet~. NO HAREM!!! The only character the mc will have a romantic relationship will be ouroboros herself. Also please make sure to correct me on any mistakes, and give me criticism on things I can improve. This book will also be very slow moving. This is also my first time writing an actual book with fleshed out characters. I might feel really robotic at first until I get my writing better. Also I'm on mobile sometimes so yeah. that too. I sometimes write on my computer.

Void_Eagle1230 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

- The Gremlins Antics

[Authors notice: This is when the longer Arcs start, now each ark will take maybe 20 - 50 chapters, and the Ophis x Kazu ship will take a while to fully sail. This chapter will be a little rest chapter with Ophis trying to make Kazu be romantic, and her doing other antics. And sorry for being a day late.]

I wake up to the sun rising above the mountains, shining light onto the bloody battlefield, showing the devastation and death below.

"The peasants have quite an appetite for war don't they? It was only 1 day, yet the army that won is on another war trip. So, it seems that the throne was comfortable enough for you to sleep for 11 hours."

"It is weirdly comfortable. Even though it's literally made out of stone." "Yeah, I used some magic to make it look intimidating yet comfy, anyways I made you some breakfast. I made you a skillet with some crepes." Ophis says handing me a large bowl of food and a plate with 3 crepes.

"You made crepes? Fuck yeah." I say immediately pick up one of the crepes, as I bite into it I basically orgasm with how good it tastes. "Oh my god… what'd you put in this." I say while wolfing down the crepe. "Chocolate, bananas, some honey and caramel. All the good stuff. So while you eat all the food I gave you, I want to talk about what we will do next."

"So, as you can see, the world has gone to shit. With all the religions going to war with each other religions. Though there are some alliances in the scene due to overlap in gods and myth. Anyways getting back on track, we are going to have to find a way to get you more power and more experience in battle if you want to survive the Tournament of Talent. And I know some people who, well… Owe me one. And i'm sure good ol' Shishou would love to teach you the ways of combat and runes."

"I have a feeling that I should be scared of whoever that is." "Oh you definitely should, she has killed gods, and she isn't even a demi-god, well… She wasn't one. Though she might be a bit busy, so we can do some other things first. I know a very easy one." "And what would that be?" "Going on to the battlefield." "Can I refuse?" "No." "Fuck."

"Don't worry, I'll drop you in the weakest battlefield. Any enemy there isn't a demi-god nor a god. So you will have a chance." "Thank god, where is this battlefield?" "China."

"That isn't good. That's considered the weakest area?"

"Yeah, although they are strong in the art of war, they aren't very good at peace. Almost all Emperors that have been raised aren't the most cooperative bunch. Guan Yu, Zhu Yuanzhang, there's even Genghis khan, although not an emperor of China, he did rule over it for a while. I'd look out for Yang Guang, he is the cruelest out of them all. Out of all of them Qin Shi Huang would be the most reasonable, although he might've ruled over the bloodiest period of Chinese history, he still brought about the most peaceful era as well."

"Do we have any particular goal?" "Hehe, I do have one in fact, one that you probably won't like. I want you to take over china and become its 1st and only emperor, I want to people to see and worship you as a god.'' "What. Why?"

"Because, what do you think makes a god, a god? They need to be worshiped, believed in, respected, and feared. So your first feat as a growing god will be to take over China as its new emperor. After all, how can a simple mortal be my consort?... I'm joking of course, I would love you with or without strength, but the other gods won't think that. Unless you have power, the other gods wont even spare you a glance." Ophis says, before sighing and standing up.

"Well, we can do all of that tomorrow. You should take a shower and relax for now, your body must be aching after the Mordred fight…. Oh wait, I forgot to tell you, that Mordred in your mind wasn't even close to the real Mordred, she would still absolutely stomp you into the ground if you tried to fight her. Now, go take a shower, you smell like shit." She says before walking back into the house and doing whatever she does.

"Damn… Do I smell that bad?... Oh fuckin hell I smell like shit." I then follow Ophis' advice and walk inside the house and go upstairs to take a shower. When I walk out of the shower I realize that there are a pair of clothes on the bed with a note.

{I wanted to make sure you didn't have to wear dirty old clothes, so I made you some nice comfy Sherpa clothes. Don't worry about it being hot, this house can be whatever temperature you want it to be and it will never change.} With there being a smiley face at the end of the note… Nice.




"So Ophis, do you want to tell me why you are doing this?" "No~, I don't think I do. I think this is perfectly normal." "Why are you just sitting on my lap while I watch TV?" "Because." "Ophis." "What? This is perfectly normal for couples." "I never said yes to your confession."

"And I never said you had a choice did I?" "..... Fair Point. But, can you not hug me like a koala?" "Why not? You are quite comfortable, like a hard but squishy pillow." "Because I don't want you too." "I will move if you do one thing." "Sigh.. What is it?" "Call me babe."

".... No, I refuse." "Then I refuse to move."

"I... fine... C-can you please move babe?"

"Mmh, Sure I can move Baby." Ophis says, kissing me on the cheek and going upstairs… This was only the beginning of her antics.




"Hmmm… I need to take a piss." I then get off the couch and go to the bathroom. "Kya! You perv Kazu!" Ophis yells with her terrible acting skills, with a towel 'Wrapped' around her body, barely covering herself… I then close the door on her.

"Come back here you pussy!"




"Oh, is dinner done?" "Yeah, something one of my old Greek friends taught me how to make called Stuffed Pepper soup." "Sounds good." I then eat a spoonful of the soup, it's pretty good. "Kazu~, there's a bit of soup on your cheek. Let me get it~." Ophis says bending forwards trying to wipe off the soup on my cheek, I dodge and let her fall face forward into the ground.

"Why?????" She cries holding her nose. "Because there's a mirror behind you, there was nothing there." "Fuck."




'Mmmmh… Time to go to bed' I say to myself stretching and going upstairs. I stop at the door of my bedroom and open it to see Ophis underneath my blanket. "You gonna get in bed? You need sleep y'know?" "You know what. Fuck it." I say as I take off my shirt and get into bed with her.

"Oh you actually got in bed? I was expecting you to run away again, but this works." "I'm too tired to care." "Makes sense, well if you don't have anything to say i'm going to sleep now." "I do have a question." "Oh. What's that?" "Why do all of my clothes fit perfectly?" ".... I took measurements while you were sleeping." "Then why do these boxers fit so-" "I. TOOK. MEASUREMENTS." Ophis interrupts what I was about to say. "Ooookay.. Then can you tell me what Astir means? I asked Merlin but he never told me." "Good luck… It means good luck." "I can tell you're lying." "Shut. Now sleep you dingus." Ophis says as she lays her head on my chest….. That is cute.

"Goodnight.. My love." She mutters before going quiet, minutes later her breathing becomes stable and smooth. I loop my arm around her back and put it underneath her breasts, like a half hug…
