
Infinity X Infinity

Perfection. It seems that every human strives for it, but what about when a person actually achieves it? Boredom. The only feeling Kazu Crital felt after doing everything thought impossible. So what is one thing that is know for being inevitable? Death. Kazu Crital tried to break the cycle of life and death... He succeeded in a way. Now reborn as a new person, as the champion of a god. But his master isn't some unknown god. His master is the god of gods, Herrescher of life and death, a being who spans universes with her influence. Infinity isn't the concept of a universe that will never end, but it is instead Concept of birth and renewal, the concept of life and death. Oh? What should you call me? I go by many names. But you can call me Ophis, my pet~. NO HAREM!!! The only character the mc will have a romantic relationship will be ouroboros herself. Also please make sure to correct me on any mistakes, and give me criticism on things I can improve. This book will also be very slow moving. This is also my first time writing an actual book with fleshed out characters. I might feel really robotic at first until I get my writing better. Also I'm on mobile sometimes so yeah. that too. I sometimes write on my computer.

Void_Eagle1230 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

- Beyond the Veil

"Wha… What the fuck?" That was the only thing I could say to complement what I was seeing. The only things that were untouched 2were the mountains, other than that you would be hard pressed to find a single thing that wasn't destroyed. There were tents put up everywhere, set up to be a base of operations as people on horseback rode towards the enemies. Only to have their heads blown off by a magic spear.

"So you beat Mordred my love~, took you quite awhile. About 4 hours. I was so bored that I accidentally started a war. Not like my contribution would have mattered. This world you see has already gone to shit. This is what I promised when we first met, and you became my seraph. A world of Gods, Heroe's, villains. And this is what happened, I found a timeline where every "Founder God" arrived on Earth all at once. Gaia, Ouronos, Brahma, The Dagda, Izanagi and Izanami, The Christian God, Yahweh, Even Supreme God Ei got his lazy ass down, Sol, Luna, Terra, Jupiter, All of em'." Ophis says appearing on a throne beside me, I then fall onto another throne as it appears below me, I then look down too realize we are on a temple , a temple that is physically impossible, as it stands on top 2 large stone serpents biting each other's necks. Twisting and turning to make a double helix.

"So how do you like my temple~ I made it just for us, so we can look down upon the peasants of this meaningless world, watching them dance like the puppets they are…. *sigh* That's what I would like anyways, but I have placed a veil on this beautiful temple of mine. The god's would not like me being here, my presence isn't quite…. Appealing to them, after all, a being that symbolizes inescapable death is terrifying to any god that doesn't have a head up their ass. And that's where you come in. My. little. Seraph~." Ophis says leaning on her thrones arm, laying her head on my shoulder, looking up at me.

"I…. I have so many goddamn questions right now." "Go ahead. Ask away, just don't move, I am quite comfortable like this." She then moves her throne closer so she can do… whatever she is doing easier. "What happened to the previous world? Why are you calling me your seraph? And… What do I do from here?" I say hanging my head, I don't really have anything to do anymore, my only real goal since getting revived was… Do whatever Ophis told me to do, like a rugged dog.

"Well first off, I call you my Seraph because that's what you are. I plan to make a religion, and you will be my 2nd in hand, you will be to me what Seraphims were to god. And about the previous world…. I am sorry to tell you but, the people from the previous world. They never existed, they were merely people I created on a fake earth. They never existed, their personality, my personality I had in there, all fake, this is the real me, a cruel unforgiving god. I am truly a sadist, a killer, a hypocrite, a fake, I am the worst person imaginable, I don't descriminate in genocide, men, women, and children, the elderly and the young. I am a horrible, horrible person, But will you still follow me?" Ophis says after finishing her speech, looking up towards me, looking into my soul.

"Of course, you brought me back to life. Even if I hated you, I would still follow you out of respect. Plus, I don't really believe what you said about you enjoying killing people." 

"Whatever you tell yourself. Now about what we do from here. I have no clue, there are only 2 things I wish to do. 1 is to show you off at the divine council, and-"

"Ok Wait, stop. I am already confused, what in the hell is the Divine council?"

"It's a meeting that happens between the gods every decade to talk about up and coming heroes, any new gods/demigods. It's also a time for gods to show off any new talents recruited underneath them. And during that time, I plan to hide as a plain goddess of Fertility, before you show up, for the tournament of talent. The tournament of talent is well, it's in the name, and once you win the tournament you can ask for a wish from the gods. And right before the tournament I want to show up in surprise and kill the commentator, to then announce you and so on and so forth. I think you get it. Now the second thing I want is quite simple, I just want to enjoy myself with you. Even though the previous world wasn't real, I wasn't joking when I told Arthur you're mine" Ophis explains, before getting a bit too close to me, have I mentioned that she's still wearing the perverted attire from before.

"What?" I was shocked at what she was saying. "What do you think I mean Kazu, I mean that you are MINE." She says, grabbing my chin and pulling me down towards her, kissing me. "Hehe, why are you so shocked? I did say I wanted to enjoy myself with you~. God, your reactions are cute. I have never had a consort before, would like to be the consort of infinity? Of course, the other gods wouldn't like that much, but I could care less, all I care about is you dying. The gods would most definitely massacre you if I made you my consort, so that will have to wait until you're more powerful." "I - wa - I…. I am so fucking confused."

"Hmmm… don't worry my love, all will be revealed to you soon enough. But I don't think your little mind is ready for what I would say. Your mind would shatter if I told you the truth. The most I could say is that I have been cursed, and if I tell anyone the truth of the gods, that person would either go insane or die… So my husband, what would you like for dinner?" 

".... I just want to sleep, I probably have a couple broken bones." "Really, well then I shall make some food for you while you sleep in the house." "What house?" "The one behind you." I then look behind myself to see a large 2 story house. "When did that get there?" "I created it." 

"... You know what, not even gonna complain." "Good, now go get some sleep, we will talk in length about what we shall do from here. Goodnight Babe~. Hehe." Ophis says before walking into the house, closing the door behind her.. 

'Not even going to ask… but this throne is… weirdly comfortable. I think I'm going to just take a nap here.'

[Bit of a shorter chapter. A break from a big fight.]