

..argg, seriously Selena. What!, we make a great team. look at both of you being best buddies. ' oh shut it you, you're just jealous. ... both of just shut up and let me think. what! how can you be so rude to Elder? I don't give a shit!. okay everyone wins, so let's change the world, shall we? oh oh, this is gonna be fun... join Alexander as he embarks on a journey of saving the world and maybe tweaking a bit here and there, with the help of his trusty guardians. who the f*ck do you think you are sending me on this suicide mission. fucking leave alone, leave me alone!... Hey you sure he his the one. 'ahh' i think he is. he said as they both had a brow raised looking at the unconscious boy.

Luckystaraura · Fantasy
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9 Chs



You two know each other?. Victor asked looking between the two people

Alex nodded but Diana still kept looking at him. He was the one I was talking about, the one I had just finished sparing with.

Wait, what are you doing here. Don't tell me you came to ridicule me in front of my team mate just cause I lost to you once, she said yelling already getting furious at him.

No no that not what I came here for, I was supposed to meet the Alpha team today and grace directed me here. I am surprised you are here, as if something clicked his eyes suddenly enlarged

You're team mates!. You are part of the Alpha team, he raised his voice showing how surprised he was. Wait, if you're on this team and I'm on this team, that means we are team mates too. Wow.

Why do you make it sound like that's a bad thing idiot, well I wouldn't say I wasn't surprised myself.

If you both are done with you're little reunion, shall we get back to business. this was said by vita wanting them to get back to business. With that they both stopped talking allowing victor to take the lead.

Okay Alex since you've already met Diana, let's introduce you go the rest of the crew. I am victor leader of the team rank A.

This is Stella, she is a magic caster A rank. Vita it also a magic caster B rank. And these two he said pointing at the two muscular guys are Dante and Henry. They are the tanks in this group both rank B rank. After he was done introducing them he turned to Alex, everyone meet Alex. Alex meet everyone.

Okay let's begin our meeting. Pulling out a map from his bag and spread it on the empty table in front of them, pointing to a marked dote on the map. This is the location of the dungeon, if we where to start heading there tomorrow it would take us at least thirty six hours to get there.

Thirty Six, it's that far. Dante was the one who asked this question. I suppose it is. From what I gathered the dungeon has just been discovered, apparently a rich man bought and found out about the dungeon so he ordered for it to be looted.

There are two reason I think he would be using Silver Cross to loot it. Either he got the land and found out there was a dungeon on it and wanted it looted without the crown noticing so he wouldn't have to pay taxes on it.

Or he is not convinced it is safe so he wouldn't send his own people to loot it for him secretly, but instead he got in contact with Silver cross and posted the job here with a good pay. But one thing is for sure and that's that for going through all this trouble that dungeon must be full of trophies he said while having a bright smile etched on his face.

nevertheless we can take a short cut we will cut through from here he said pointing at another marked sot on the map. I personally believe it would be a little difficult getting through here, we might encounter some wild monsters before arriving at the dungeon.

It would be worth it victor, for all we know someone is one their way right know to clear the dungeon. Vita added.

That is something to think about, but apart from that we have a more pressing matter… we haven't stocked up for the trip yet. Dante reminded them.

Oh yes, I haven't forgotten that. And also since we don't know how long it would take to clear the dungeon I suggest Stella and vita should make extra's while packing what we might need.

Also we need someone to go get the food so Alex and Diana both of you will go and get some food stuff for the team we will be leaving to morrow for the raid.

Here's some money, he told them dipping his hand into his brown pocket and bringing out a bag of coin before handing some to them. Stella write what we will be needing and give it to those two.

You both should make sure to hurry and come back. Stella was the one who said that has she handed the paper containing a list of items of what the group would need.

Okay we won't be long, let's go Alex. Standing up from where she was sitting Diana pulled Alex along with her leaving the organisations building and stepping out into the busy streets of the mine capital until both of them disappeared into the busy street.

While those two go to get the necessary item l will go check up more quests to see if we can get anyone done while on our way to the dungeon.

I will go sharpen my sword, Dante said.

We have quite a number of things to get here. Um..let's see what can we easily get first. Can I have a look Alex asked.' stretching her hand's toward him handing him the paper instead of replying and headed over to a stall that sells meet jerky.

I followed close behind her and waited while she went ahead to get some meat. Looking at the list it read.

. water sack



.Dried fruit



. Bandage

. Alcohol

. big bag for putting all what they would need and other things goo. After Diana returned they went along the street looking for the next store that has what they need.

Something had been bothering him and so he decided to ask. 'can I ask you something I have been wondering about'

'sure go ahead'. ' are we missing someone, I mean I already know we have our leader, magic casters, tankers. Isn't there meant to be a healer'

' Are you dumb or what I am the healer you idiot'. ' wow, that's awesome. What rank are you.

Hehe.. she clears her throat and with a smug smile said, I might be young but I am already in A rank she said wearing her proud smile.
