
Infinitum Crystals [V] - The Champions of Chaos

This is the 5th and final book of The Infinitum Crystals series. New readers are recommended to at least start on Book 2 / The Snow Phoenix. After the events of the ending of Book 4 / The Conquest of Virtue, the main characters finally confronts the main organizations that have been stalking them since their appearance in Book 1 / The Magic Duel. It all comes full circle as old characters will finally interact with current ones as they all assemble together to fight against a common enemy that threatens the future of the land of Atia.

Cyclone_A · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 7.8 - Fitz - Calm Before The Storm

We've heard the news and we came as soon as possible after my cousin was contacted by Sonozaki Wakana. He told me that he need help and it wasn't just a normal kind of help but a very important one. He even noted that White, an old schoolmate of mine was in trouble.

Cyclone White, we've met with each other last time during that incident at Eveiht. Had a couple of cool stuff to do over there with him. I was even able to teach White a new wind magic technique. I would be proud to know that he has been mastering the technique very well but it looks like that might not be the case. Sonozaki told me that White was in big trouble. It took some convincing from him before I was able to decide to follow him to White's campus.

Before we know it, Sonozaki has already assembled not just a couple but more than a dozen of wizards. Most of them were friends and classmates from our high school, Soul Power High. It looks like even most of the Top Seven Students of Soul Power High was present. Sonozaki had successfully convinced all of them to free up their time for this particular event. I'm not sure how he does it but now everyone was called hundreds meter away from White's campus.

Faith Rayna. Although she's a girl, she's known as The King among her peers back then. Using her almighty Chess Grandmaster ability. She's capable of controlling the situation of a battlefield. Luther Pendragon, a very knightly guy. He respects honor above all else and with his trusty sword, he'll be able to cut through even mountains if he pleases. Rin Zeelint, surprisingly resourceful. She has deck of card where she is able to summon creatures and use them in battle. These creatures comes in many different forms from folktales, fiction and even monsters that can be found here. The Mad Inventor, Haze Kazama isn't here. He is also apart of Team Stardust and I'm sure his has created something far more advanced than just his mini AI he made back then.

Even Mei Xue, the best among them all wasn't there. Sonozaki told me that she's inside the campus. Speaking of him, Sonozaki Wakana, The Flash himself. With his Light Manipulation ability. He is able to create opportunity at the speed of light. And of course, last but not least. My own cousin, Rika Lightning. As her name implies, she is an adept in the arts of Lightning Manipulation. Aside from just simply electricity, she can even manipulate other electrical related things like electrolysis and more. Together with her, we've won the Soul Power High School, Magic Duel. I'm glad to see that my cousin seems to be doing fine these days.

"Took you long enough, Fitz." Sonozaki noticed my arrival. "We've been waiting for you."

I bowed and said, "Sorry about that. Something personal happened, don't worry about it."

"It's alright, late or not, we can't really do much anymore." He told.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

Sonozaki pointed, "Look."

I saw a toll booth and there were a couple of hundreds military grade, unmanned machine guns as well as several dozens of royal guards.

I expressed what I had just witnessed, "Royal guards...and military technology...This is different. Since when did the Royal Guards work together with The National Military?"

"If only that's the case, Fitz. But those aren't Royal Guards. They have a new uniform already." explained Sonozaki.

"So they are the military then?"

Sonozaki nodded. So what I assumed was wrong and it looks like The National Military have already involved with this. It looks like they were blocking the path to the campus.

After asking around what's going from the others, I found out that the campus suddenly was attacked by demons that we still don't know where it came from. Demons, huh. That sounds a lot like what happened back then when we were all still on our 2nd or 3rd Year of High School. The Seven Month War...

I believe that's was when I finally heard the name of Cyclone White. While he wasn't directly the one who put a stop to the demons infestation, he did procured a plan to wipe them out systematically. Without him, the war could go on even longer than it was. It was also the beginning of The Top Seven Students of Soul Power High. Sonozaki was apart of it. As well as my cousin. Speaking of my cousin...

"There you are, Fitz. I've been looking for you." An attractive long haired girl approached me.

I sighed, "Here she is..." I welcomed the petite looking lady.

I guess an introduction was needed. This is Rika Lightning. Used to be one of the Top Seven Students of Soul Power High during their studies. She's also the absolute winner of The Magic Duel that was held during our final year at Soul Power High, defeating Sonozaki's team. I gotta mention as well that I'm apart of Rika's team but she was the leader. She was known as The Thunder Mouse because of her lightning ability as well as how she looked like back then. She was smaller and chubbier back then. But I guess she has loss a few kilograms down the line. Side note, this was the girl that White had his first crush on. Yes, it was this girl. It honestly made me pissed off back then but I grew to control my emotions over time. I mean, it's not like I have any feelings to White or anything. Damn, idiots...

"What do you want?" I asked.

Rika the told me, "Got some time?"

I looked around and said, "I guess." I shrugged, "With the campus in lockdown, we can't really get in and help White and the others."

"Come on." Rika gestured to me to follow her.

"Where are we going?" I was wondering.

But she didn't reply as we suddenly ventured over outside of the main road. We vault over the road divider and continued our way into the forest there. I'm getting a bit worried until we finally stop. While we were still inside the forest, I could tell that the ground wasn't as straight as it was before. I assumed that we were reaching a hill area. That's a given considering that the Infinity Academy area was surrounded by hills and mountains. The area was also surrounded by lakes from the look of it. We stopped by the end of a lake.

"What are we doing here, Rika?" I whispered to her.

"I think they won't see us from here." she suddenly said that.

"What?" I was not understanding what she meant. "What is going on here? What are you planning?"

She then finally told me, "Since we can't get through the blockade, I think it's time for us to sneak inside without them noticing us."

I guess that's one way to get inside. With the lockdown in place, there were no ins or out for anyone. The military was making sure that the outbreak won't expand even further than the campus area. I fear that they might decide to launch a wipeout of some kind if we took too long.

I nodded, "Okay then, only two of us?"

"It's not enough but we can't bring along a group without being noticed." explained Rika.

"Alright then, do your thing." I crossed my arm as I await whatever she was planning.

Rika then kneel down and her body has started to have electrocution all around. It was intentional since she can manipulate lightning. Some of the water from the nearby lake had started to smoke out water vapour. I assume Rika had used her electricity ability to cook up the water. Through her electricity ability, she can also manipulate the irons from the sand that was near the lake. Using those iron sands that she collected, she created a large wing on her back by combining the iron sands and water vapour. She manipulated the water vapor forming it into wings using the static electricity from interactions between particles. By using her electric power to induce electrolysis on a large body of water such as the lake nearby, she can obtain enough hydrogen and oxygen to use as fuel to remain in the air.

"Come on, grab on to my hand." She reached out to me.

I grabbed her hand and the two of us immediately took flight as my feet escapes from the ground. We began flying into the air as I began to see what was going on at the campus.

"Oh my goodness..." I was surprised.

Rika was disgusted, "It's getting worse the longer we wait.

We finally reached the walls of the campus. We didn't land near the entrance of the campus as it was filled with demons who was apparently fighting against each other. Rika releases her concentrated wings into the air as it slowly diminishes away.

"We can climb from here." I told Rika about a climbable wall near us.

The two of us climbed over the wall and as we finally reached the top of the wall, we saw two demons were facing away from us. Rika and I nodded at each other. We dropped down at the same time. I took out a spear from my dimensional inventory. I ran and stabbed one of the demons from behind. After that I raised the spear up high with all my strength, bringing along the stabbed demon. Then I launched the demon up by pushing it using my devastating wind magic. The demon flies up high into the sky and its body was destroyed as soon as it crashed into the ground.

Meanwhile, Rika simply took out a piece of coin from her pocket. She began flipping it for a few moment as her body began to electrocute herself. She finally caught the coin and she flicked her finger as the coin quickly shot out to the head of the demon. The coin flew as fast as three times the speed of sound as electrical current can be seen trailing from the coin. That was what Rika call a railgun. She was able to fire metal objects at a very fast speed only by forming parallel electrical currents on both sides of her arms. Both demons were quickly destroyed in a blink of an eye.

"Where do we go now, Rika?" I asked.

Then much to our expectation, we heard screaming not far from us.

The two of us made our way as we also took out any demons that was blocking our path. Rika easily electrocuted the demons and turning them into toasted chunk. Her electricity have become much more dangerous than it was in the past. Meanwhile, I was only able to take on the demons one by one as I used similar tactics as before. Stab, and blow. It felt like I'm using a shotgun especially when the stabbing sound sounds like a shotgun cocking in and the wind blow was the shotgun trigger.

We finally reached our destination as we witnessed a group of students standing against the wall side by side. They all looked like they were around the same age as us. One of them had a regal looking cape.

"Administrative Magic! Remain calm!" the student ordered her classmates.

It looks like the demons trapping them were trying to do an execution of some sort. One of them was pulled by another demon.

"We got no time to rest, Fitz. Their killing them one by one. Break the chains while I distract them."

I nodded, "Got it, Rika."

The two of us made our way and tried to save the whole class. Not knowing what will happen next, we hope for the best...