
Infinitum Crystals [V] - The Champions of Chaos

This is the 5th and final book of The Infinitum Crystals series. New readers are recommended to at least start on Book 2 / The Snow Phoenix. After the events of the ending of Book 4 / The Conquest of Virtue, the main characters finally confronts the main organizations that have been stalking them since their appearance in Book 1 / The Magic Duel. It all comes full circle as old characters will finally interact with current ones as they all assemble together to fight against a common enemy that threatens the future of the land of Atia.

Cyclone_A · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 7.5 - Yumiko - Nova's Plan

And just like that, I've arrived at the entrance of Nova's Fortress. A spiky haired dude with an unsheathed katana can be seen waiting at the entrance. If I have to take a guess it was probably one of White's best friends from Team Stardust.

"You must be Yumiko..." the guy talked to me.

"And who are you supposed to be?" I raised my eyebrows.

He replied back, "The name is Haruhiko Hosuke. If White have told about Team Stardust to you, then I think you'll know the rest of the story."

"So you're Hosuke. The other one that ate an Infinitum Crystals." I tilted my head.

Hosuke then sternly replied, "Nova is waiting for you."

"You know...your voice sounds awfully familiar." I looked at him, top to bottom. "And that katana as well...where have I seen it before...?"

"I made it myself alongside White." He answered. "You seem to have a blade of your own as well..."

I was a bit surprised by that. I wasn't even equipping my chained scythe. I kept it inside my Dimensional Inventory.

I responded to him, "How can you tell I have a melee weapon?"

Hosuke then said, "I can sense it. Nothing special." He smirked.

"That's mighty arrogant of you, huh?" I smiled.

"You wanna fight or something, lady? I don't mind a sparring match if you want to." Hosuke felt challenged.

I laughed at him and told him, "Oh it's fairly alright, Hosuke. Perhaps some other time."

"Hmm..." Hosuke was observing me again, "A water wizard, I see."

"You can even tell that, huh? Just how strong are you anyway?" I was mildly interested of his mysterious demeanor.

Then suddenly, "Can you two just get over with it?" A male wearing a black armor steps in our 'heated' discussion. "Nova is waiting for you, Yumiko."

I sighed, "Sure..."

"I was just about done, Blax." Hosuke also sighed.

So this is Blax Tank. The current leader of Team Stardust after White left the team. He looks menacing with that black armor he was wearing. He also had a great sword hanging at his back. So this was the famed, Black Berserker that White, Zen and Recordia have told me about. I'm not really surprised considering I kinda knew most of Team Stardust. But they probably don't know about me yet. In any case, I heeded Blax's order as I dragged Azreal's sleeping body.

"Here let me help you." Blax volunteered to carry Azreal.

I gave him Azreal as we walked together through a hallway.

"It must be tough." Blax strikes a conversation. "Having to force yourself to do horrible things."

"Horrible things, huh?" I nonchalantly said to him, "It's fun, really."

"Okay then, my impression of you is not what I expected of." Blax was taken back by my personality. "But still, I still can't wrap my head around how White and Zenith could tolerate you."

I chuckled, "I'm quite surprised myself. But those two are a fool for believing in me."

"He's our fool." Blax smiled. "And you...a horrible person..."

"Why thank you." I happily accepted the compliment.

"You know..." Blax got a bit serious, "If it wasn't for the circumstances with Nova, I would have slit your throat by now."

I wasn't surprised, "I'm glad we're having this conversation then. At least we get to know each other before we kill ourselves, right?"

Blax lets out a short laugh, "Well there's always time to have a talk. Even if they are a bad person. You have your own reasons I'm sure."

"That sounds awfully a lot like White...Of course, he was your leader."

Blax then shakes his head, "Not necessarily. I think I influenced him into having that kind of thinking really. Despite getting angry a lot of time, I was the rationale guy in the group."

"Hmm...Good to know." I nodded.

We finally reached where Nova was waiting for us. It wasn't really a throne room as it is more like a meeting room of some kind. It had stone chairs and a big oval meeting table. There was also a desk at the corner of the room. The desk had a typewriter on it and it looks like the typewriter was still in use especially when I can see a piece of paper was rolled into the typewriter. I felt like I want to look at what was written on it but then I saw a man with an unbuttoned trench coat. He had a striking silver hair and his eyes were glowing in gold. That was Nova. He is the master of all Champions of Chaos. This was the 1st time we've met as I have not seen him before this. I only heard of it from Lord Kitsuneki about the man and I'm honestly quite disappointed to find out that 'The' Nova is actually White. Well, taking control of White.

I happily sighed, "The Dragon of Space-Time...I can't believe you are Nova..."

Nova takes a seat, "Come, let's talk." He then looked at Blax and ordered, "Put him at the altar."

"So then..." I took a seat, "What are you planning?"

"I'm collecting all of the 7 Ancient Dragons of Crestia." He told me.

"And what are you planning to do with all of them?"

Nova then explained it to me. The story goes, there was once a godly being. A godly being benevolent enough to have its own followers. His followers are his seven disciples that he created from himself. To test their trust, the godly being asked them to bow down to a little creature he created. All of them bowed down except for one. This one disciple would not want to bow down to a lowly creature that the godly being had created. The disciple thinks that they are free to bow down or not. But, the disciple was punished. Little did the godly being know, that punishment would only fuel the hatred within the disciple. The disciple amassed its hatred and began to wreak havoc and eventually they were able to convert the other disciples into his own rebellion. With all of the disciples turned, the godly being was betrayed by them.

The godly being couldn't believe it. To think that all of his seven disciple would betray him. With the godly being defeated, its power would be split into all seven disciples. These seven disciples are the ancient dragon we know of now. The disciple that first started all of this, was Nova. It has been centuries since they have ruled the world and now he is back with a plan.

"I'm going to take what's supposed to be mine and mine alone." claimed Nova.

I smiled, "So you wanted all of the separated godly being powers for yourself. How selfish."

"You wouldn't know what freedom feels like if you know it. I took my freedom and killed my creator instead of continuing to become his doll." so he says.

"So is this also why I'm here now then?" I wondered.

"Of course...you are also a key to all of this. You also ate an Ancient Dragon Infinitum Crystal for a reason right?"

"I see now..." I nodded.

I guess I have some explanations to do. Yes, I am also similar like White and the other. I took upon myself and ate an Infinitum Crystal. When did this happen? A really long time ago, when I was still a young girl. It happened not too far after Violet became my guardian. A member from a certain organization gave it to me. And to test my power out...I used it on a perfect testing place...a high school...

"You still remember that day, Yumiko?" Nova asked.

I answered, "Clear as the blue sky...it's finally coming back alright." I nodded and then asked him, "So, what's next on the agenda?"

Nova told me, "Nothing to worry about, Yumiko. It has already started. You rest up until the next time I summon you. Only then...you will be able to use your power...".

"Can I spar with Hosuke?" I asked.

Nova then told me, "You may but it will be better if you watch what's going to happen next. Because it's going to be your turn after that."

I think for a second and said, "No rest for the wicked, huh? Then I'll do just that."

Then out of the blue, I asked him another question.

"There is something that I don't quite understand however."

"What is it, Yumiko?" Nova wondered.

I finally asked him, "Why does Hosuke's katana look a lot like Lord Kitsuneki's katana. Did you gave it to him?"

Nova then gave me an honest but cryptic answer, "Try to understand what I truly am capable of and then you will understand it all..."

So he says...I guess it is up to myself to figure out whatever he meant by that. But in any case, I guess it's time to see what Nova has in store next.