
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Wang Qi's fall

"Wang Qi! I'll see where you're going this time!"

The young and vigorous Song Yu stopped in front of the crowd, pulled out his long sword, gnashing his teeth and said.

Song Chengfeng, who was calm and dignified, walked around to the side and blocked everyone's way quietly.

These two people are not good at first glance,

Zhang Zhong remembered Sun Yu's previous reminder, his face became even more shocked, he rode his horse and pulled back a few steps,

a little further from the carriage.

Wang Qi looked terrified,

driving his horse to Sun Yu's side, and shouted in a panic:

"Sun, Mister Sun , there is a thief here, hurry… hurry up and save me!"

Sun Yu glanced at him, this Old Guy could pretend.

Young Song Yu, seeing his enemy asking for help, glared at Sun Yu immediately,

Seeing the four characters "asking for fortune-telling" written on the flag hanging behind his horse, he knew What is his identity, coldly snorted and said:

"hmph! A stinky fortune teller, how dare he manage the affairs of our Song Family?

If he knows well, he will obediently and honestly Go to the side, otherwise Young Master will deal with you together."

Sun Yu was even more lazy to take care of this person, instead he said to Wang Qi:

"Master Wang, let me shot There is no problem with the shot, but the shot fee is needed, are you ready?"

"What, what… didn't I already give you twenty taels before?"

Wang Qi's eyeballs stared wide, his face was full of surprise.

This is not what he said, he really didn't expect this guy in front of him to be so greedy.

Sun Yu leisurely said with a smile:

"That's just the escort fee, let me take action, but you have to pay extra."

"Okay, I promise you everything! I just ask you to help me solve the two of them quickly!"

Wang Qi pretended to be extremely frightened and spoke earnestly.

But Old Guy said casually, but he didn't mean to pay any money,

Sun Yu didn't want to play with him anymore, he glanced at the other party, opened the mouth and said:

"In that case, I'll help you."

Wang Qi showed gratitude and bowed his head repeatedly.

Song Yu, who was in front of him, swung his sharp blade with a ruthless expression on his face:

"hmph, brat, Dare to take care of my Song Family, I think you are tired of Living."

Sun Yu turned a deaf ear, smiled, and rode forward slowly.

Wang Qi looked at him about to pass by, with a sinister smile on his face involuntarily,

he secretly mocked:

"A fool who wants money but not his life."

At this moment,

suddenly a gust of wind rang out.

Wang Qi was stunned to see that a violent fist was moving towards his face.

It's Sun Yu!

"Not good!"

The strong wind on this fist made him not dare to be careless,

In a hurry, he hurriedly transported True Qi, Raise his hands to block.


The two parted at one touch. Under True Qi strikes,

the horses under them all neighed,

Then they bent their limbs, tilted their heads and fell down,

Obviously the huge force made them unable to continue to support and stand.

Sun Yu jumped off his horse with a vertical motion.

After landing, he took two steps back and stepped on the ground with two deep footprints. .

Wang Qi's response was not slow. As soon as he stepped on the horse's body, he flew backwards with the help of his entire body,

just landed on the top of the carriage behind him,

This is not like the ground, where can it withstand the power of Grade 8 Martial Artist.


The carriage splattered and shattered into pieces.

The two ladies inside were affected, and they were immediately fall out in surprise, and their head was broken.

Zhang Zhong was far away, except for being taken aback, nothing happened.

At the same time, he looked at Sun Yu with a completely changed look:

"This is also expected? Brother Sun is really Deity!"

On the side,

Song Yu's face is a little ugly,

didn't expect that the fortune teller is also a Martial Artist,

And seeing that he just shot, he seems to be better than him.

Song Chengfeng immediately gave this nephew a look, the situation has changed, be careful.

"I originally wanted to use you as my scapegoat to get rid of the Song Family in a perish together game,

didn't expect, you are so clever."

Wang Qi in the ruins showed a sinister look on his face, and slowly wiped away a strand of blood from the corner of his mouth:

"However, if you think you have this ability, you can beat me, That's a big mistake!"

He stood up straight and stopped hiding his strength,

With the surging of True Qi in his body,

Wang Qi's imposing manner immediately changed.

"Grade 8 Martial Artist!"

Song Chengfeng cried out in horror,

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Their two uncles and nephews are only Grade 9,

How could they be the opponents of a Grade 8 Martial Artist?

Song Yu tightened the sharp blade in his hand, and his face was pale.

Song Chengfeng turned his head slightly and said softly to him:

"You will find a chance to escape from here while he deals with the fortune teller later."

Song Yu looked surprised:

"Uncle Feng, what about you?"

"Don't worry about me, the youngster won't last long, you leave immediately, and I'll wait for you for a while longer. ."


"There's nothing wrong with it, you go back and tell our family the news and let them send an expert here!

Never let The thief escaped again!"

Under Song Chengfeng' repeated insistence, Song Yu agreed.

At this moment, Wang Qi seemed to have heard what the two of them said, and turned his head to reveal a smile of harboring malicious intentions:

"Don't worry, wait for me to clean up this kid, soon. It's your turn."

"Take care of me? You'd better worry about yourself first!"

Sun Yu took the initiative to attack, kicking the soles of his feet, and his figure instantly came before Wang Qi .

"Why did this kid suddenly do it! This is a death sentence!"

Song Chengfeng looked annoyed.

Originally, what he thought was that Sun Yu would take it easy, retreating while fighting, not to mention that he could make three or five moves, and give his nephew more time to run away.

But now the other party is taking the initiative to attack, I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand a single move.

In this way, the chances of my nephew escaping are even slimmer.

At the moment, he didn't care about anything else, looked towards Song Yu and roared hard:


At the same time, he went to the battlefield by himself, planning to use more to Fight less, sharing Wang Qi,

But at this moment,

he suddenly realized that the imposing manner that the fortune teller burst out was on par with Wang Qi.

"Again, another Grade 8?"

Song Chengfeng's mind is a little confused…

Sun Yu's right fist is filled with True Qi, which has been carried for many years The fierce imposing manner of fighting in the ring,

suddenly hit Wang Qi in the face, trying to win with one blow.

Wang Qi was also startled by this fierce imposing manner at first,

but he quickly calmed down,

the sharp-eyed him, immediately discovered that Sun Yu's movements were great.

Although his offensive was ferocious and his formidable power was unmatched,

but his chest opened wide because of this. It can be said that he was completely defenseless.

He immediately thought of how to deal with it, coldly smiled and said:

"youngster is greedy for success, I will teach you a lesson today."

He put his five fingers together, like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole,

moved towards the empty side in Sun Yu's chest and stabbed fiercely.

The fully extended palm can attack farther than the fist.

But just when his fingertips rubbed against Sun Yu's chest,

Sun Yu made a slight twist, which directly relieved most of his strength.

Wang Qi missed.

His fingertips scraped through Sun Yu's chest clothing, leaving only a Red Seal on his skin.

"This kid did it on purpose!"

Wang Qi reacted immediately,

The empty side was just a trap to lure him into!

In a hurry, he can only turn his head to one side, trying to avoid the key point.

At the same time, the other hand is raised high, hoping to be able to barely block it.


a light sound.

Sun Yu's right hand fist was blocked by him.

However, Wang Qi didn't mean to relax at all,

There was a deep unease in his heart for some reason.

This hunch is correct.

Whether it was the exposed side or the punch that was easily blocked just now.

Neither is the point.

The point is that Sun Yu is now throwing his punch from below with his left hand!

Out of the corner of his eyes, Wang Qi saw a very fast shadow coming from below,

his eyes widened, his complexion suddenly changed.

The next moment,


The tyrannical force slammed into his chest and knocked him out.

Wang Qi, who fell to the ground, struggled, but couldn't get up.

He was bleeding from seven orifices, and his entire face was almost dyed red.

That punch was full of formidable power, and the attached True Qi directly destroyed his heart.

He stared at Sun Yu with unwillingness and resentment:

"You...who are you..."

Song Chengfeng was stunned, the word "run" he had shouted before was still echoing in the air,

beside The flustered nephew only ran half a step, but the battle was over.

One move to defeat the enemy!

While everyone was stunned,

Sun Yu was expressionless and stepped forward to end the other party completely.

Although he was very sure that The fist now has made the opponent completely lost the ability to counterattack.

"Young Hero, wait!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded…