
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Grade 8 Martial Artist

[Eighteen years old, you became a Grade 9 Martial Artist and accepted the big money solicitation from businessman Wang Qi. ]

[At night, you took the money to escape from the Wang Family mansion, but not far from the city, the mysterious person stopped you and slapped you to death. ]

Is this mysterious person again?

Sun Yu had a headache and looked at the memory of death.

This guy is at least a Grade 8 Martial Artist, and now he has absolutely no chance.

It seems that we can only find opportunities from those two Song Family Martial Artists.

Although one against two is equally difficult, the realm is equivalent, and there is room for manipulation.

"Simulation again."

[You, who became a Grade 9 Martial Artist at the age of 18, accepted the big money solicitation from businessman Wang Qi. ]

[That night, you left Morning Sun City with Wang Qi. ]

[You were stopped by two Song Family Martial Artists just outside the city. The other party cooperated well. You one against two was not an opponent and was killed on the spot. ]

[The simulation is over, please choose one of the following rewards. ]

[Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of 1 and 18. ]

[Experience skills at the age of 2 and 18. ]

[Memories of death at the age of three or eighteen. ]

The expected result.

Sun Yu chose experience skills this time.

He soon had an experience of fighting against the Song Family teaming up in his mind.

"Continue to simulate."

After several simulations,

Sun Yu's thoughts on how to deal with Song Family Martial Artist. he have already learned a lot about joining forces,

"It will be successful this time! Let's start the simulation!"

[Eighteen-year-old, you became a Grade 9 Martial Artist and accepted the Big money solicitation from businessman Wang Qi]

[That night, you left Morning Sun City with Wang Qi, and you were stopped by two Song Family Martial Artists just outside the city. ]

[You one against two, you didn't lose the slightest, and in the end, you exchanged injury for other's life and killed the two on the spot. ]

"It's done!"

Sun Yu was overjoyed, four consecutive simulations,

finally let him defeat the Song Family's teamwork .

However, his excitement has not yet passed, and the simulation result that pops up in the next line makes him startled.

[You haven't had time to be happy, but someone slapped you in the back of your heart. When you were about to die, you tried to look back and saw Wang Qi was looking at you with a gloomy smile. ]


Sun Yu's complexion slightly changed,

Directly choose to view death memories.

New memories flooded my mind,

"This familiar feeling…"

Sun Yu's heart was startled, Only then did he find that Wang Qi, who looks like an ordinary person, is actually a Grade 8 expert!

"Grade 8!"

Sun Yu understood all at once.

The mysterious person is Wang Qi! It was also Wang Qi who killed Song Yun!

"This Old Guy is really hiding deep enough…"

But what Sun Yu doesn't understand is that the other party is obviously a Grade 8 Martial Artist, why didn't he take the initiative to deal with the Song Family?

And why didn't he let me go?

Sun Yu has no clue, but what is certain is that Wang Qi the Old Guy must have no good intentions.

Glancing at the simulated currency balance: 7, there are three more chances.

It's time to change your mind.

Start simulation.

[You, eighteen years old, became a Grade 9 Martial Artist and accepted the big money solicitation from businessman Wang Qi. ]

[In the night, you escaped from Morning Sun City and took the initiative to find Song Family Martial Artist, tell them the details of Wang Qi, Song Family Martial Artist decided to wait for support. ]

[Two days later, support came, but at this moment Wang Qi had escaped from Morning Sun City and disappeared, and your friend Zhang Zhong also lost news. ]

[Twenty years old, you pursued with the Song Family for two years to no avail, so you chose to join the Song Family as a guard. ]

[At the age of thirty-five, you took an ordinary girl as a wife ]

[At the age of thirty-seven, you are blessed with double happiness,

your wife gave you a big fat boy, and at the same time you finally became a Grade 8 Martial Artist. ]

[Wang Qi, 37 years old, who hasn't shown up for nearly 20 years, came to seek revenge. He is already a Grade 7 Martial Artist, beheading you on the spot in front of your wife and children. ]

Sun Yu looked somewhat gloomy looking at the ending.

Even though he knew that this was just a simulation, there was still a hint of anger in his heart.

[The simulation is over, please choose any one of the following rewards. ]

[One, Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of thirty-seven. ]

[Experience skills at the age of 2 and 37. ]

[Memories of death at the age of thirty or thirty-seven. ]

"I choose one."

Sun Yu's voice was inexplicably calm.

In an instant, a sudden warm current carried his True Qi around his body,

After a while, the movement disappeared,

He only felt his True Qi More than several times stronger,

formidable power has risen a lot.

At this moment, he has become a Grade 8 Martial Artist!

Sun Yu smiled, and exhales one mouthful of impure air,

Under the action of True Qi in his body, he suddenly found that his voice was suddenly several times smaller.

Is this the legendary secret voice transmission?

He tried a few times and quickly mastered this uncomplicated skill.

"With realm, the next step is experience skills."

Sun Yu knows that he who has just become Grade 8 is definitely not the opponent of Wang Qi, Old Fox.

He was about to resume the simulation when


There was a knock on the door.

As soon as Sun Yu opened the door, he saw Wang Qi smiling.

Now, he really wants to smash this masked old face to pieces with one punch.

Wang Qi said, it's time to leave. ?

Sun Yu calmed down and said with a smile:

"Hehe, let's go, "

Sun Yu packed up his things and left without saying a word.

Arriving at the gate of Wang's house, apart from a few fast horses, there was only one carriage.

Isn't it about moving the whole family? Just this carriage, what can I pack?

He asked a little strangely:

"Master Wang, just a carriage?"

Wang Qi glanced at the house behind him, said with a smile :

"hehe, the big thing has been sold along with the house."

"so that's how it is."

It seems In order to escape, this Old Guy has already exchanged all his assets for silver.

Sun Yu took those thing his master gave him before he left,

a flag with the words "asking for fortune telling", and some measuring tools, and put it on the horse's jacket ,

Then he turned on his horse and watched Wang Qi and his two wives board the carriage.

in addition to Zhang Zhong,

there are three ordinary servants and a maid.

Before setting off, Sun Yu used the secret voice transmission he had just learned to remind Zhang Zhong:

"If something goes wrong, remember to stay away from the carriage."

Zhang Zhong was startled, and when he looked around,

he saw Sun Yu put his hand in front of his lips and made a silent motion.

He suddenly understood that it was Brother Sun who reminded him, so he immediately took this in his mind.

Everyone went out of the city,

With the helpers leading the way, there was no need for Sun Yu to watch the road,

He put his mind on the simulator,

[Current simulation currency balance: 5, simulation fee: 3, do you want to start simulation? ]

The realm has increased, and the cost has also increased.

But that's not a problem,

Sun Yu chose yes and started the last simulation.

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 8 Martial Artist, and you went out of town with businessman Wang Qi. ]

[Not far from the city, Song Family Martial Artist attacked, you temporarily turned against the water, and united with them to fight against Wang Qi. ]

[Unfortunately, you have just been promoted to Grade 8, and you have little experience. The two of Song Family are only Grade 9, and they are still not Wang Qi's opponents. ]

[The two Martial Artists of the Song Family died in battle. You escaped with serious injuries and hid in Morning Sun City . ]

[At the age of nineteen, for revenge, you participated in the underground arena and constantly hone yourself. ]

[At the age of twenty-seven, with the accumulation of countless blood and sweat, you have finally become the strongest Grade 8 Martial Artist in the underground arena. ]

[Twenty-nine years old, many years of in-ring life have made you suffer from internal injury, and your strength is not as good as before. ]

[Thirty years old, this day, you died in the ring. ]

[The simulation is over, please choose one of the following rewards. ]

[Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of 1 and 30. ]

[Experience skills in your twenties or thirties. ]

[Memories of death at the age of 30 and 30. ]

The cultivation base has not changed, it is still Grade 8.

Sun Yu unquestionably chose experience skills.

Underground arena, life or death.

This time, what appeared in his mind was not ordinary fighting skills, but actual fighting experience.

Even with Sun Yu's whole temperament, there is a bit of fierceness.


The horse under him seemed to feel something, and suddenly became restless

Sun Yu hurriedly stroked it with his hand, which made it quiet down.

Just then,

"da da da!"

There was a rush of hooves.

Sun Yu looked up, Song Family's Martial Artist came…