
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Wang Qi's death

The person who spoke was Song Chengfeng.

At this moment, he finally reacted.

didn't expect , the boy in front of him who looked the same size as his nephew.

Was a Grade 8 Martial Artist!

Moreover, what surprised him even more was that

the opponent's combination of attack methods he only used a single move, and Wang Qi was no longer able to fight back.

These methods are absolutely impossible without years of hard practice.

It's just that Wang Qi can't die yet.

In addition to letting them hunt down the murderer,

The most important point of Song Family is that they need to figure out,

This Wang Qi attacked in those days. Is there any shadow of other forces behind the killing of Song Yun?

Seeing Sun Yu's suspicious eyes, Song Chengfeng quickly stepped forward and said:

"I just ask a few questions!"

Not waiting for Sun Yu to agree , he came to Wang Qi and first checked the injury.

Immediately, he was even more shocked.

At this moment, Wang Qi's heart was completely broken, and it was obvious that he had little time to live.

This young man's might of a single fist is so terrifying?

Song Chengfeng hurriedly used True Qi to help the other party temporarily stop the bleeding, and then took the time to ask:

"Wang Qi, let me ask you, Song Yun treated you well back then,

To give you Surnamed Song, treat you as your own brother, why did you betray him!"

"Treat me well? Treat me as a brother? Hahaha!"

Wang Qi laughed despite the injury,

until he spurt a mouthful of blood, the laughter stopped,

and the venomous look on his face was Undiminished:

"I took him as my brother back then, and I found an Inheritance Land and kindly shared it with him.

But what about him? How did he treat me? ?

He took the opportunity to transfer me away, and went to pick up inheritance alone.

And then pretended nothing happened, and accompanied me again,

In the end, there was no gain, and he pretended to be a saint there, saying that I was unlucky, and I lost my opportunity…

I bah!

If it wasn't for Zhang shi later Informed on this matter that he had already picked up Heavenly Martial Divine Art, and

I've been kept in the dark to this day!"

The affair between them, Sun Yu had No opinion,

The person involved is dead, who knows what happened in the first place?

However, he had some impressions of "Heavenly Martial Divine Art" in Wang Qi's mouth. During the first simulation,

he got this cultivation technique, and he was only able to become a Martial Artist with the technique

"What did you say? "Heavenly Martial Divine Art"?"

Song Chengfeng asked in surprise.

The cultivation technique is divided into realm and grade.

And "Heavenly Martial Divine Art" is obviously the top cultivation technique in the Martial Artist realm!

Not only can it be directly cultivated to Martial Artist Grade 1, but it also has many wonderful uses.

No wonder, no wonder Wang Qi has changed from Grade 9 Martial Artist to Grade 8 in just two years.

It turns out that he has this kind of cultivation technique!

Song Chengfeng's heart is hot.

If you can get this cultivation technique, even if he can't use it because of his age,

hand over it to the family he can also get a big reward.

Song Yu is even more excited,

His aptitude is not high, and his status in the Song Family is also very general,

The cultivation technique he obtained is naturally Ordinary,

If he can get this "Heavenly Martial Divine Art", he may be able to become the next Song Yun!

At this moment, Wang Qi's sneer rang out:

"Hehe, the people of the Song Family are indeed all same virtues,

Why, as soon as you hear this kind of cultivation technique, do you even forget the death of your relatives?"

The uncle and nephew blushed when their thinking were seen through.

Fortunately at this moment, At night, others can't see it.

Song Chengfeng coldly snorted and said:

"hmph, you are talking nonsense, no matter what, you killed my Song Family, you deserve death,

Of course,

If you are willing to hand over "Heavenly Martial Divine Art", I can leave you a whole body."

"hahaha...cough cough..."

Wang Qi laughed again, but he was seriously injured, obviously can't last long,

His face was full of blood, and he reluctantly made a disdainful expression:

"You Song Family people are stupid? i am all dead, why should I give you the cultivation technique?

hehe, instead of giving it to you, I might as well give it to this Sun Yu brother, so that he can get Revenge for me ."

As soon as the other party mentioned his name, and

also added the word "brother", Sun Yu felt that something was wrong.

As expected, at the next moment, Wang Qi raised his head and said to him:

"Brother Sun, listen, I will tell you the location of the cultivation technique now, I hope you will succeeded in the Cultivation Technique, and one day you will be able to avenge me and beat the Song Family!"

tone barely fell, he opened his mouth and moved a few times, as if he was in a secret voice transmission.

In fact, there was no sound in Sun Yu's ears.

"Haha, now, I can go in peace too…"

Wang Qi lowered his head with a smile.

This change was unexpected,

"What! You can't die!"

Song Yu stepped forward and snatched the body from Song Chengfeng's hands However,

But at this moment Wang Qi has already lost his breath and has become a dead person.

"Damn it!"

He cursed angrily and threw the corpse on the ground,

suddenly turned his head to Sun Yu with a vicious look on his face :

"Say, where is this guy hiding the cultivation technique!"

Sun Yu frowned, this is obviously the other side's counter-measure,

This uncle and nephew Aren't the two of them so stupid that they can't even see it?

Fortunately, Song Chengfeng didn't let him down, and immediately stepped forward with a slap,

Raised his hand and gave Song Yu a slap, shouted loudly:

"damned bastard, can't you tell the difference between such a simple trick?

Wang Qi died at the hands of Young Hero Sun, do you think he might tell him where the cultivation technique is?

Wang Qi died at the hands of Young Hero Sun.

That guy just wanted us to kill each other!"

He turned to Sun Yu and said with a smile slightly flatteringly:

"Young Hero Sun, my nephew is young and ignorant. I hope you don't take it seriously."

After saying this,he glared at Song Yu again:

"Also What are you doing? Apologize to Young Hero Sun soon!"

He didn't hold back the slap just now.

Song Yu clutched his swollen cheeks, and was beaten up,

So he lowered his head and said to Sun Yu:

"Brother Sun, sorry, I was impulsive just now, I'm really sorry."

Sun Yu looked at Song Chengfeng and saw that the other party's words were sincere and did not seem to be fake,

then nod his head, it is considered Accepted.

"Young Hero Sun, this person is the person designated to be killed by my Song Family, do you think this corpse is…"

Song Chengfeng asked.

He had to take the corpse back for the family to verify its identity.

Sun Yu shook his head and said:

"I'm not interested in the corpse, but the belongings on him must be left to me."

"This is no problem!"

Song Chengfeng searched for Wang Qi's body for a while, and

put four silver ingots into Sun Yu's hands:

"Young Hero Sun, There are only twenty taels in total."

The silver ingots are divided into large, medium and small, respectively five taels, ten taels, and fifty taels, Twenty taels is fine.

But Sun Yu wondered, didn't this guy Wang Qi run away with all the property?

How come you have so little money on your body?

As far as the house in his Morning Sun City is concerned, at least seventy or eighty taels,

Even if you run away in a hurry and sell it at a low price, you can still have at least fifty taels

not to mention all the other messes added up.

As for Song Chengfeng's personal possession, it is impossible,

When the other party touched the corpse just now, he was watching carefully.

Did this guy transfer the property ahead of time?

It's possible…

Sun Yu took the money, looked at Song Chengfeng who was playing with the corpse beside him, and asked:

"Old Song Ah, I said that your Song Family is such a big force,

there is no arrest warrant, a reward of thousands of hundreds of taels bonus or something?"

Wang Qi As far as Family is concerned, it is a matter of face, and naturally there is no arrest warrant.

Instead, in a form similar to a family mission, the clansman was ordered to track down.

Song Chengfeng was about to shake his head and say no, but when he met Sun Yu's eyes,

suddenly understood that the other party was looking for him for money.

Without further ado, Song Chengfeng groped all over the mess and finally took out ten silver tael.

But this trifling is not as much as Wang Qi's.

He was also a little out of control,

So he found Song Yu and forcibly borrowed all the 22 taels from the other party.

Then the silver was handed to Sun Yu and said with a smile:

"Young Hero Sun, I'm sorry, our Song Family has not issued an arrest warrant to the outside world,

These are the bonuses I prepared personally, I hope you don't think too much."

Thirty taels, plus the one on Wang Qi just now is fifty taels!

Sun Yu didn't dislike it, and took it and said with a big smile:

"Haha, Old Song, then I will accept the money!"

Song Chengfeng followed smiled and said:

"Young Hero Sun is welcome. If you pass through Anlin County in the future, you must come to our Song Family as a guest."

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk about."

Sun Yu agreed, turned and walked towards Zhang Zhong who was treating the two ladies.

Zhang Zhong saw him coming and called out : "Brother Sun."

Zhang Shi and Xu Shi, facing him, the enemy who killed her husband, all looked terrified, shiver coldly.

Sun Yu laughed at them and said:

"Ladies, don't be afraid, I have something to ask for."