
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs


Sun Yu shared his plans.

After listening, Yu Xiu think for a long time, he looked at Sun Yu and said:

"you can't kill Qi Xianyi ."

Sun Yu was stunned, Why do you change your mind again?

Yu Xiu said:

"You have to find a way to arrest him,

If you are discovered by Qi Zhongjie, you'd better have someone as life guarantees ,

Secondly, we can also get some news from the other party."

Sun Yu knew that the other party was doing it for his own good, but he still said with a smile:

"Sir, I'm only Grade 3…"

Killing and catching are two different concepts.

The latter is obviously a lot more difficult than the former,

and Sun Yu's realm is already lower than the opponent by one Rank,

It is still relying on faceless Divine Art's sneak attack he can kill the opponent,

Want to catch Qi Xianyi? It's really difficult.

Yu Xiu blushed when he said that.

Hearing what Sun Yu said was so serious, he forgot that he was just a Grade 3 Martial Artist…

"cough cough!"

Yu Xiu coughed hard, suddenly thought of something, and asked:

"If I remember correctly, one of your double attributes should be fire, right?"


Sun Yu complied, and he don't know why the other party suddenly mentioned this.

"Hey, then there is hope!" Yu Xiu laughed, and

explained immediately:

"It's also a matter of Qi Xianyi's bad luck. Well,

His True Qi attribute is gold, within Five Elements , fire restrain metal ,

When he meets you, he is already at a certain disadvantage,

Although it is higher than you on the 2nd Rank, but you have dual attribute True Qi, powerful formidable power,

when the time comes, if you directly surround the opponent with flames,

want to catch alive It's not that there is no chance!"

There is some truth to saying this,

In the previous simulation, Sun Yu was not killed by Qi Zhongjie in an instant,

Then Mo Chen is the main attack, Qi Xianyi is cooperating,

He really doesn't know the opponent's attribute is suppressed by him:

"Let me think about it."

Sun Yu Seemingly thinking, in fact, he started the simulation in front of Yu Xiu:

[Eighteen years old, you are already a Grade 3 Martial Artist. After you discussed with the City Lord, you became Mo Chen waiting for Qi Xianyi in Tianshui Teahouse . ]

[Qi Xianyi saw you and came to you on his own initiative. You suddenly made a sneak attack, and the other party shouted for help. ]

[However, Qi Zhongjie, who arrived after hearing the news, was blocked by Yu Xiu, and the two fought outside the restaurant. ]

[In the teahouse, if you succeeded in the sneak attack, you planned to capture Qi Xianyi alive, but unfortunately, you were unlucky and fell short. ]

[The other party struggled to escape, and even jumped directly from the roof. ]


Failed to capture,

The next simulation is not worth watching,

There is Qi Zhongjie outside the restaurant, it is naturally impossible to capture Qi Xianyi in front of him,

However, judging from these four words,

there is still some chance.

Sun Yu said to Yu Xiu:

"Yes, I will give it a try when the time comes."

"Yes." Yu Xiu nods and said:

"But don't force it, you only have one chance, if you can't catch it alive, you will kill kill him directly."

"I know."

Sun Yu agreed and discussed some other details with Yu Xiu.

Then went back to continue the simulation.

Yu Xiu watched him leave and couldn't help but sighed.

Sun Yu's proposal to eradicate the Qi Family really moved him.

Since taking office,

Yu Xiu has always been suppressed by the Qi Family. Keeping him angry all the time,

But unfortunately, he can't deal with them directly.

Now with Sun Yu's changing cultivation technique, it may really be able to gradually disintegrate the Qi Family.

But this Qi Zhongjie is not easy to stop!

It's not that his strength is not as good as the opponent's, but this shot will inevitably attract the opponent's revenge,

He doesn't care, it's just this Pingle City…

Yu Xiu sighed:

"Hey, it seems that I have to prepare well…"

back in the house Sun Yu started a simulation, trying to capture Qi Xianyi.

Unfortunately, several times in a row, he failed to catch the other party,

But the heavens will not fail those who are faithful ,

As he keeps choosing Experience and skills, and finally successfully caught the other party on the fifth time!

However, the ending was not very good.

As Yu Xiu thought, he was seen through by Qi Zhongjie:


[You transformed into Qi Xianyi and returned to Qi Family. ]

[When Qi Zhongjie asked you a question at night, you were found to be in a weak spot, and the other party immediately shot you. ]

[You hurriedly told the other party that the real Qi Xianyi was still in your hands, but the extremely angry Qi Zhongjie ignored it and forcibly killed you…]

This is a little confusing.

It's not a problem to be found, although the appearance is exactly the same as Qi Xianyi,

But some of the details are definitely different,

However, this can also be slowly corrected in subsequent simulations.

But the problem is, at the last minute,

He revealed about the hostages, but Qi Zhongjie ignored him.

Sun Yu glanced at the Memories of death,

It seems… the other party is even more angry?

This is for fear that my younger brother won't die!

How bad is the relationship between these two people?

Sun Yu couldn't figure it out, so he started the simulation again:

[Eighteen years old, you are already a Grade 3 Martial Artist, you change your appearance, follow Qi Xianyi quietly, and learn to imitate His every move. ]

[Wherever Qi Xianyi goes, you will go there, you even become a servant, enter the Qi Family and carefully observe and imitate the other. ]

[Unfortunately, you were unlucky, you were bumped into by the real body, and while fighting, Qi Zhongjie appeared and killed you. ]

Bad luck again?

Sun Yu frowned, he thought about it carefully,

In recent simulations, these words seem to appear all the time.

"What's the situation? is it possible that I'm really unlucky recently?"

He shook the head, luck is too mysterious,

There is no other way but to continue simulating, imitating and learning Qi Xianyi's every move,

reduce the possibility of self-exposure.

After several simulations,

Sun Yu felt that he had learned well.

Not only Qi Xianyi's walking posture, but also his usual habits,

Even some subconscious movements are mastered by him.

He immediately decided to go to Qi Zhongjie for another interview,

Started the simulation:

[You transformed into Qi Xianyi and returned to Qi Family. ]

[When Qi Zhongjie asked you a question at night, he didn't see the weak spot, and you survived. ]

[On the third day, you were about to go out, but unfortunately, Qi Zhongjie happened to come to find you. The two of you bumped into each other, and the other party saw your identity and shot you to death. ]


Sun Yu is speechless,

Is it bad luck again?

He felt that he was being targeted, even when he imitated Qi Xianyi before,

so many times were wasted.

He is calm, remember this matter.

he was trying to simulate, however, system jumped out the prompt of insufficient balance.

Sun Yu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled wryly:

"It's really like running water, a thousand silver tael, and it's gone."

He got up and glanced at the sky.

It was time to set off for Tianshui Tea House from midnight to evening.

Wait to replace Qi Xianyi and join Qi Family,

Money is a small problem!

Sun Yu put on the black armor, and found the City Lord Yu Xiu.

Before leaving, Yu Xiu asked one more question:

"You didn't tell anyone except me about this, did you?"

Sun Yu immediately shook his head, the fewer people who knew about this kind of thing, the better.

"Yes! That's good."

Yu Xiu nod, and patted Sun Yu's shoulder, said resolutely:

"Be careful when you enter Qi Family !"

Sun Yu agreed, went out of the City Lord's Mansion and found a place with no one,

change into Mo Chen's appearance and moved towards Tianshui Tea House…