
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Capturing Qi Xianyi

Sun Yu, who entered Tianshui Teahouse, went up to the second floor, and

found a seat overlooking the hall and sat down.

Soon a maid came up and asked him what he wanted to drink.

Sun Yu originally wanted to order a pot of tea and wait while drinking it.

But later found out that he didn't even have a copper coin on him…

It happened here The tea is not cheap, a pot of tea is half silver tael.

Normally eating at City Lord's Mansion and drinking at City Lord's Mansion, he doesn't have to pay,

All his money was swallowed by the simulator,

Sun Yu didn't feel embarrassed he said to the maid he is waiting for someone and dismissed the maid.

the maid's eyesight isn't too low, just by looking at this imposing manner, she know it's a Martial Artist,

without nonsense she just leave.

Sun Yu is sitting here waiting.

After the sky was getting dark, Qi Xianyi finally came.

Sun Yu sat on the second floor, looking down at the other party entering the teahouse,

Qi Xianyi also felt the strange gaze,

As soon as he raised his head, he found It was Mo Chen who was incarnated by Sun Yu.

He laughed, raised his chin as a greeting,

Then went up to the second floor and walked towards Sun Yu.

Watching the opponent approach slowly,

Sun Yu has a smile on his face, but in fact, he has already started secretly running True Qi,

ready to strike the opponent with a thunderous blow.

three steps,

two steps,

The last step!

When Qi Xianyi's footsteps were just halfway through,

Sun Yu made his move!

True Qi, full of formidable power, burst out with fire,

in a flash, Qi Xianyi was startled, his face showed fear,

he thought that the expert who killed Qian Yingzhong came to look for him,

he didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​fighting back,

he quickly stepped back to avoid the attack, and at the same time using True Qi In his mouth shouted:

"Fourth brother save me!"

In an instant,

Sun Yu felt a tyrannical aura Appearing not far away,

However, just a moment later,

an equally tyrannical True Qi appeared, instead of giving any hint.

Yu Xiu's shot!

"Yu Xiu, how dare you stop me!" Qi Zhongjie outside the teahouse looked furious, and his True Qi was surging.

"Hehe, why is the fourth master in such a hurry?"

Yu Xiu, using True Qi, barely resisted the incoming True Qi, and responded with a smile:

"About my My black guard, I just want to ask Fifth Master some things."

Qi Zhongjie's anger did not diminish at all:

"Ask? Humph, If something happened to my brother, I will make you pay the price!"

The two began to fight fiercely.

Sun Yu in the teahouse had already anticipated it, and his fist was three points faster.

At the same time, the External Discharge of True Qi formed a wall of flames,

Securely seal Qi Xianyi's escape route, giving him no chance to escape at all.

And even the entire teahouse was attacked by flames and burned completely.

guests originally wanted to watch the lively scene, but as soon as they saw this battle,

they knew it was not good,

One by one ran faster than a rabbit!

Some people have a strong desire to survive and jump directly from the upstairs.


Qi Xianyi naturally felt that the fourth brother was intercepted,

but he also reacted immediately,

Although the person in front of him is not Mo Chen, he is obviously not the murderer who killed Qian Yingzhong.

Because the True Qi attribute of the other party is fire, the two simply do not match up.

And more importantly, this guy is nothing but a Grade 3 Martial Artist!

As the distance between the two got closer and closer,

he suddenly realized that the other party turned out to be the Feathered Black Guard next to City Lord's Mansion, Sun Yu!

After seeing through the identity of the other party,

Qi Xianyi calmed down instantly,

Seeing the fist flying, the fear on his face disappeared. And said

"hmph, fire restrain metal, it's really good,

But under the suppression of sufficient strength,

gold can also restrain fire!"

Qi Xianyi suddenly stopped and stepped back, he suddenly used all his True Qi,

the whole body actually exuded a burst of gold and iron,

Under the light of the surrounding fire, it looks even more energetic and majestic!

Then, he suddenly raised his right hand, stretched out his giant palm and wrapped it in Sun Yu's fist,

angrily snorted:

"break for me"!"

The palm of the color of gold and iron tightly wrapped Sun Yu's fist in an instant.


Qi Xianyi's face changed drastically.

The power he felt in his hand far exceeded Grade 3,

even a little bit stronger than his Grade 2,

worse is, this is Fire Attribute True Qi!


Qi Xianyi screamed,

The right hand he used to catch Sun Yu's fist, inch by inch broke apart,

The whole arm drooped down softly, and a raging fire ignited,

Qi Xianyi was burned in pain:

"How could it be? How can you have such strength,

You were only a Grade 6 Martial Artist not long ago!"

Qi Xianyi, whose arm was crippled, has long since stopped resisting In his mind,

he just wanted to escape from this place,

but as soon as he turned around, he was confronted by a wall of flames that is made by True Qi.

Qi Xianyi, who has already suffered losses just now,

Naturally did not dare to push hard,

He looked around, frantically looking for a way out,


Sun Yu, who has gone through several simulations,

has thoroughly figured out his thoughts,

All exits that can help Qi Xianyi escape are closed. it has been firmly sealed by the wall of flames,

The only Qi Zhongjie who can save him is blocked by Yu Xiu,

The only thing waiting for Qi Xianyi is to be captured alive, or to die.

Qi Xianyi fell into despair,

he suddenly thought of something,

turned his head to look at Sun Yu, and said in a panic:

"You! You killed Qian Yingzhong! It is you! You have double attribute True Qi!"

Qi Xianyi is worthy of being from the Great Family, experienced and knowledgeable,

However, this does not change his fate,

The fighting outside continues,

Sooner or later it will stop,

Sun Yu no longer delays, Without further thinking ,

rushed forward with the help of True Qi's power he directly restrained Qi Xianyi,

and then punched the opponent into coma.

He transformed into his real body, took off his black armor, and replaced it all with Qi Xianyi.

he is wearing the other party's clothes.

Although it does not fit well, the faceless Divine Art has a certain cool down time, and

cannot continue to Change different characters in a sort time,

he can only wait for the faceless divine art's to recover and transform into Qi Xianyi.

Sun Yu grabbed Qi Xianyi, walked to the side of the restaurant by the window, and loudly shouted:

"Master save me!"

coming outside Before the fierce fighting Between the two was over, he

threw Qi Xianyi in black armor from the upstairs,

then jumped down together, in midair used the cirrus hand ,

pulled up Qi Xianyi, who had fallen unconscious, and sent it to a dark place.

After landing, he hurriedly chased after him.

From a distance, it seems that Sun Yu was defeated and jumped off the building to escape ,

Then Qi Xianyi took the initiative to catch up.

Yu Xiu's heart is clear,

Knowing that Qi Xianyi has been captured,

Next, just drag Sun Yu's faceless Divine Art recovery time. .

With a look of worry on his face, he said:

"Not good!"

He turned his head towards the direction where Sun Yu left. rush away.

However, Qi Zhongjie sneered:

"Hehe, it seems that your subordinate can't hold it anymore? In that case, let's talk for a while!"

His offensive speeded up,

Yu Xiu had no chance to leave this place at all.

Yu Xiu was not in a hurry, which was to be expected.

Just to prevent the other party from becoming suspicious, the look on his face became more and more uneasy.

The more uneasy Yu Xiu was, the happier Qi Zhongjie was.

After fighting for a long time, he just released a little opportunity to let the other party leave.

Yu Xiu looked at the time and said in his heart thank you for your cooperation.

He rushed to the place outside the city as agreed with Sun Yu,

Qi Zhongjie followed leisurely.

When the two arrived outside the city, they immediately saw,

"Qi Xianyi" was beating up "Sun Yu" who was unconscious and wearing black armor…