
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs


[Eighteen years old, you helped the businessman Wang Qi to do the divination. The other party was very satisfied and spent a lot of money to recruit you. You accepted. ]

[That night, you left Morning Sun City with Wang Qi. ]

[As soon as the team arrived outside the city, two Martial Artists caught up with you. You one against two was not their opponent and was beaten to death. ]

A Martial Artist caught up, or two?

Sun Yu was shocked,

No wonder Wang Qi, the Old Guy, wanted to move his family, so he offended Martial Artist.

He still wants to recruit himself?

No, not in this muddy water.

[The simulation is over, please choose any one of the following rewards. ]

[Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of 1 and 18. ]

[Experience skills at the age of 2 and 18. ]

[Memories of death at the age of three or eighteen. ]

Sun Yu chose the third option,

Soon he had a memory in his mind.

He didn't know the two Martial Artists chasing after him.

However, there was a small Song character printed on each other's horses and clothes.

"Could it be the Song Family?"

Sun Yu has been in this world for some time, and he still has a certain understanding of the local forces.

This Song Family is one of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families, with a lot of power.

He didn't want to get into trouble for Wang Qi.

So he took the time to simulate it again.

[At the age of eighteen, you made a plan for the merchant Wang Qi and rejected the other party's solicitation. ]

[That night, you were attacked by a mysterious person and died. ]


What's up with this mysterious person?

Two simulations, both ending in death.

The only difference is whether he accepts Wang Qi's solicitation or not.

Is that mysterious person sent by Wang Qi?

Damn, this guy really isn't a good thing.

Sun Yu pondered in his heart, the two paths in front of him were death.

It's better to promise the other party , and you can slaughter the other party letter.

Anyway, there is a simulator,

As long as he has money, he will make a comeback .

Thinking of this, Sun Yu put his hand away and said with a smile:

"Master Wang, there is absolutely no danger in this trip."

"oh?" Wang Qi glanced at him with a smile:

"Why did you tell Second Madame before that it was not advisable to travel within three days?"

Sun Yu was not embarrassed, said with a smile :

"One divination of money is five taels, and one divination of money is twenty wen. It is normal for some difference in the results."

"Hehe, that's right."

Wang Qi didn't want to get entangled in this matter, instead opened the mouth and said:

"This time, my Wang Family has a long way to relocate, and I'm afraid that some thieves will come to disturb me.

I see that Mr. is very powerful, and I would like to invite you to accompany me and take care of one or two things. I don't know how Mr. fortune teller will join us. Sun Yu sneered in his heart, this Old Guy clearly offended Song Family, but he said it so lightly at the moment,

This is clearly harboring malicious intentions, trying to drag him into the muddy water.

But that's fine. Just in time for a stroke, Sun Yu said directly:

"I'm expensive."

"After arriving, I'll give you twenty taels."

Wang Qi took a sip of tea in a leisurely manner,

he thought he had thrown an offer that the other party couldn't refuse.

Sun Yu then stretched out two fingers:

"The deposit of twenty taels, after the completion of the matter, will give me another twenty taels."

He directly opened his lion's mouth and silenced the other party.

Wang Qi held the tea cup and was stunned for a moment, and nodded

Then he ordered the servant to show Sun Yu the way:

"Sir, go down to rest first, later I'll have someone send the money to you.

It's done!

Twenty taels are coming soon.

Sun Yu thanked the other party and left with the next person

As soon as he left, Zhang Shi in the inner hall came out:

"Why did the lord agree to him,

even if he is a Martial Artist, the forty silver tael is too high."

Wang Qi sneered:

"Oh, isn't it worth the money to buy a dead ghost?

even more how I didn't give him the forty taels, I just let him keep it for a while,

Don't worry, I said this earlier, he has to have a life to spend it.

In the end, it will come back to me…"

After finished speaking, Wang Qi looked at Sun Yu's departure direction and said with disdain:

"youngster not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, really thought that Grade 9 Martial Artist would be able to run amok?"

Sun Yu left the hall under the guidance of his servants, walked through the garden, and came to the guest room.

Before entering, he suddenly found a guest room next to him. He walked out to a familiar silhouette.

Isn't this Zhang Zhong who was separated from him in the city?

He could not help but ask:

"Zhang Zhong, Why are you here?"

Zhang Zhong was also stunned for a moment when he saw Sun Yu, and said excitedly:

"Mr. Martial Artist, are you here too?" I came here to see a patient."

"Don't call me an Martial Artist. If you want, just call me Brother Sun." "

Sun Yu always felt that the title of Martial Artist was a bit strange, and he asked again:

"Who is sick in this house?"

"Okay, Brother Sun." "Zhang Zhong is not a squeamish person either, and changed his mouth to explain:

"The Second Madame, Xu Shi.

I came to take a look when I was curious,

It turned out to be just a fright and fainted.

But when she fell, she might have hit her head, and she needs to be observe it for a long time.

Now, they invited me to stay here for a while. "

Isn't Second Madame the beautiful woman Xu Shi?

Fortunately, it's not Zhang Shi's treatment, it seems that with his intervention, the reality did not follow the development in the simulator .

"By the way, what do you know about Song Family?"

Sun Yu suddenly asked, thinking of the previous simulation.

"Song Family? Zhang Zhong frowned, "Brother Sun, are you talking about the Golden Mountain City Song Family?"

Sun Yu nods: "It should be."

As soon as he agreed, Zhang Zhong said with a look of surprise:

"Why, Brother Sun, did you mess with them?" "

"How could I mess with them." "Sun Yu smiled and made an excuse:

"I just saw their people on the road just now, so I was a little curious, so I just asked."

"Oh, that's fine." "

Zhang Zhong was relieved, and then reminded:

"Song Family has been crazy for the past two years. Brother Sun, although you are a Martial Artist, if you meet you'd better stay away."

"How to say?" Sun Yu said curiously.

Zhang Zhong looked around and lowered his voice:

"It's not because of the death of Song Yun two years ago, the murderer has not been found yet."

"Song Yun?"

Sun Yu showed a puzzled expression.

Zhang Zhong immediately explained:

"Song Yun is the son of the Song Family Second Young Master. , he is already a Martial Artist,

and he is smart, I heard that he has made a lot of money for Song Family."

"How did he die?"

Sun Yu is even more puzzled,

In this way, Song Yun is definitely the key protection object of the Song Family.

There are still people who can left safely After killing him?

"I heard that the Song Family did it by themselves! Moreover, the other party had a premeditated plan to kill and hide the corpse.

After taking the money and leaving, Song Yun died for several days, and was not discovered until the body stinks."

"No wonder. "Sun Yu nods.

It's hard to prevent thieves, so it makes sense.

"I heard that Song Yun's wife also disappeared together, according to people, it may be a love murder ."

"oh?" Sun Yu looked thoughtful,

"How do you know so clearly?"

Zhang Zhong laughed:

"Hey, when the incident happened a few years ago, I happened to be seeing a patient in Golden Mountain City."

"so that's how it is." "

The two chatted casually for a few more times, and Sun Yu said goodbye to Zhang Zhong and returned to the house.

Why did the Song Family want to hunt down Wang Qi? Could it be that he is Song Yun's murderer?

That Zhang Shi is graceful and pompous, and has a good demeanor.

It's barely a match for the wife of a wealthy family.

But also Not, it is said that Song Yun is a Martial Artist, can Wang Qi have this ability?

Could it be his mysterious person?

Sun Yu couldn't understand for a while.

Just close his eyes and rest, waiting for Wang Qi to deliver the money…

Twenty miles away from Morning Sun City.

The two rode their horses and galloped all the way,

When passing through a plain,

Song Chengfeng, a little older, restrained the horse's head and shouted:

"Nephew, let's rest here for a while. . "

The heroic Song Yu didn't mean to stop:

"Uncle Feng, I'm not tired, let's hurry up and continue on the road, the traitor won't be able to escaped by this time ."

The two uncles and nephews of the Song Family are here to find the murderer of Song Yun.

They have received reliable information,

The murderer changed his name Changed the surname to a businessman in Morning Sun City.

Song Chengfeng advised:

"the time is unhurried, even if you don't need a rest, the horse always needs it."

Young Song Yu, watching the sluggish horse under his crotch, agreed to it.

The uncle and nephew had fed the horse, sat on the side, and took a rest.

Song Yu pulled the weeds on the ground and said:

"Uncle Feng, I still don't believe that Brother Yun was killed by his own brother."

Song Yu was still young at the time of the incident.

he don't know much about the incident, it's mostly hearsay.

"Bah, what about his own brother. "Song Chengfeng spit, and said in a disgusting tone:

"That person is just a servant he kindly accepted,

Seeing that he is reliable and honest, Gave him Surnamed Song and accepted him as younger brother.

But didn't expect that this move was to bring wolves into the house.

The man had a bad intention, seduced his sister-in-law to kill your brother Yun, and even ran away from Metal Yang City with money.

Now I have turned into a businessman again,

Fortunately, the heaven has eyes, this time my uncle and nephew have finally found the traitor's whereabouts."

Song Yu's anger surged, and he slammed his fist on the ground:

"Damn it!" Wang Qi, I want you to die without a burial site!"

As evening approached,

Wang Qi asked someone to bring twenty silver tael to Sun Yu.


[The deposit is successful, the current simulated currency balance: 21, the simulation fee: 2, do you want to start the simulation?]

Sun Yu selected Yes…