
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Sunburn Grass

They were two youngsters, a man and a woman.

Glancing at their faces, Qian Yingzhong lowered his head again in despair.


He hammered the ground hard, with a look of unwillingness on his face:

"Then what happened to Sun Yu? is His technique of heaven really so powerful?"

Qian Yingzhong's eyes were blood red, after a while, he suddenly clenched his teeth and said:

"hmph, I don't believe it. I can't catch you!"

He took out the three copper coins again,

biting the tip of his tongue, spurt a mouthful of blood at them.

Then he started the calculation again according to the previous practice,

But this time he kept an eye on it,

The specific location of Sun Yu was not calculated, but It's a guess.

In this way, the degree of interference will be much smaller, and

Accuracy rate can also be improved.

Dang bang bang bang…

The copper coin sounded six times.

Qian Yingzhong looked even more ugly when he looked at the hexagram.

The above shows that Sun Yu is in this diyan mountain at the moment,

In other words, he really missed each other again!


Qian Yingzhong put away the copper coins, took a deep breath, and suppressed his inner anger

"Okay! I'll go up the mountain now. Looking for you, isn't it just a Diyan Mountain, I don't believe I can't find you!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed into the Diyan Mountain without looking back.

Among the two youngsters who had just passed by and had not gone far,

The girl gave him a strange look and said:

"Senior Brother, That person is so strange!

The one who was yelling on the ground just now rushed into the mountains like crazy…"

Senior Brother walking beside her, Kai Yuan Shaking his head and said:

"There are so many weird people in this world, you don't need to pay attention,

And he left just in time, there is no one around, we take this opportunity to quickly enter the mountain, Finding Sunburn Grass is the real business!"


Junior Sister Xu Yaner complied, followed up with Senior Brother, and asked again:

"Senior Brother, is that Sunburn Grass really as powerful as you said?"

"That's natural." Kai Yuan said:

"Grade 4 is promoted to Grade 3, It can make True Qi attach various attributes,

But different attributes have their own strengths and weaknesses, that is, they are very different from single attribute,

This leads to in Grade 3 There is a huge gap between Martial Artists."

Kai Yuan paused for a while and continued:

"Like our Azure Jade Sect because the cultivation technique is of low grade,

After being promoted to Grade 3, although the Fire Attribute with amazing formidable power is obtained, it is the lowest common fire.

Even if it becomes a Grade 3 Martial Artist, it is only the bottom of the existence.

But with the help of Sunburn Grass, when we are promoted to Grade 3, our Fire Attribute can be raised by two grades, and

become the top grade!

The difference is not a little bit."

"Oh, so…"

Xu Yan'er's voice sounded a little ignorant.

Kai Yuan suddenly turned his head and explained with a hint of excitement on his face:

"A Grade 3 Martial Artist who is less than 20 years old with Fire Attribute may only be able to get Hidden Dragon List ranks more than 70,

But a Grade 3 Martial Artist who is top Fire Attribute, at least 50,

Junior Sister, you understand it, Is there any difference?"


Now Xu Yan'er understood it completely, she urged:

"Senior Brother, hurry up, don't let others take the lead!"

"Hey, don't worry, that Sunburn Grass is in a remote location, so no one can find it!"

Kai Yuan is very confident.

He heard this news by accident from a woodcutter.

The other party does not know the goods,

Kai Yuan pulled the other party to a quiet place and gave him a sum of money,

After asking about the specific situation, he was sure that it was the Sunburn Grass he had been looking for. ,

Then came along with Junior Sister who was also of Grade 4,

As for the woodcutter, of course he became a dead man.

Because in Kai Yuan's heart, only dead people can keep this secret.

The two fellow apprentices had been around Diyan mountain for a long time, and

finally came to the cliff that the woodcutter said.

Kai Yuan slowly fell from the top of the cliff with the help of the ropes he brought, and

soon found a cave hidden between the mountain walls.

He hadn't stepped into it yet, but felt an indifferent warmth hit him,

he was overjoyed, knowing that this must be the place where the Sunburn Grass grows.

As soon as he entered the cave, he suddenly frowned.

The cave is not very big, you can see it to the bottom at a glance.

But the question is, where is the Sunburn Grass here?

He took two steps forward, and his face became even more ugly.

There was a small hole dug in the ground. Obviously, the whole Sunburn Grass had been pulled up by the roots!


Kai Yuan scolded,

The Junior Sister who followed behind asked:

"Senior Brother , what's the matter? But did you found Sunburn Grass?"

"Found a fart! The early bird caught the worm!" Kai Yuan was in a very bad mood.


Xu Yan'er was startled and stepped forward to check, as expected by Senior Brother,

But she looked more carefully , pointed to a place on the ground and asked:

"Senior Brother, what do you think that is?"

Kai Yuan looked down, but the expression on his face changed again:

"This is… a footprint, a three-fingered foot?

Not a human… a fire demon! It's a fire demon!"

He suddenly became happy , but Xu Yaner didn't know why:

"Senior Brother, you…"

Kaiyuan explained excitedly:

"Yan'er , you don't know, the Sunburn Grass is the world's rare object.

Not only our Human Race can use it, but those monsters can also used it in cultivation.

The fire demon was attracted by the scent of the Sunburn Grass grass, and then for the convenience of cultivation, the burning flame grass was transplanted to its nest!"

Xu Yan'er looked thoughtful:

"In other words, if we find the fire demon, we can find the Sunburn Grass grass?"

"That's right!"

Yuan Kai was overjoyed:

" Yan'er, let's go, the Sunburn Grass can't be transplanted too far,

The fire demon is still in the Diyan Mountain!"


On the other side,

avoiding Qian Yingzhong, Sun Yu went to Diyan Mountain early in the morning,

The reason why this mountain range is called Diyan Mountain is because in underground There is lava present.

There is not much vegetation on the mountain,

but the terrain is still complicated, there are some strangely shaped and extremely huge black stones everywhere.

Sun Yu wandered around for a while, but couldn't find the fire demon.

He is not in a hurry, anyway, there is still time, let's simulate the situation first:

[Eighteen years old, you are already a Grade 4 Martial Artist, you accept the reward, Come to Diyan Mountain to help Chase Chamber of Commerce kill the fire demon. ]

[You searched for a long time, and finally came across the fire demon, but the flames that spewed out of the demon's mouth from time to time gave you a lot of headaches. ]

[Fortunately, you are superior, and the fire demon was injured by you. At this time, two youngsters who are also Grade 4 suddenly appeared to help you. ]

[The fire demon already have fear, and at this moment, when it see a lot of people, it immediately flee. The three of you are powerless, you can only watch it escape from here. ]

[You got to know Kai Yuan and Xu Yan'er because of this. They invited you to deal with the fire demon together, and you agreed. ]

[The three of you walk together, looking for traces of the fire demon on the mountain. ]

[Kai Yuan is very experienced in tracking down monsters. You follow him and quickly find the fire demon's lair. ]

[This time, the fire demon did not choose to escape, and it was extremely angry and start a fierce fight with you. ]

[The Fire Demon has a deep hatred for you, and spends most of the time staring at you to fight, but with one enemy three, it quickly fell into decline. ]

[You are about to successfully kill the fire demon, but at this time, Kai Yuan and Xu Yan'er suddenly attacked you… You are dead. ]


Sun Yu looked at the simulation results and couldn't understand…