
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs


"Damn it! Sun Yu that guy!"

After waiting until late in the morning, Qian Yingzhong scolded Sun Yu again.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with my method of calculating the secret? Impossible!"

If it is someone who is stronger than him, it is normal for the result to be wrong. .

However, before he came, he also made a special understanding of it,

That Sun Yu's strength is not high,

It is also around 4th Grade , his heavenly secret calculation is absolutely impossible to go wrong.

"What the hell is going on?"

Qian Yingzhong, who has recovered his true face, has a square face and can't stop thinking.

After a while, he had an idea in his mind:

"Hey, did this guy get the true inheritance of Martial Uncle and calculated my actions in advance?"

"No, it's impossible!"

Qian Yingzhong immediately rejected the idea.

First of all, he was sure that he was absolutely not exposed,

For Sun Yu it is impossible to measure his actions for no reason.

Second, a person who knows Heavenly Mystery Technique has a certain degree of shielding.

With Sun Yu's strength, it is absolutely impossible to measure him.

He quickly thought of another situation:

"is it possible that the other party is always using Heavenly Mystery Technique to cover the sky and interfere with my calculation results?"

Qian Yingzhong had a calm face, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

The art of the secret is mutual,

You can measure the secret to determine the location of others,

Others can naturally cover the secret and prevent you from finding it.

And there are stronger and weaker between the two, in addition to looking at their own realm,

It depends on the degree of mastery of the magic of heaven.

From Qian Yingzhong's point of view, Sun Yu's secret technique is extremely strong,

despite of being weaker than him, it can actually interfere with his calculation results.

This made him very surprised, and at the same time, he was secretly glad that Sun Yu's strength was much lower than him,

If the two were in the same realm,

if he rashly calculate the opponent's secret, not only will he not be able to get any results, but he may be seriously injured by the backlash.

But Qian Yingzhong is not weak either.

He, Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Eldest Senior Brother, still has two brushes.

Otherwise, it was impossible to Overshadowed his own Pavilion Lord.

for him It's not impossible to remove Sun Yu's shielding technique,

It's just this method, which requires some price,

This makes him temporarily hesitate.

Thinking about it for a while, Qian Yingzhong regretted it a little.

If he had known this, he should not have been impatient and rejected Qi Family's help.

With the support of the other party's intelligence network, dealing with a Sun Yu is piece of cake for him.

"Hey! I'm careless!"

He shook his head and sighed.

However, it is impossible to go back to Qi Family now.

He doesn't know the purpose of Sun Yu's trip,

If the other party chooses to leave Qing State directly, then even if he finds Qi Family, it will be useless,

"Now, he can only rely on himself."

Qian Yingzhong finally decided to take action by himself,

After all, the crime he committed was a bit big, if he was exposed by Sun Yu and,

caused Heaven's Mystery Pavilion to know what he did to the Pavilion Lord, it must be only dead end for him.

Thinking of this, Qian Yingzhong no longer hesitated, took out three copper coins,

and bit his tongue to spurt a mouthful of blood at them.

He put his fingers together, put them between his eyebrows, and after chanting a few words,

pointed a trace of True Qi on the copper coin.

"Get up!"

Qian Yingzhong drew a circle with two fingers in thin air,

The three copper coins on the ground immediately floated into the air, and then a "dang bang" sounded and again fell to the ground.

Looking at the hexagram, Qian Yingzhong's face turned pale, and

a strand of gray hair on his head seemed to be fading, white.

But he didn't care. With a twist of his fingers, the copper coin floated into the air again…


After six consecutive measurements,

Qian Yingzhong frowned, half of his gray hair turned completely white, and his square face was extremely pale:

"Damn it, this method really consumes blood essence!"

He scolded and looked at the last hexagram on the ground, but his brows stretched open:

"Tomorrow, south, Diyan Mountain?"

"Haha, good!" Qian Yingzhong laughed loudly:

"It's just three things, I've spent so much effort,

I don't hesitate to spend a lot of blood essence and a few years of lifespan,

I don't believe it, you can still escape!"

He took a short rest, then moved towards Diyan Mountain hurriedly…

At this moment, Sun Yu on the other side stopped,

After an all-night drive, it was time to take a break.

This is already the second day, he should have arrived at Diyan Mountain today,

But in order to avoid Qian Yingzhong on the way, he took a lot of detours, which slowed him a lot.

At this speed, it is estimated that it will take another day to reach Diyan Mountain.

Sun Yu ate some dry food and drank some water to replenish his strength.

Then, open the simulator and start the simulation again:

[Eighteen years old, you are already a Grade 4 Martial Artist, you accept the reward and go to Diyan Mountain to help Chase Chamber of Commerce on the way to kill the fire demon. ]

[Second day Early in the morning, you finally arrived at Diyan Mountain. At this time, you found a young official with half white hair who looked no more than seven or eight years old walking towards you. ]

[You feel the danger, but you haven't made a move yet. When the other party waved his hand, countless sands rushed to bury you completely, and you died. ]

Sun Yu continued to choose Memories of Death, and easily determined the position where Qian Yingzhong blocked.

Then he wandered leisurely, after resting for a while, he continued to set off.

Diyan Mountain is very big,

When the time comes, he just needs to go up the mountain in another way, and he can easily avoid each other.

A day goes by quickly.

The sky was bright,

Qian Yingzhong, who had been waiting near Diyan Mountain for a long time, saw that it was almost time,

he transformed into a mere seven. eight-year-old child.

This time, he didn't choose to sit back and wait,

but jumped forward, hoping to meet Sun Yu one step ahead.

After walking for a while,

Qian Yingzhong's face turned ugly.

The hexagram says that Sun Yu must have arrive at Diyan Mountain at this time, but at this moment, there is not even a silhouette in front of him.

"Isn't it coming from this road?"

Suspicious Qian Yingzhong hurriedly turned around to check, but is there a silhouette nearby?

"No, no, I can't move on.

It's better to go back and wait for something more reliable. Don't miss it again when the time comes, and waste the blood essence of yesterday."

He hurriedly turned around and waited at the foot of the mountain, constantly observing the surrounding situation.

Time passed by,


Qian Yingzhong was in a trance,

faceless Divine Art's time end, he is once again what he was.

At this time, Qian Yingzhong already knew that he was wrong again…

This time the blow to him was huge,

He looked unbelievable , suddenly fell to his knees:

"This, how is this possible! How is this possible!

I spent blood essence and gave up a few years of lifespan, but I still miscalculated. ?

Then what monster is Sun Yu!

He is only 20 years old, how could he have such a powerful technique! It shouldn't be!"

Qian Yingzhong was hit hard, hit his head on the ground, and couldn't stop crying,

At this moment,

There was a sound of footsteps in his ears,

At this moment, Qian Yingzhong seemed to see hope, he hurriedly raised his head and looked at the source of the sound…