
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Song Chengyu's death

Song Chengyu couldn't understand.

But what shocked him was still behind.

He suddenly discovered that the other party's realm, like him, was also a Grade 4 Martial Artist!

Song Chengyu's mind was a little confused,

the countless information from before came to mind,

Grade 7? Grade 6? Grade 4?

What the hell is going on with this kid?

The realm is improving so fast,

Or is there a big problem with our intelligence system?

He didn't have time to think about it, Sun Yu had already rushed in front of him.

The menacing appearance caused him to take two steps back to distance himself,

Then put out his hands like two giant hammer and slapped them fiercely at Sun Yu's head!

But this move was also expected by Sun Yu.

He didn't even think about it, he bent back, and

formed a right angle with his lower body, avoiding the fatal blow.

Immediately after he turned his body, he lifted his right foot up and whipped his leg towards the opponent's temple with a kick full of True Qi.

Amidst the whistling sound, Song Chengyu couldn't catch up and hurried back to block.


Body Protection True Qi shattered instantly, and

a powerful force led Song Chengyu to the left and staggered two steps to the left.

But he is experienced, he takes advantage of the situation, and turns his disadvantage into an advantage.

Standing on his left foot, his right leg moves towards Sun Yu's waist with great force.

However, this is still in vain.

All his movements were expected by Sun Yu,

Just raised his leg,

Sun Yu guessed his movements,

With a twist, he easily avoided it, and

even with his flexible steps, he rushed in front of him again…

Song Chengyu was very uncomfortable.

In nearly forty years as a Martial Artist,

he has never faced a fight as bizarre as it is today.

Sun Yu in front of him completely guessed his actions.

Song Chengyu felt that every move he made was expected by the other party,

either he was dodged in advance,

or was forced by the other party and had to forcibly Defend.


It's really frustrating.

After a few rounds, Song Chengyu's eyes started to turn red, and

blood oozes out between his nose and mouth.

If you take off your clothes,

He could see several red, swollen, and even sunken fist marks on his body.

Being beaten like this by a junior, Song Chengyu, who is eager for revenge, can't express his anger,

But his injury is getting worse and worse,

As a result, his movements began to deform, and the True Qi in his body gradually became unstable.

Sun Yu sees this.

"While your illness is killing you! It's time to end it!"

With a violent shout, he clenched his fist, and he use all of his strength!

True Qi surged wildly, and

even the surrounding air roared.

Under the tyrannical fist strength, Song Chengyu's hair began to mess up,

"Damn! Die for Lao Tzu!"

He who was disheveled hair was furious to the extreme ,

Did not dodge or evade, also blasted an amazing punch of formidable power,

want to die with Sun Yu.


Two fists collide.

Everything seemed to come to a standstill.

Yet next moment.


A loud noise,

The thick True Qi, with the two as the center, swept away all around.


The house collapsed and the ground caved in.


In the dusty sky, Song Chengyu's screams came, and his right hand was broken!

Sun Yu stepped forward and punched the opponent's head again:



Blood splashes and Song Chengyu's headless body slowly falls to the ground.

Sun Yu took a look around,

the two fought only about ten moves,

Qi Guang was already on his way,

He didn't want to stay for a long time, and hurriedly touched the other party's body, only to get a booklet that looked a little worn out,

I didn't have time to check it carefully, and I was worried that someone would come.

Sun Yu taking advantage of the night hurriedly left this place and went to City Lord's Mansion.

The battle with Song Chengyu, although easy, still cost him a lot of True Qi.

That Qi Guang is not weak,

There is no need to fight with each other, just leave if you can!

After a while,

Qi Guang, who came over after hearing the news of the battle, looked at the corpse on the ground and was shocked.

Although the corpse had lost its head,

but the pair of unusually large hands made him recognize Song Chengyu.


Qi Guang hurriedly stepped forward to check,

Where is the murderer's ?

He could only hurry back and report the matter to Qi Xianyi.

"What did you say? Song Chengyu is dead?"

Qi Xianyi, who was drinking tea, paused his hand and asked:

"Who moved his hand? ?"

Qi Guang shook his head and said:

"I don't know, but the murderer is very ruthless,

It seems that the victory is also very easy, and the strength should not be low. "…"

"The strength is not low…"

While Qi Xianyi was thinking about it, Qi Guang suddenly thought of something and asked:

"Fifth Master, do you think Yu Xiu will shoot?"


Qi Xianyi shook his head slightly:

"he is at City Lord's mansion. There are people watching him in Mansion,

If he leaves, there will definitely be news."

"Then what to do next, Song Chengyu is dead,

Do you need to tell the two experts of Song Family about this?"

"No hurry!" Qi Xianyi reached out to stop:

"Let me think about it first."

Qi Guang stopped talking and waited quietly beside him.

After a while,

Qi Xianyi said:

"So, don't reveal Song Chengyu's death yet.

You go directly to the two Song Family people,

Tell them that Song Chengyu is waiting for them at City Lord's Mansion."

Qi Guang was surprised:

"Fifth Master, isn't that asking them to die?

That Yu Xiu is a Grade 1 expert, and the Song Family are only rank 2…"

Qi Xianyi said with a sneer:

"It's good to let them die, a Song Chengyu, the Song Family may not care much,

But if you get two more Grade 2 Martial Artists ,

no matter how generous Song Family, they can't stand it."

Qi Guang looked thoughtful and said:

"Fifth Master, what do you mean? Are you trying to provoke a conflict between the City Lord's Mansion and the Song Family?

But didn't they already promise us…"

"Hehe, just promise is not enough,

It is best to be irreconcilable, so that our Qi Family can use the least effort to capture the greatest benefits!"

Qi Xianyi touched the jade wrench in his hand and said with a sneer:

"When they suffer on both sides, I can not only easily take Pingle City, but also take Glory City as a trophy and annex Song Family's territory!"

"so that's how it is! Fifth Master has a good plan!"

Qi Guang flattered .

"Hehe, go ahead and tell the Song Family's two experts, that

Song Chengyu is waiting for them in the City Lord's Mansion, ready to cooperate inside and outside to arrest Yu Xiu's family…"


Qi Guang responded.

Qi Xianyi sat on the top floor of Tianshui Teahouse,

holding a teacup, overlooking the whole Pingle City leisurely.

It's just a dead Song Chengyu, he simply doesn't care,

everything is still under his control, and even begins to develop in a better direction.

But this thought only lasted for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the door was pushed open, and a man covered in blood rushed in quickly.

Qi Xianyi frowned slightly, raised the teacup, and asked:

"What happened in a hurry?"

The man immediately lowered his head and said:

"Report Fifth Master, something happened, our layout in Glory City was pulled up by the roots…"



Qi Xianyi crushed the cup in his hand…