
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

confrontation with Song Chengyu

It's just nighttime, and

Pingle City is no longer as lively as it used to be.

There are very few pedestrians on the street, and

many shops simply choose to close their doors.

Because today's Pingle City is too chaotic.

Many thieves committed crimes on the streets,

Some people even robbed shops and committed crimes.

Several of the guards died.

Sun Yu led the team from Xi area to Nancheng District,

In just one round, they arrested three or four people who did not abide the law,

There were nearly ten other people who forcibly resisted and were killed on the spot by him.

But it's not enough,

These guys don't know where they came from,

simply can't catch them,

He had just killed a robber in the Western District, when

there was news that someone in the east of the city was forcibly robbing a civilian girl and killing her in the street!

Sun Yu immediately brought people over and was very busy…

Tian Shui Tea House.

One of the few safe places in the chaotic Pingle City.

At this moment, on the top floor, Song Chengyu sits opposite Qi Xianyi.

"Fifth Master, really good ability, just a word, it almost paralyzed Pingle City."

Song Chengyu praised and watch the chaotic Pingle City through the window. .

"Hehe, it's just a small matter."

Qi Xianyi smiled and drank tea slowly.

Song Chengyu turned around and asked:

"However, just like this, I'm afraid it's still not enough. I wonder if you can deal with Yu Xiu?"

Qi Xianyi nods:

"Killing Yu Xiu is easy, the hard part is how not to be discovered by the Imperial Court,

My idea is to lead the opponent out of the city. Directly intercept and kill him outside the city."

"Why not in the city?" Song Chengyu frowned,

It would be too troublesome to lead out of the city, besides,

Qi Family has such a huge influence in Pingle City, are you afraid that it will not be possible?

Qi Xianyi seemed to see what he was thinking, shook his head and explained:

"The fish and dragons mixed in together in the city, some Great Sects have informants here,

If you act rashly, it will be easy to be held by others."

Song Chengyu nods, "This is troublesome person, does Yu Xiu have family members Friends he care about?"

Qi Xianyi has long thought of this:

"His family is in City Lord's Mansion, so it's hard to do it."

"Then we might be able to forge the Imperial Court order and force him to leave here."

Song Chengyu had another idea,

But Qi Xianyi still shook his head:

"It doesn't work either. Imperial Court order all have a special imprint. I'm afraid you and I can't imitate them…"

"This is a bit difficult…"

The two were thinking, but one person entered the door, walked up to Qi Xianyi and said:

"Fifth Master, that Sun Yu came out,

At this moment They are cleaning Pingle City with a pair of guards ."

"Sun Yu?" Fifth Master didn't speak yet, but Song Chengyu hurriedly said:

"That kid came out. Now? Where is he now? Take me there!"

Qi Xianyi motioned him to don't be impatient:

"Brother Song, why worry, don't be so mad because of him ."

Song Chengyu said with a smile:

"Hey, don't you want to lure Yu Xiu out?

In my opinion, This Sun Yu is a very good bait,

Let's just catch him directly and use him to force Yu Xiu to come forward!"

That's what he said, but he was impatient In order to kill sun yu,

extremely rare opportunity,

kill Sun Yu first and take revenge,

As for how to deal with Yu Xiu, it is still a headache for the Qi Family !

And the family is not optimistic about this matter, and only gave him two Grade 2 experts,

There is no need to bother.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate…"

Qi Xianyi said on the side,

He felt that although Sun Yu had some ability,

But wanting to use him to persecute Yu Xiu is still a little tricky.

However, Song Chengyu ignored it and said:

"What's wrong, let's try it again, anyway, there is no good solution for now."

Qi Xianyi didn't speak, and seemed to be thinking about the pros and cons.

Song Chengyu said again with a smile:

"Why, Fifth Master, you can't believe me, right?"

Qi Xianyi shook his head again and again

"How can I not trust you, I'm just worried that you have an accident, I can't explain to Song Family…"

"Accident?" Song Chengyu said with a sneer:

"What can happen to me? Trifling Sun Yu, I'm going to catch him, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?"

Qi Xianyi is not worried about this,

From the fact that Song Chengyu only brought two Grade 2 experts, he could see that,

In fact, the Song Family's desire to kill Yu Xiu is not too high,

It's all about the attitude of giving it a try,

It's good to succeed, everyone has a good time together,

It doesn't matter if it fails, it's nothing but the loss of two Grade 2 expert.

The most important thing in their trip is revenge.

If, this time, Song Chengyu took out Sun Yu,

The Song Family will definitely not make much effort to deal with Yu Xiu after that.

This is something Qi Xianyi doesn't want to see.

He thought about it and said:

"I mean, if you meet Yu Xiu…"

Song Chengyu said nonchalantly with a big smile:

"That's also better, I just took this opportunity to lead him out of the city,

Fifth Master when the time comes, just bring someone over."

He insisted so, Qi Xianyi didn't really stop him, he could only agree.

When Song Chengyu saw this, he pulled the messenger and walked out:

"Quick, where is Sun Yu, take me there!"

Two People left Tianshui Teahouse and walked away quickly.

Qi Xianyi instructed to Qi Guang who was beside him:

"Go watch that guy, don't let him mess around, I'm afraid he won't be able to restrain himself and kill Sun Yu."

Qi Guang hurriedly followed him out,

But at this moment outside the Tianshui Teahouse, there is no shadow of Song Chengyu


He cursed secretly, followed the general direction and hurriedly chased after him…

Sun Yu, who was in the Xi area, punched a disheveled Grade 9 Martial Artist.

As soon as he looked up, he found that there was a person not far ahead,

The other side was like a jujube, with a burly body, and the two palms were even bigger and scarier.

"Song Chengyu!"

Sun Yu recognized each other at once,

this person he had met countless times in his death memories,

It can be said to be impressive.

At this moment, Sun Yu's body even trembled with excitement.

Song Chengyu's footsteps are getting faster and faster, running to the front, he even use True Qi and loudly shouted:

"Boy! Pay with your life!"

His huge right palm moved towards Sun Yu,

one after another gray wriggling True Qi covered him, like a cloud,

with an inexplicable suction force.

This move is called Cirrus Hand, which is Song Chengyu's unique skill.

Over the years, countless experts have lost in it.

Before the palm of his hand came,

Sun Yu felt the endless suction.

But this move, he has already seen it countless times.

He didn't even need to use his brain, he knew how to deal with the reaction of his body.

I saw him breathed deeply, condensed several lines of True Qi in front of him, blocking the suction,

Then seized the opportunity to jump back extremely lightly,

While avoiding the opponent's palm,

Sun Yu's toes just landed, and True Qi spewed out immediately.

His body was like a cannonball, and he rushed towards Song Chengyu suddenly.


Cirrus Hand is powerful in controlling True Qi,

At the same time of shooting, it disperses nearly ten strands of True Qi suction force, forcibly Pull the enemy in front of you and make it impossible to evade.

Even if the opponent is Heaven Blessed Genius can immediately see through the mystery of this move,

But it is extremely difficult to disperse the True Qi that can counteract the suction and crack this move,

One is that there is not enough time, and the other is that the required accuracy is extremely high.

Even if the position of True Qi is a little bit different, there is no way to break the move.

But Sun Yu in front of him cracked this move without any pressure.

Song Chengyu was shocked, and couldn't respond immediately…