
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

short lived ghost

Heavenly Profound Continent, Morning Sun City.

"Madam, you have a omen of great evil!"

At the street stall, Sun Yu squeezed the supple and boneless, palm of the beautiful woman in front of him, and said with a serious face.


The beautiful woman opened her delicate and rosy lips and grabbed Sun Yu's hand in turn,

There was a hint of horror in her eyes and Asked:

"Is this true? little brother,

how to solve it?"

The beautiful woman is the concubine of Wang Qi, a businessman in the city,

Because the Wang Family was about to move out in the past few days, she saw her Husband's worried look, so she thought of coming over and asking for fortune.

Of course, part of the reason is that she sees Sun Yu as handsome and pleasing to the eye.

"The method of cracking is also simple."

Sun Yu made two strokes before pulling back his hand and smiled confidently:

in this three days, Don't go out of the city, you will be able to escape the disaster."

"so that's how it is, many thanks to little brother."

The beautiful woman wiped the white tenderness Under her neck, I don't know whether it was sweat oozing out of fear or nervousness.

she took out another 30 cents of money,

When she gave it to Sun Yu, she took the opportunity to scratch his palm.

Then slowly stood up, took a fragrant breeze, and left the stall.

Sun Yu didn't expect the other party to eat a piece of tofu before she left.

But he didn't care either.

Since he came across, he has encountered many such things.

It's a little troublesome to look good.

He also used copper mirror to see his appearance.

It's really good, about 1.78 meters tall,

He looks handsome and has good features.

The bridge of the nose is tall and straight, and the pair of peach blossom eyes are hidden under the thick and long black eyebrows, which is very charming.

Forget about women, even he himself couldn't bear it.

But in this world, looking good is not everything.

Otherwise, his original body would not be living on the streets,

Finally starved to death.

Sun Yu's luck was much better than his.

After crossing over, he met an old man who made a living by fortune-telling.

Not Just take him in, give him a bite to eat, and take him as a disciple and teach him fortune telling.

It's just that this master is not very reliable,

he took him to cheat for half a month,

Leave a photo book and several hundred pennies and Disappeared.

Fortunately, the text here is similar to the previous life,

The content in the photo book is not complicated, and

In addition, there is an old-fashioned personal demonstration before.

Sun Yu also has a skill, and can eat a meal without starving himself.

But as a transmigrator, it's not enough to just have a full stomach.

According to his observations these days, this world is similar to ancient times, but it has inexplicable magical powers.

He once saw with his own eyes that someone with a punched broke a stone wall half a meter thick and two meters long.

While he was surprised, the cheap master told him disdainfully that this was nothing,

It's as simple as tearing a piece of paper in the eyes of those great Martial Artists.

For a while, Sun Yu was hot in his heart and wanted to find a way to Cultivate and become a Martial Artist.

But his master told him that with his aptitude, he is afraid for the rest of his life. There is no hope of becoming a martial artist

let him obediently and honestly be a fortune teller, at least he won't starve to death.


Sun Yu didn't give up completely.

He also crossed over with "local specialties".

On the first day he came to this world,

his golden finger life simulator arrived,

but, he has been unable to use this golden finger , Because it needs krypton gold to start.

He has tried all kinds of things,

only the currency of this world can be recharged.

In addition, there are recharge requirements,

The minimum is a silver tael.

A silver tael is not too small, it is enough for a ordinary person to live for a year.

Sun Yu has been living frugally these days, leaving early and returning late.

Finally, through the business just now, he collected 1,000 wen, which is equivalent to one silver tael.

He took the fortune telling stall, and

walked towards broken temple in the east outside of the city.

This is his current residence, although it is a bit old,

It is enough to keep out the wind and rain,

The most important thing is, it does not cost money.

Entering the ruined temple, Sun Yu pulled out an old cloth futon,

sitting in front of the overturned stone statue,

the whole thousand coins, Hold it in his hand:

"Top up."

The copper coins in his hand disappears instantly.

[Successful recharge, current simulated currency balance: 1, do you want to start the simulation? ]

Sun Yu is excited,

It's not easy!

It has been more than half a year since I came to this world!

He finally opened his golden finger with his own efforts and Master's sponsorship!

"Start the simulation!"

Sun Yu said impatiently.

his tone barely fell , and a line of small characters appeared in front of him:

[Eighteen years old, you traveled the world and made a living by fortune-telling. ]

[At the age of eighteen, you were fortune telling for a concubine of a merchant surnamed Wang. That night, two drunk men rushed into the ruined temple and clashed with you. They fiercely beat you and then walked away. ]

[When you were dying, a doctor named Zhang Zhong who passed by to rest saved your life. ]

[In order to repay the life-saving grace, you don't charge a penny to follow the other party around to save people and help out. ]

[At the age of 21, Zhang Zhong, a bell doctor, rescued a Martial Artist who was in distress, and the other party gave him a copy of "Heavenly Martial Divine Art". he was Not interested in this, he forwarded the cultivation technique to you.]

[At the age of 33, it took you twelve years to finally get started and become a Grade 9 Martial Artist. ]

[At the age of thirty-five, you followed Zhang Zhong to practice medicine and passed Jingyang Mountain to rest. At night, a tiger demon attacked you. You were not an opponent. You were bitten to death together with Zhang Zhong. ]

That's all?

Sun Yu didn't know what to say either.

It seems that his cheap master is right,

The aptitude of this body is really not good,

Even with the cultivation technique, it still took twelve years to become a beginner Grade 9 Martial Artist.

What's more unfortunate is that he is still a short-lived ghost.

He is in his prime in his thirties, and he died an untimely death.

At this moment, a new prompt popped up again:

[The simulation is over, please choose any one of the following rewards. ]

[Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of one and thirty-five. ]

[Experience skills at the age of 20 and 35. ]

[Memories of death at the age of three or thirty-five. ]

Just a few lines of small character,

immediately made Sun Yu's heart ecstatic!

This emulator works!

How can I pass on the cultivation base, for experience, and memory for my current self!

Without a second thought, Sun Yu chose the first item directly.

With his aptitude, his cultivation will take twenty years,

But now the simulator can directly implemented martial arts cultivation realm in one step, allowing him to upgrade to the corresponding realm.

At the next moment, Sun Yu felt a warm current flowing into his limbs,

He only felt refreshed and extremely comfortable,

But for a moment, he clenched his fists, and

obviously felt that there was a swift and fierce True Qi in his body.

Sun Yu tried to run True Qi,

and then punched towards the stone statue as tall as a man in front of him.


The statue exploded instantly!

The gravel flew and slammed into Sun Yu's body,

but he didn't care,

because from today, his life started to be totally different.