
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs


"We still have to make money."

After Sun Yu was excited, he figured out the key point.

With money, he can continue the krypton gold simulation.

Although he is now a Martial Artist, he has more possibilities and options.

But for a while, Sun Yu didn't have any clues,

The only thing he could think of was to continue to do his own business,

''fortune telling''.

"No, that's not right!"

Sun Yu suddenly reacted,

Now he can simulate life and see the changes in the future,

How can he be called a liar like this?

The Divine Prediction is also possible!

thinking of the simulation first, will there really be two drunks rushing into the broken temple tonight to beat him up?

Sun Yu jumped up on the roof with force,

took out the photo book that the cheap master left for him, and waited quietly…

Morning Sun City, Wang Family mansion.

Xu Shi, the concubine, poured a bowl of hot tea for the master Wang Qi:

"Master, in my opinion, the relocation should not be rushed, or wait three days before leaving. Right."

Wang Qi glanced at her:

"en? Why?"

"I made a Divine Prediction for you in the city today, That gentleman said…"

She didn't finish her sentence, Wang Qi almost jumped up:

"What! Did you tell outsiders about this? didn't i tell you to stay out of this?"

Wang Family's relocation is fake, but escape is real.

Although Xu Shi didn't know that.

But if this matter spreads out, people with a sharp heart will naturally be able to infer some clues.

Xu Shi's face turned red:

"Didn't I see that the master has been very worried these days and wants to help you solve the problems…"

"Damn!" Anxious Wang Qi raised his hand and gave her a slap,

"A swindler, what can you worry about for Laozi!"

"Apart from the fortune-teller, who else knows about this matter? ?"

"No, no, he's the only one..."

Xu Shi covered her face, tears streaming down her face.

"Master, calm down, isn't he just a fortune teller?

It's very simple to want him to shut up? Leave it to me."

In the inner hall, Zhang Shi, the person who had been listening for a long time, came out to persuade him.

"en." Wang Qi's face looked better now, he nodded and said:

"Be more natural, don't make the city stormy,

By the way, you let them hurry up and clean up, tomorrow night at the latest, we must leave Morning Sun City!"

Zhang Shi agreed, walked over and gave Xu Shi a kick, and asked her about the fortune teller.

Xu Shi dared not hide anything,

she immediately told everything she knew about Sun Yu.

When the two left, Xu Shi felt very sad, got slapped without saying anything, and

also hurt the good-looking fortune-teller.

She put her hands together and prayed:

"every injustice has its perpetrator, all this is the fault of Zhang Shi,

fortune-telling little brother, you are going to the underworld But please don't come to me…"

Soon after nightfall,

the dilapidated temple on the east side of Morning Sun City, suddenly two uninvited guests came.

They staggered in with their wine jars in their hands, shouting and shouting.

Sun Yu on the beam glanced at the two of them,

The simulator is much more intelligent than his fortune-telling!

It's just two drunks. so He didn't mean to show up, so he hid on the roof,

Look at the two people below, they are like headless flies in the temple Wandering around.

Sun Yu couldn't help laughing, and he didn't intend to talk to them.

At this time, the temple suddenly became quiet, and one of the drunk men said:

"Big brother, why is the fortune teller not here, what should we do?"

Hearing the word about fortune telling, Sun Yu hurriedly looked down,

These two people in the temple how could they looked like they were drunk

It was obviously faked before!

Is this here on purpose?

"What can I do? Go back and report to Mrs. Wang truthfully, just leave."

After the two finished speaking, they left quickly.

"Mrs. Wang?"

Sun Yu's mind suddenly came up with the silhouette of the beautiful woman in the morning, "Is it her?"

Sun Yu was puzzled ,

If you can't calculate, it's okay to be beaten up.

But now, this has not been accomplished , why did you send someone to beat him?

He is newly promoted Grade 9 Martial Artist, can he endure this grievance?

No, I have to go to the Wang Family tomorrow, ask the girl,

Sun Yu guessed that the other party would not come back again, so he jumped off the roof and raised a bonfire,

The place above is narrow and small, and it is really tiring to stay there.

After a while, another person came in outside the broken temple.

Sun Yu looked up at the other party.

Also a youngster, he looked a little older than him,

He was thin and small, with a faint face. White, a look of nutritional deficiencies.

The left hand is ringing the bell, carrying a large medicine box, and the whole person is slightly tilted as if overwhelmed.

This person should be the bell doctor Zhang Zhong who saved him in The Sims.

Zhang Zhong saw him, laughed opened the mouth and said:

"This...brother, don't mind me harassing you for a night?"

Sun Yu was waiting for him, nodding:

"It's okay, just sit down."

Zhang Zhong walked up to him and was about to sit down,

Suddenly he saw the tools for fortune telling, frowned and asked:

"You are a fortune teller?"


Sun Yu Somehow, complied.

Then I saw Zhang Zhong shaking his head,

he sat down to the farthest end with great disgust.

Zhang Zhong has never believed in fortune-telling, and even has a trace of disgust.

Because one of his patients at the time believed in fortune-telling nonsense and missed the treatment, which eventually led to his death .

He unloaded the medicine box,

Took out two steamed buns and ate them,

He took out a book and rolled it over, it was obviously carefully protected and read the medical book.

Sun Yu didn't care at all, said with a smile:

"Since you and I are destined to meet today, why don't I give you a divination."

Zhang Zhong Staring at the book without raising his head, curl one's lip and said in a disdainful tone:

"No need, I don't believe this."

Sun Yu didn't give him a chance, his eyes narrowed slightly. then his right hand turned over the palm, his thumb and middle finger touched a few times,

immediately said:

"Zhang Zhong, you may have a Blood Light Disaster, in Jingyang Mountain in seventeen years. remember, remember!"

Zhang Zhong was surprised when his name was called.

Then he looked up at Sun Yu and asked:

"How do you know my name?"

Sun Yu said with a smile:

"Naturally it is calculated."

Zhang Zhong didn't believe it at all. If he really had such ability, would he still be sleeping in a broken temple?

He said with a sneer:

"You can fool others, but not me. It seems that you have been eyeing me for a long time?

What?, Blood Light Disaster,

I've already seen through your little tricks,

It's just trying to scare me, make me lose my sense, so that I can buy yours divination with money.

Humph, I'm not that stupid!"

Zhang Zhong said nothing wrong,

normally, this method Sun Yu didn't use it less,

But this time, he didn't plan to trick the other party.

"I lied to you for money? Do you think I need to lie to you?"

Sun Yu smiled slightly,

a punch on the back.


The large stone platform where the stone statue was originally placed exploded instantly.

Zhang Zhong's eyeballs popped out immediately, and

the Chinese medicine book in his hand fell to the ground with a bang

"Wu…Martial Artist?"

It was only now that he knew that he had met an expert this time.

Martial Artist has a high status,

Why would he come here to deceive him for a little money?

Zhang Zhong blushed, knelt on the ground and said repeatedly:

"My lord Martial Artist, please forgive me for being ignorant."

Sun Yu waved his hand to get him up:

"It's okay, you just need to remember what I just said ."


Zhang Zhong He hurriedly picked up the medical book on the ground,

turned a few pages, and wrote seventeen years later, Jingyang Mountain, Blood Light Disaster in a blank space.

Then he took out the neat four hanging copper coins from the medicine box and said:

"many thanks to Martial Artist for the guidance, this is all my belongings,

Although it is not enough to make up for the divination, it is also a part of my heart."

Four hanging copper coins are four taels.

Although Sun Yu was moved, he still rejected the other party.

This time he didn't come for money.

But the other party's attitude is very firm, and he wants him to accept the money no matter what.

In the end, Sun Yu had no choice but to make a compromise.

The two divided the money evenly. now they can be considered acquaintances.

After chatting for a while, they took a break.

Sun Yu recharged the copper coins into the system.

[The deposit is successful, the current simulated currency balance: 2, the simulation fee: 2, do you want to start the simulation? ]

the price actually increased?

Although it hurts a bit, it should be because of his strength improvement.

He chose yes and started a new simulation…