
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Qi Xiao's fall

Qi Xiao has been waiting here for a long time.

He shook his head and tucked the braid that hung down from behind him to his waist and wrapped it around his neck.

arrogantly, without saying a word, just stood there and waited quietly.

Do you pretend to be expert without speaking?

Sun Yu laughed, dismounted, and walked slowly towards the other.

"Brother Sun! Be careful!"

He Yitong's concern is sincere.

At this moment, the poison has not yet attacked, and Qi Xiao actually came,

Isn't this just want to take his credit?

At least in this brief moment, she is on Sun Yu's side,

she hopes that the other party can show their divine might,

and the best ending is naturally Qi Xiao's defeat, and Sun Yu's poisoning to death.

She alone takes all the credit,

When the time comes to meet the Fifth Master, the reward will definitely not be less…

But she also understands that It's no different from dreaming.

Qi Xiao, she knows very well.

A thug under the Fifth Master.

For more than ten years,he has never lost to his opponent,

Grade 6 has killed more than she has ever heard of.


He Yitong sighed silently, feeling extremely disappointed.

If she knew that Qi Xiao would do it personally, why did she have to work so hard?

Qi Xiao's eyes were indifferent and disdainful as he watched Sun Yu approach him slowly, but his attention was elsewhere.

Because Fifth Master said, true expert, is the Grade 6 behind this kid.

However, as Sun Yu approached,

Qi Xiao's attention had to be attracted by him.

Qi Xiao found that the youngster in front of him was a little unusual.

Whether it is the fierce temperament on his body, or the powerful strength that is faintly revealed, he has to pay attention to it.

His heart startled and felt something was wrong:

"Is this kid a Grade 6 like me?"

But soon, this surprise was overwhelmed by Qi Xiao's confident,

He clenched his fists hard:

"hmph, what about Grade 6? Within Grade 6, I am unrivalled throughout the world."

He has absolute confidence.

Within Grade 6, unrivalled throughout the world,

These eight characters are not a joke.

It was his ability.

When he was young, he learned a good art at Azure Heaven City, Azure Jade fist art.

In that year, he won the first place at the Azure Conference where Heaven's Chosen gathered and made his name.

But later, he was too public and provoked people who shouldn't be provoked.

Fortunately, Fifth Master Qi appreciated him and protected him,

Take him to Pingle City and give him a place to live.

Over the years, although the realm has not improved,

But with these Iron Fists, he also helped Qi Fifth Master and killed dozens of so-called Grade 6 experts.

Many of them are as young as the guy in front of him.

Qi Xiao yawned unabashedly.

For him,

Dealing with youngsters is boring.

Especially the guy who is young and not low in realm.

his time is limited.

Except for a few geniuses from Great Influence,

How many people can have a solid cultivation base at such a young age,

And the combat experience of thousands hammers, hundred refinements?

Although this kid is good, compared to him, it is far worse!

Qi Xiao took a step across, blocking Sun Yu's way.

Sun Yu kept his footsteps, his fists moved with him, and his right hand tentatively swung fast and hard,

directly towards the opponent's head.

The punch has not yet arrived, and the energy has been gushing out.


Qi Xiao exhaled from his nostrils, and the corners of his mouth drew a slight arc,

It seemed that he had seen through Sun Yu's shot,

The True Qi armor in his left hand removed his energy and took the opportunity to block Sun Yu's sight.

At the same time, his right fist blasted a fist from the dark,

and then violently He raised his hand and moved towards the opponent's lower abdomen.

This move is derived from Azure Jade Fist Art, which is extremely fast and concealed.

If the person who is dealing with it is not aware of it for a while, he will often ignore the head and the tail.

But halfway through the punches,

Qi Xiao suddenly frowned, and he finds that,

The boy surnamed Sun in front of him behaved exactly like him.



While the fist strength collided,

Sun Yu and Qi Xiao Their fists also slammed together,

the invisible energy swept all around,

the leaves under their feet, centered on the two of them, surged outwards, leaving behind a Large vacant lot.

This time, the disdain in Qi Xiao's eyes disappeared,

He could no longer remain silent, and exclaimed:

"Your Azure Jade Fist Art Where did it come from?"

Sun Yu smiled coldly, imitating the other party's previous appearance, but also kept silent.

He swung his arms, his fists raged, and once again unleashed the Azure Jade Fist Art, hitting the opponent fiercely.

Suddenly, Qi Xiao is angery in his heart:

"Don't talk? Hmph, then let me teach you a good lesson!"

He posed The opening posture exactly same as that of Sun Yu, and it is also Azure Jade Fist Art.

In an instant, fist strength flies horizontally, and strikes are heard incessantly.

But Qi Xiao was more and more frightened.

The boy in front of him is not only not weak, but also has a lot of combat experience.

Although the opponent's shot is also Azure Jade Fist Art,

But in this boxing, there is still a fighting spirit,

In imposing manner, he has been pinned down.

The kind of play that swaps wounds for injuries and lives for life, without fear of death, makes Qi Xiao very uncomfortable.

With just five moves, he has already fallen into disadvantages.

After ten moves, Qi Xiao knew that he was defeated,

but he refused to give up, gritted his teeth angrily and roared:

"Damn! It might be better than me! Within Grade 6, I will be unrivalled throughout the world!"

At this time, Qi Xiao was full of True Qi surges,

his realm is actually faintly Hitting the threshold of Grade 5!

However, all this was short-lived.

Sun Yu, who was silent, was more serious than ever,

At the moment when the other party opened his mouth,

He wisely grabbed the weak spot.

The right fist is like a dragon, slamming straight out, so strong that it is almost substantive!


this fist directly pierced through all of Qi Xiao's Body Protection True Qi, and slammed into his chest firmly,


Blood poured out of Qi Xiao's mouth.

He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Sun Yu's fist, looking down at his dented heart in disbelief.

"How… yes, I…"

Qi Xiao's eyes began to become dazed, his strength disappeared, and then he fell to the ground,

reluctantly With the corners of his mouth moving, he kept mumbling:

"Oh, within Grade 6…, the whole world…"

"unrivalled throughout the world."

Sun Yu took the unfinished words of the other party, breathed deeply,

One day, he will do it.

And now, there is another thing to do,

Sun Yu turned his head and looked towards He Yitong, who has been stunned for a long time…

He Yitong hopes that Sun Yu would won, but didn't expect that the other side actually won, and won so fast.

She was very excited for a while:

"This script is really developing in the direction I arranged!"

"Brother Sun! Great!"

She reacted and shouted,

She smiled and greeted Sun Yu who was walking towards her with open arms,

in her heart she Is little anxious and urged

"Fall down! Down! Down! You damn it! Fell down! I told you to down! Ah!"

Sun Yu leisurely Walking in front of her, suddenly frowned.

"Come on!"

He Yitong's slender eyebrows jumped uncontrollably,

she suppressed her excitement, and her mouth was slightly worried and Asked:

"Brother Sun, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Sun Yu shook his head and covered his abdomen with one hand:

"It's alright, but for some reason, I just had a pain in my stomach."

As soon as he finished speaking,

his eyebrows immediately wrinkled together, looking extremely painful.

"Sun, Brother Sun, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me!"

He Yitong stepped forward and supported him, pretending to be a little scared.

"Hey, it hurts! Yitong, my stomach hurts so much,

I feel like I can't use my strength, what's going on?"

Sun Yu seemed to have really lost his strength, and his body suddenly fell into He Yitong's arms.

This time, the frightened expression on He Yitong's face suddenly disappeared,

She laughed, stretched out a hand to stroke Sun Yu's handsome face, and said softly:

"hehe, Brother Sun, do you really want to know?"

"What, Yitong, what did you say?"

Sun Yu transports True Qi , forcing his complexion to pale, cold sweat on his forehead.

"Brother Sun, seeing you are so unfortunate,

I'm really sad, the taste of hanging between life and death is not good…"

be that as It may, but He Yitong doesn't look sad.

There are two flushes of excitement on her face instead.

"What....? Yes, it's you…" Sun Yu stared at her with a surprised look on his face.


He Yitong looked up to the sky and laughed loudly:

"Of course it's me, didn't expect…ah!"

He Yitong screamed,

she suddenly found a big strong hand, fiercely grabbed her throat, and

lifted her off the ground…