
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Master's flag

"Are you giving me a divination?" Sun Yu smiled.

Normally he said this to people,

didn't expect today it was the other way around.

Xu Feng thought he didn't believe it, and hurriedly explained:

"Sir, I'm not that kind of swindler,

I'm certified by Heaven's Mystery Pavilion, It can really help you seek luck and avoid calamity!"

He also turned the fortune-telling banner in his hand upside down, pointed to a mark at the bottom and said:

"Look, Heaven's Mystery Pavilion certification."

Sun Yu glanced at it,

There are two black fonts on it: Tianji,

There is a line at the bottom Small print: seven, six, nine. It's probably a number or something.

But if you don't look carefully, you can't really see it.

He took a second look, and

suddenly found that this fortune-telling banner seemed to be similar in material to the one in his hand.

Could it be…

Sun Yu ignored Xu Feng, got up and walked to the corner, and

picked up the fortune-telling flag that Master left him.

He turned to the bottom and took a closer look.

Although the wear and tear was relatively severe, he could barely see the word "Tianji" on it,

And it's much more complicated than Xu Feng's.

But the numbers are missing, and I don't know if they've been worn away,

or they didn't exist in the first place.

Xu Feng on the other side was dumbfounded when he saw the fortune-telling banner in Sun Yu's hand:

"Sir, why do you also have this?"

Sun Yu glanced back at him:

"Why, can't I have it?"

"No no, no, I mean, this fortune-telling banner is Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Disciple It's an exclusive thing,

Sir, aren't you the people of the Imperial Court?"

This fortune-telling banner was given to him by the master,

Could it be that the master was disciple of Heaven's Mystery Pavilion?

Sun Yu turned to look towards Xu Feng and asked:

"Don't you want me to forgive you? Yes, as long as you help me find someone! I'm not pursuing this matter. "

"Find someone!"

As soon as I heard this, Xu Feng came to the spirit.

He is Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Outer Circle Disciple, and it's all about intelligence.

Find someone, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

He didn't bother about Sun Yu's identity anymore,

opened and said:

"Sir, who are you looking for? Even if he hides at the ends of the earth , I promise to help you find him!"

"hmph, don't talk so much."

Sun Yu handed the fortune-telling flag to the other party:

"I'm looking for its owner."

Xu Feng hurriedly took the fortune-telling banner.

The familiar touch made him immediately determine that it must be a Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Disciple.

It may be hard to find others,

But Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Disciple is all on the roster,

As long as you face the number on the fortune-telling banner, you can easily find each other.

He turned the fortune-telling flag and wanted to confirm the number.

As a result, he just glanced at it, but his pupils shrank.

The fortune-telling flag in his hand fall straight to the ground

Sun Yu caught it quickly,

looked towards Xu Feng with a displeased face, but saw the other party said with a sad face:

"Sir, this man I can't find…"

Sun Yu strangely said:


Xu Feng pointed to the fortune-telling flag in his hand and said:

"The mark on this is at least the True Disciple of Heaven's Mystery Pavilion. In my position, I can't reach it…"

"Then you should be able to find some information, right?" Sun Yu looked unhappy.

"Uh, it's hard to say, Heaven's Mystery Pavilion is huge,

I can only get in touch with the sub-rudder on the Qing State side at most."

Xu Feng told the truth.

"Then start from Qing State, when the time comes. If you can find it, I will reward you."

Master left the things that day and left without saying goodbye, just as Sun Yu sees ,Something urgent must have happened.

If not,

the other party is impossible to leave in such a hurry.

Now that he finally has a clue, he naturally cannot give up.

"Yes, yes…"

Xu Feng repeatedly agreed, and carefully wrote down the general appearance of his master described by Sun Yu,

and left the city Lord's Mansion and went to work.

There are not many things about feather Black Guards,

In addition to the things ordered by the City Lord,

their main responsibility is to be responsible for the City Lord's Mansion security.

The six black guards in the mansion, one post a day, take turns in charge.

Sun Yu was only in charge for half a day because he was new here today.

After sending Xu Feng away, a team of guards came to look for him.

"Master Sun, it's time for patrol!"

Sun Yu complied and followed the other party.

There is nothing to do in the early morning. Sun Yu is mainly familiar with the environment in the lower house.

When he was resting,

He also got to know some of the guards under him.

Sun Yu finally understands why Yu Xiu wants to recruit the Roewe Gang,

Because under the influence of Qi Family,

City Lord's Mansion locally. simply can't recruit people.

Most of his subordinates are not locals,

Some of them are just like him, just a few days after entering City Lord's Mansion,

The most powerful Also Grade 9 Martial Artist.

There is only one local, Li Changyun.

I heard that it was because of the serious illness of the old mother at home.

He couldn't raise any money, so he joined City Lord's Mansion's as a last resort.

Sighing that the Qi Family is powerful,

But the patrol still has to continue, and it will have to wait until night before another Feather Black Guard will come to replace the shift…

Night, Song Family.

Song Chengfeng hurriedly found Song Chengyu:

"Seventh brother, there is urgent news from Qi Family."

The word urgent lets Song Chengyu Somewhat disturbed, he hurriedly asked:

"What did Qi Xianyi say about the Sun Yu?"

Song Chengfeng replied:

"He said that Sun Yu joined Pingle City City Lord's Mansion, let's suspend our operations."

"What!" Song Chengyu glared angrily:

"It's such a time, why do we suspend it! You bastard!"

Song Chengfeng stood by, frightened.

Song Chengyu was even more angry when he saw his appearance, and said angrily:

"What are you still standing here for? Why don't you contact Song Lian and let him come back! Maybe there is still a chance!"

"Oh, yes!"

Song Chengfeng walked away quickly.


City Lord's Mansion in Pingle City.

Sun Yu, who had just arrived in the room for a shift change,

suddenly heard a commotion in the City Lord's Mansion,

He went out to take a look,

Just happened to see Wu Cheng, the black guard of the feathers, who was changing shifts with him, holding a person,

gave him a wry smile:

"Look at my luck, I just came here. Something went wrong…"

Sun Yu returned a smile, returned to the house, and started simulating:

[You who are eighteen years old, you are already a Grade 5 Martial Artist, join the City Lord's Mansion, become the Feather Black Guard, and you are ranked 89th on the Hidden Dragon List. ]


[At the age of nineteen, the situation in Pingle City became more and more tense, and the conflict between City Lord's Mansion and Qi Family became more and more acute. ]

[On this day, you led the team to leave Pingle City to carry out a mission, and Song Chengyu appeared on the way and swept you all away. ]

It's death again.

Sun Yu is used to it.

Since last night, he simply didn't find any way to survive.

Either he left Pingle City and was killed by Song Chengyu, or else In the end, he died of the joint efforts of the Qi and Song families.

"It seems that there is no way to go…"

Sun Yu glanced at the balance: 393, which is quite enough.

But if you continue to die like this, no amount of balance will be enough to spend.

Sun Yu was worrying about his life,

Suddenly he had an epiphany:

"No, why do I have to find a way?"

He suddenly realizes that he seems to have accidentally got into the horns.

Choose a simulation direction that has survived the longest,

Keep simulating, choose realm cultivation base, is it not a matter of time before entering Grade 4?

After Grade 4, he will have the strength to face Song Chengyu head-on,

When the time comes, are you afraid of finding a way out?

Having figured this out, Sun Yu is no longer seeking to clear the game in the emulator,

Long life is king.

"Start Simulation…"