
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Xu Feng

Hearing Yu Xiu's plan, Sun Yu also started.

It seems that the Sir City Lord really has something .

The idea of ​​the Glory City gang started to come up…

Li Donghao said quickly:

"This…this, I can't be the master."

"I know you can't be the Lord." Yu Xiu sat on the chair and said leisurely:

"So I hope you can go back and talk to your Gang Lord,

If you have this idea, come to me again, the conditions will naturally satisfy you."

Li Donghao nods:

"I understand, I will talk To the Gang Lord, if we have an idea, who do we look for when the time comes?"

Yu Xiu raised his chin and nod to Sun Yu:

"Just look for your big brother. It's done."

"Okay, now you can go."

Yu Xiu placed the Expulsion Order,

Li Donghao did not delay, and with Sun Yu After saying goodbye, left City Lord's Mansion.

Yu Xiu said to Sun Yu with a smile:

"You will be responsible for recruiting the Roewe Gang, right?"

"No The problem, but to some specific negotiating bottom lines…"

Sun Yu is a newcomer, and he is not quite clear about the doorway.

"Don't worry about this, Chen Qing will arrange it for you when the time comes."

"I see."

"Yeah. , you go, use this past few days to familiarize yourself with the environment in City Lord's Mansion,

If you have any questions, you can ask Chen Qing,

If there is something, I will Let someone to call you."

Yu Xiu waved his hand.


Sun Yu responded and left…

At the same time,

Xu, who was shaking with a fortune-telling banner, replaced the Hidden Dragon List in Pingle City.

After a while, someone chased after him and asked:

"Brother Xu, why is this, why did I fall to No. 92?

Then Who is the new top Sun Yu? Why is he ahead of me?"

Xu Feng shook the head helplessly said:

"Zhang Mang, I know you have that Strength, but the problem is that people pay more than you!

So there is no way, you can only rank down!"

"What, relying on More money is great? Hmph, Sun Yu, right, you wait for me!

I want you to know that this list is based on strength, not money!"

Zhang Mang hurried away.

The trick succeeded, Xu Feng laughed:

"Hey, it's time to say goodbye to that kid named Sun."

He turned around and came to the entrance of Heavenly Medicine Pavilion.

He threw out a rolled-up list to the Disciple who came out to inquire and said:

"Go, take this to Sun Yu and tell him that Lao Tzu Xu Feng is Waiting for him outside."

He looked up at the sky with a proud look on his face,

with both hands behind his back,

he stretched out another foot, the soles of which were regular He stepped on the ground, very arrogant, and said with a sneer in his heart:

"hmph, this time I have to let Sun Yu, you bastard, bleed fiercely once. !"

But Disciple didn't move a single step, and instead threw the list back.

Xu Feng was stunned for a moment, and quickly reached out to catch it.

And then heard the Disciple say:

"Sun Yu isn't here, he has already left."

"Go, go?" Xu Feng hurriedly asked:

"Where did he go?"

"Go to City Lord's Mansion."

"Then give it to him when he comes back." Xu Feng threw the list again.

That Disciple didn't want to pick up the list, so he shot him back and said:

"He's not coming back, you can go directly to City Lord's Mansion to find him."

"What? Why is this?"

Xu Feng caught the list with a puzzled look on his face.

"He went to the City Lord's Mansion to be the Black Guard of feather"

"feather, the Black Guard of feather!"

Xu Feng was startled,

The list in his hand fell to the ground.

The Feather Black Guard, but the personal soldier of the City Lord, only obeys the orders of the City Lord Yu Xiu! high status.

When did this kid get on City Lord?

He was startled,


This kind of unsightly method is disgusting and disgusting, a loose cultivator with no background forces is okay,

If it is used to deal with a feathered black guard…

"It's over!"

Xu Feng screamed, and before he could even pick up the list, he hurried to City Lord's Mansion…

Tian Shui Tea House, the top floor.

After going out for several days, Qi Xianyi finally came back,

He took a sip of his tea cup leisurely,

At this moment, come back with him His subordinate Qi Guang walked in.

Qi Xianyi didn't even look up, drinking tea by himself:

"Is there something going on in the city in the past few days?"

Qi Guang looked uneasy, but He didn't dare to hide it, he stopped for a while and said immediately:

"Fifth Master, Zhou Zitian is dead, Qi Heng was taken away by the City Lord…"

Holding a teacup the hand pause,

Qi Xianqi looked up at the other party and asked:

"What happened?"

Qi Guang has just figured out what happened yesterday. The whole story of what happened,

he will explain it in detail at the moment.

After listening, Qi Xianyi's eyes were slightly narrowed and instructed:

"Zhou Zitian is dead when he is dead, you send some people to first Stabilize, the situation of the Glory City he was in charge of before.

There is our first step into Tangzhong County, there is no room for failure.

As for Qi Heng…"

He put it down with a bang He held the teacup in his hand, and there was an unnoticeable gleam in his eyes:

"hmph, tomorrow, you will call some good players to go to City Lord's Mansion with me to please people."

"Yes!" Qi Guang complied and asked again:

"Does the Song Family need to be informed?"

"What to inform them?"

Qi Guang worriedly said:

"The Sun Yu they are eyeing has already entered the City Lord's Mansion and has become a black guard with feathers. I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

" Song Family people, no matter what he does, we just promised them that they can send people to Pingle City to seek revenge,

other things have nothing to do with us."

Qi Xianyi suddenly raised his hand and said:


He thought for a while, said with a smile:

"Count the time, the Song Family people are coming soon,

You will send this news to Song Chengyu later."

"Is it too late?" Qi Guang raised a question in his heart.

"hehe, it's too late, the Song Family is clever,

How can I convince them to join me to deal with Yu Xiu?"


At this moment, City Lord's Mansion,

A guard came to report to Sun Yu:

"Master Sun, there is a self-proclaimed Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Disciple outside, named Xu Feng's ask to see you."

"Xu Feng?"

Sun Yu was a little surprised, didn't expect the other party to dare to come to the door, instructed:

"Bring him in."

The guards left,

Soon, Xu Feng with small round sunglasses ran in quickly,

As soon as Seeing Sun Yu in black armor,

Xu Feng was shocked, he immediately yelled:

"Master Sun! I knew you were not an ordinary person, I didn't expect to not see you for a day,

you turned into a black guard with feathers!"

"What did you come to me for?" Sun Yu said lightly.

Xu Feng bowed his head with a look of guilt:

"I'm here to ask the adults to apologize."

"Ask for what?"

"Last night, I watched the stars at night and saw that you are Dragons Among Humans.

When I was shocked, I wrote my admiration for you in Heaven's Mystery Pavilion without paying attention. In the report,

didn't expect the list to come down today, and the ranking of adults rose to the 89th place.

Maybe there will be many ignorant people who will not accept it in the future and come to look for it. My lord is troublesome,

I hope you don't blame me."

Xu Feng's remarks were said to be apologizing, but

actually praised and licked, Take a shot of Sun Yu's flattery.

However, Sun Yu is not so easy to deal with,

He doesn't talk nonsense and directly said with a sneer:

"I don't think I blame you, but It's also simple."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Xu Feng asked excitedly.

Sun Yu rubbed his fingers and used what the other party said yesterday:

"The money is enough."

"Ah, this…"

Xu Feng explained with a bitter look on his face:

"Sir, Frankly, if I were rich, I wouldn't have come looking for you yesterday.

This Can't go on, i am thinking about begging for food…"

Heaven's Mystery Pavilion is indeed a Great Sect,

But like Xu Feng, like a scout, collect Most of the world's hero data they belong to the Disciple outside the staff.

The benefits are incomparable with the Official Disciple. Use some silver.

Xu Feng saw that Sun Yu was just looking at him coldly, and didn't mean to let him go,

Suddenly he had a plan and said:

"Sir , why don't I send you a hexagram for free?"