
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Lin Cheng

This Grade 3 Martial Artist makes Sun Yu feel a little weird.

Is it easy to become addicted?

Every time he kills him, the appearance is different, and Sun Yu doesn't understand why the other party does this.

But this guy is really strong.

Recorded in Heavenly Martial Divine Art, Grade 3 Martial Artist is another new dividing line.

Different from the previous 4th, 5th, and Grade 6, each promotion only increases the True Qi formidable power and quantity.

Grade 3, depending on the cultivation technique,

After being promoted, it will bring different attribute changes to True Qi, and various special effects will appear.

Sand attacks like the Grade 3 Martial Artist in the simulator, and

Song Ling's severe burns after being attacked by Yu Xiu,

because of this.

As for Sun Yu himself,

According to the introduction in Heavenly Martial Divine Art,

his Grade 3 may be special without any attribute changes , belongs to a kind of no attribute,

But relatively, his True Qi's formidable power will be greatly increased.

That is to say, at the expense of attribute, simply increase the formidable power.

As for the stronger and weaker, it's hard to say,

But from Sun Yu's point of view,

It's useless to bells and whistles, one punch is king.

After calming down, Sun Yu returned his thoughts to the simulation just now, and soon discovered another problem.

"What's going on with Xu Feng?"

In the last simulation, the other party came to invite him for three consecutive days, and they still asked others to bring letters.

This guy can't take the initiative to come to him?

And, why must he go to Heaven's Mystery Pavilion?

Sun Yu was puzzled and felt that something was wrong. After thinking for a moment,

He decided to take the initiative:

"Start the simulation."

[At the age of eighteen, you are already a Grade 4 Martial Artist. You have made great achievements in the fight against the Qi Family, and you have been named the Feather Black Guard Captain by the City Lord of Pingle City. ]

[Second day, you took the initiative to look for Xu Feng's trace, but the other party seemed to have disappeared. You spent a whole day without any gain. ]

[On the third day, you went to Heaven's Mystery Pavilion outside the city to look for Xu Feng, but the boy who guarded the door told you that Xu Feng died in Heaven's Mystery Pavilion yesterday. You were shocked and left here. ]

[On the way back to the city, you met a woman who suddenly shot at you, and the sand on the ground swelled up and buried you alive. You died. ]

Xu Feng actually died.

This is what Sun Yu didn't expect.

In other words, it wasn't Xu Feng who had been looking for him to go to Heaven's Mystery Pavilion in the previous simulation.

"Qi Family again?"

Sun Yu frowned, but I think it's unlikely,

Although Qi Family is very powerful, Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Not weak,

If Xu Feng dies in Pingle City, Sun Yu thinks it might be the other side's shot.

But now Xu Feng died in Heaven's Mystery Pavilion sect, it is obviously unlikely to be Qi Family.

"Who would that be?"

Sun Yu thought for a while,

Suddenly he remembered the excuse that Xu Feng had used to find him in the past. news of his master.

"Is it possible that I asked Xu Feng to find information about Master, what secrets were involved,

so he was silenced by Heaven's Mystery Pavilion…"

Sun Yu was surprised,

He vaguely felt that the Grade 3 expert who had killed him several times might not be from Qi Family.

Because Qi Family's well-informed in Pingle City,

He should have been ambushed on his way to Heaven's Mystery Pavilion, not on his way back.

"Isn't this guy from Heaven's Mystery Pavilion…"

Sun Yu, who had this idea in his heart, decided to ask Yu Xiu,

See if Heaven's Mystery Pavilion has such a Grade 3 expert.


Heaven's Mystery Pavilion.

Xu Feng with small round sunglasses, in front of a bookshelf,

he frowned, while flipping through the Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Disciple information on his hand,

while Whispering softly:

"The old man, with white hair, a small red mole between his eyebrows, and two long slender beards…"

This clue is given to him by Sun Yu .

Logically speaking, this feature is very obvious,

But he searched for a whole morning, from the booklet of Outer Sect Disciple, to the booklet of True Disciple,

But nothing was found, not even a similar person.

"It seems that the person should not belong to our Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Qing State branch."

Xu Feng nods, very sure,

Read the information The speed gradually increased.

After a while,

"Sure enough!"

Xu Feng shook his head and put the finished booklet back in place,

and then sighed and said:

"Ai, it's really unfortunate, in order to enter this secret hall,

also gave Lin Cheng Senior Brother a sum of money,

if i know this early, I will tell Sun Yu directly that it will be impossible to find this person!"

He looked a little regretful and glanced at the secret hall,

Not far ahead, a red shelf of the hall was a bit conspicuous, and he was about to go over to check it out with some curiosity.

At this time,

"ga zhi" sounded, and the door of the Confidential Hall opened.

Xu Feng shivered with fright.

He is an Outer Sect Disciple, but he is not qualified to enter this place.

When he turned around, he found that it was Lin Cheng, Senior Brother, then patted his chest and said:

"Senior Brother Lin, it's you, you almost scared me to death!"

Lin Cheng stood at the door, coldly Staring at him:

"What are you doing here?"

Xu Feng walked up to him:

"and tried to leave the Confidential Hall

"Looking for someone? "Lin Cheng's eyes slightly narrowed, and asked again:

"Have you found it?" "

"No. "Xu Feng shook his head:

" That guy is very hard to find. In my opinion, he is not from our Qing State branch. "

Lin Cheng indifferently said:

"Really? What does he look like? Say it and listen, maybe I can help you."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience and i can't disclose the information"


Xu Feng waved his hand and said as he walked out:

"He's an old man, with white hair, a small red mole on the center of his eyebrows, and two strokes…"

At this time, Lin Cheng suddenly interrupted and asked:

"A small red mole between the eyebrows?"

"Yes!" Xu Feng, who had just walked out of the palace gate, heard this and his tone Changed, suddenly turned around and asked expectantly:

"Why, Senior Brother, do you know this person?"

"Hehe, naturally." Lin Cheng said with a smile:

"I don't know who asked you to find him?"

"Sun Yu, the newly appointed Feather Black Guard of the City Lord's Mansion, is my bad luck… "

Xu Feng curled one's lip and didn't want to talk about it in detail, and instead asked:

"By the way, Senior Brother, do you know where that person is?"

Lin Cheng smiled indifferently, suddenly glanced forward, pointed behind Xu Feng and said:

"Hey, look, isn't he here?"

When Xu Feng heard this, he hurriedly turned around to check.

But there was nothing behind him, and there was no shadow.

He was wondering, then he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart. He looked down in astonishment, but

he found a sharp blade made of sand and stone running through his heart.

"Lin…Senior Brother Lin, you…"

He was extremely shocked, before he finished speaking, the blade of sand and stone suddenly dissipated through his chest. Chung,

suddenly poured into his seven orifices…

Xu Feng fell to the ground, no longer making a sound.

Lin Cheng, as if nothing happened, turned around and walked into the secret hall.

He stood in front of a red shelf, and

used True Qi's palm and pressed it up, and an invisible ripple immediately dissipated.

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand and took down a booklet above.

After opening it,

The first line is small characters:

Qing State Heaven's Mystery Pavilion The thirty-seventh Pavilion Lord, Zhou Jue.

Down is a very expressive portrait,

a middle-aged man full of energy with black hair, with a smile,

the most striking thing is the small red mole between his eyebrows…