
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Diyan Mountain

"Martial Uncle, didn't expect you have a discipline outside…"

Lin Cheng sneered and put the booklet back on the red shelf.

Immediately, his figure began to blur, but after a while,

He actually changed his appearance directly,

The face shape changed, and the original black short hair changed. Turning gray,

a heightened body,

even the clothes he wears have become a lot more upscale.

"Lin Cheng" shook the head slightly dissatisfied:

"Tsk, I don't even have one hour to change my appearance,

It seems that when I have nothing to do. Divine Art still has to be practiced hard,

But it's not in a hurry, but that feathered black guard Sun Yu is a little troublesome."

"Lin Cheng" stood on the spot and thought carefully. After a while, he said with a smile:

"Oh, since it's in Pingle City, let's find Qi Family to solve it,

Anyway, they Participated to dealt with the Pavilion Lord at the beginning, too. ."

Pingle City, City Lord's Mansion.

After listening to Sun Yu's question, Yu Xiu said after thinking for a while:

"From what you said, that person True Qi should be Earth Attribute,

That's why he can transform the sand and stone to attack,

But you said that he is good at disguising…"

He shook the head and said:

"In Pingle City, I've never heard of such a person.

But if it's just Earth Attribute True Qi, I know someone."

Sun Yu asked hurriedly:

"Who is it?"

"Qing State Heaven's Mystery Pavilion eldest disciple, Qian Yingzhong, I remember his True Qi is Earth Attribute,

And, as you said, he happens to be a Grade 3 Martial Artist."

"Heaven's Mystery Pavilion..." Sun Yu secretly nods,

The guy who keeps changing faces , it is very likely that this Qian Yingzhong,

as Heaven's Mystery Pavilion eldest disciple,

have every chance to kill Xu Feng in Heaven's Mystery Pavilion.

In addition, the realm and moves are all correct, only one disguise…

At this time, Yu Xiu looked at him suspiciously and said:

"What are you asking about this? Shouldn't you be messing with Heaven's Mystery Pavilion again?"

Sun Yu laughed:

"Probably not."

Said so, but he was a little unsure in his heart.

The reason why Xu Feng died,

is most likely because of the information about his master,

and from the simulated situation,

The other party didn't intend to let go of the publisher of his quest.

Therefore, Sun Yu felt that the most urgent task was to increase the cultivation base.

Although the balance in the simulator is still 255, it can be simulated 21 times.

Sun Yu thinks it's impossible to break through to Grade 3 based on these alone, and

have to find a way to get some money.

To be honest, feather Black Guard's treatment is not bad,

The monthly salary is 32 taels,

He is a Captain who can get 50 taels ,

But it's a bit of a torment to wait for the money every month,

And the simulator is a gold-sucking beast, and this money is not enough for him to spend.

Sun Yu looked at Yu Xiu and wondered if he should discuss with the other party and make an advance payment for two years.

At this moment, Yu Xiu suddenly took out three large pieces of rice paper to open the mouth and said:

"By the way, Adjutant Chen Qing is not here,

When you go out, post these bounties outside of City Lord's Mansion."

A bounty?

Sun Yu hurriedly took it in his hand and took a closer look,

The first two were looking for things, the pay was not high, the maximum was 20 silver tael,

But the third one made Sun Yu very excited,

The task is to kill the demon, and the reward is a thousand taels!

"Sir, is this reward offered by our City Lord's Mansion?"

Yu Xiu shook his head:

"No, the reward is offered by others,

We're just acting as a middleman,

just posting the task."

Sun Yu asked tentatively:

"Then, can I accept this bounty?"

Yu Xiu nodded said with a smile:

"Yes, in your spare time,

It's not impossible to earn some extra money, why, you are Interested?"

More than that, Sun Yu is eager to set off right now:

"Yes, my lord, I want to take the reward for this demon slayer."

Hearing this, Yu Xiu frowned and said:

"Hey, this target is in the Diyan Mountain outside the city, are you sure you want to go?

I can remind you, although Song Family as I've already told you, they shouldn't be bothering you for the time being,

But Qi Xianyi is not someone who is easy to deal with,

If you go out rashly, it is easy to be poisoned by them."

"My lord, I understand, I will be careful."

danger lurks within the riches and honour, besides Sun Yu also have simulators, you can avoid danger, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, then be careful yourself, go to the president of the Chamber of Commerce in the city for the specific situation."

Yu Xiu nodded in the end, and he pointed at Sun Yu again.

"Don't force it if you can't do it, this fire demon is not that easy to deal with…"

Sun Yu agreed, he moved quickly, Post the remaining two bounties outside the City Lord's Mansion, and go out

Across two streets, he found the Chase Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as Sun Yu entered the door, he gave the bounty list in his hand to the guy who greeted him:

"I'm looking for your President Chu."

The guy read the bulletin, and then glanced at Sun Yu's black armor, and immediately said with a smile: "Sir, sit here, wait a moment, I'll call Chu President"right now.

Sun Yu just sat down, but after a while,

President Chu, who was gorgeously dressed and had a big belly, came out of the back room.

After looking at Sun Yu, he saluted:

"l am the President of Chamber of Commerce, Chu Jiu, dare to ask the name of this Lord black guard ?"

"Sun Yu."

Chu Jiu had an expression of sudden realization, and reached out to shake his hand

"Oh, it was Mr. Sun, I heard about it a long time ago, inside Please."

Sun Yu followed the other party into the back room,

As soon as they sat down, the servants brought a cup of fragrant tea.

Chu Jiu smiled and sat down opposite him:

"Many thanks, the adults for willing to help."

Sun Yu waved his hand and went straight to the topic:

"no need to be so polite, tell me, what's going on."

Chu Jiu said:

"It's like this, We Chase Chamber of Commerce have a trade route for transporting goods that needs to pass through Diyan Mountain.

We have been traveling for more than ten years, and there is nothing to do.

But who knows, the previous month At that time, we waited for a few more days, but the caravan did not come.

After we went to check it, we found that the caravan had already been burned to ashes with all the goods and people.

At first we didn't care,

I thought it was bad luck, an accident happened, and it was stained by the wildfire,

But later, the same situation happened again.

After we sent people to check it carefully, we found out,

It turned out to be something in the Diyan Mountain, and suddenly there was a powerful Fire demon, attack the caravan."

Sun Yu listened, Chu Jiu took a sip of tea and continued:

"In the beginning, we also sent people to To deal with the fire demon,

But the terrain of Diyan Mountain is complex,

The fire demon is very clever, and when he sees that he is not an opponent, he hides in the mountain,

Our people went several times and couldn't do anything,

So we thought of sending a bounty list through City Lord's Mansion and finding an expert to help us solve this problem completely."

Sun Yu understood the entire process of development, and asked:

"One thousand taels payment?"

"Yes, one thousand taels!" Chu Jiu added:

"Apart from this, the body of the fire demon is also owned by the adults,

Of course, if the adults find it troublesome, it can also be sold by our Chamber of Commerce,

when the time comes, you only need to pay a little service fee."

The corpse of monster beast is a treasure,

Not only can it be used to make Divine Weapon,

Some special parts can even assist cultivation.

There are additional benefits to come, Sun Yu naturally will not refuse,

After nodding, he agreed, and asked the location of Diyan Mountain,

The fire demon's approximate strength , then left the Chase Chamber of Commerce.

He did not choose to go back to City Lord's Mansion, but went to Heavenly Medicine Pavilion…