
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

joining City Lord's Mansion,

It was already evening when Sun Yu exchanged the banknotes for money and returned to the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion.

After recharging, he watched the balance rise from 3 to 503,

The sense of security in his heart suddenly soared.

However, with the improvement of his realm, the price of simulation has also increased a lot.

In Grade 6, only 8 simulation coins were needed, but now it has risen to 10.

But fortunately now he has a strong principal.

"Start the simulation."

[You are eighteen years old, already a Grade 5 Martial Artist, join Pingle City City Lord's Mansion and become the Feather Black Guard. Ranked 89th on the Hidden Dragon List. ]

[Second day, Li Xu, ranked 93rd on the Hidden Dragon List, came to challenge you against your ranking. The opponent was not your opponent and was easily defeated by you. ]

[On the fourth day, Zhang Mang, ranked 92 on the Hidden Dragon List, refused to accept your ranking and came to challenge you. The opponent was not your opponent and was easily defeated by you. ]


[On the sixth day, Zhao Ke, who was ranked 90th on the Hidden Dragon List, came to challenge you because he refused to accept your ranking. The opponent was not your opponent. easy to beat. ]

? ? ?

This series of challenges made Sun Yu a little big,

Then he quickly understood,

This must be that guy from Heaven's Mystery Pavilion Xu Feng If you can't pull the business, it's disgusting me here!

"Okay, disgusting person, don't let me run into you on the road."

Sun Yu said something cruel and continued to look down.

[On the seventh day, the conflict between the Qi Family and the City Lord's Mansion intensified, and Pingle City began to become chaotic. From time to time, thieves appeared and disturbed the people's livelihood. The City Lord ordered you to lead a group of troops to patrol the city. ]

[On the eighth day, you, who just beheaded an unlawful criminal in the street, were blocked from your way. When you looked up, it was Song Chengyu, who beat you to death with a palm. and go away. ]

Song Chengyu actually entered Pingle City!

Sun Yu was a little surprised,

Song Chengyu used to stop him from outside, but this time, he went straight to the door.

He had always thought that because of certain restrictions,

the other party could not directly enter Pingle City to find him.

But now, obviously, He was wrong.

Or rather, some kind of restriction on Song Chengyu disappeared.

What if you were hiding in the City Lord's Mansion and didn't go out?

Sun Yu starts the simulation again.

[You are eighteen years old and already a Grade 5 Martial Artist, join Pingle City City Lord's Mansion and become the Feather Black Guard, and at the same time you are ranked 89th on the Hidden Dragon List. ]

[Second day, Li Xu, ranked 93rd on the Hidden Dragon List, came to challenge you against your ranking. The opponent was not your opponent and was easily defeated by you. ]

[On the seventh day, the conflict between the Qi Family and the City Lord's Mansion intensified, and Pingle City began to become chaotic, with thieves appearing from time to time to disrupt people's livelihood. ]

[Yu Xiu want You to lead a group of people to patrol the city, you rejected the other party, because of Wang Zhonglin's face Yu Xiu didn't say anything. ]

[ninth day, Yu Xiu asked you to go out of the city to suppress bandits, and you rejected the other party again. ]

[Twelfth day, Yu Xiu asked you to go out to investigate intelligence, you rejected the other party again, you were removed from the position of the black guard of feather, and expelled you from the City Lord's Mansion.]

[You encountered Song Chengyu, you died. ]


There is nothing to say,

I am too ignorant of workarounds in the emulator.

Maybe you should explain the whole story directly to the City Lord,

"Start the simulation."

[You who are eighteen years old, already a Grade 5 Martial Artist, join in Pingle City City Lord's Mansion, become the Feather Black Guard, and you are ranked 89th on the Hidden Dragon List. ]

[Second day, Li Xu, ranked 93rd on the Hidden Dragon List, came to challenge you against your ranking. The opponent was not your opponent and was easily defeated by you. ]


[You told Yu Xiu that you were being hunted down by Song Chengyu, and

the other party promised to settle it for you.]

[On the seventh day, the conflict between the Qi Family and the City Lord's Mansion intensified, and Pingle City began to become chaotic. From time to time, thieves appeared and disturbed the people's livelihood, you led a group of people to patrol the city.]

[ninth day, you who just beheaded an illegal criminal in the street were blocked by Song Chengyu. When the opponent shot, Yu Xiu showed up to prevent him and defeat the opponent, and Song Chengyu fled in a panic. ]

[Two days later, Yu Xiu told you that the Song Family would not avenge you again. You were overjoyed and determined to serve Yu Xiu. ]

[At the age of nineteen, the situation in Pingle City became more and more tense, and the conflict between City Lord's Mansion and Qi Family became more and more acute. ]

[At the age of 20, Yu Xiu took you on a business trip. Not long after you left Pingle City, you were ambushed and the entire army was destroyed. ]


Sun Yu exclaimed.

It doesn't matter if he dies,

But Yu Xiu, a Grade 1 Martial Artist, is also dead?

Sun Yu couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

He hurriedly checked the memory of death,

He found that Song Chengyu was among them!

"The people of the Song Family!"

He carefully checked the memory again,

From the words of the murderer, he found that the person who intercepted, obviously not one force.

"That means, Qi Family is there?"

Sun Yu adjusted his thinking and started a new simulation.

But soon, he found that no matter how he adjusted,

could not escape the fate of death.

Song Family said that they would not take revenge on him again,

But once he left Pingle City, he was greeted by Sun Chengyu's poisonous hands.

And if he doesn't leave Pingle City,

then he can't escape the fate of dying together with Yu Xiu two years later.

Sometimes even bad luck,

Yu Xiu City Lord didn't have time to shoot, he was killed by Song Chengyu in advance…

Simulated for a long time , Sun Yu felt a little dizzy and eyes blurred,

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the balance: 393.

"There are still many opportunities, let's take a break to restore energy, the rest will be discussed tomorrow."

Sun Yu lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.


In the early morning of the second day, Sun Yu and Li Donghao left the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion and went to City Lord's Mansion.

The distance between the two is not too far,

one is in the west and the other is in the east, just a few streets away.

After a while, Sun Yu saw a very imposing mansion with the height of fifth layer.

As he approached, a man in official uniform greeted him:

"You are Sun Yu?"


That person nods, self-introduced:

"I am Chen Qing, the adjutant of the City Lord, and the City Lord specially asked me to wait for you here, please come with me."

"It's hard work, Adjutant Chen."

Sun Yu led Li Donghao into the City Lord's Mansion with him.

Li Donghao was arranged to wait in the living room, while

He followed Chen Qing to handle the entry matters.


Sun Yu, wearing feathers and black armor, returned to the living room.

"Big brother, this outfit is majestic!"

Li Donghao looked at Sun Yu in a circle,

He was not polite, but rather envious. .

At this moment, Yu Xiu walked in and said:

"If you like it,like Sun Yu, you can join me in City Lord's Mansion,

I will also call you a Feather Black Guard,

The treatment will definitely not be worse than yours in the Roewe Gang!"

Although there is joy in Li Donghao's eyes, But he shook his head again and again and said:

"This is not possible. My big brother Mo Chen and I have agreed that we will have both blessings and misfortunes,

unless you call him over."

Mo Chen is the Gang Lord of the Roewe Gang.

Yu Xiu sat down peacefully and said with a smile:

"Oh, this is simple, I asked Sun Yu and you, just to discuss the recruitment with your Roewe gang."

"What! You want to recruit our Roewe Gang?"

Li Donghao was surprised…