
Infinite Holy Lord- Start from Hogwarts

Become Tom Riddle just after getting Hogwarts admission letter. Awakenen Infinite Holy Lord System and get Body of Holy Lord and 12 divine powers along with Immortal Yin-Yang Army at start along with Infinite Indestructible Soul Defence. 1). Infinite Immortal Soul. 2). 12 Divine powers & Holy Lord Form 3). Infinite Indestructible Soul Defence. 4). Immortal Army 5). Infinite World Space. 6). Chat Group 7). Dimensional Travel

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9 Chs

6. Golden Dragon soaring the sky and power frightening everyone.

Although puzzled dumbledore and aurors followed suit, some by flying broom while some just using telescopic spell on eyes while dumbledore was taken flying by his phoenix fox.

After arriving a height of about 50 feet above 3rd floor which is 80 feet from ground tom stopped flying and said "Guys, now you'll witness a miracle, celebrate"

As tom said everyone frowned while muggles below were also shocked to see so many people flying and began discussing. Just then a change happened.

Tom's body began to change and expand head having golden whiskers deer like ears scales all over body hands and feet having 12 claws each. Body began to expand and finally expanded to a 10 meters long Oriental Dragon which didn't have any wings but it was coiling in the sky as it expanded and finally unable to calm exitement tom let out a long roar.


Afterwards he began same process except this time it was a fireball being conceived into his mouth. As his overall magic power was fully restored he decided to gove everyone a shock.

Just as aurors and dumbledore were puzzled they felt immense amount of magic fluctuations from dragons throat and before they could do anything a fireball size of 3 foot was blown out from dragons mouth into sky until it reached 50 feet above them. Under their puzzled expression.

"Boom" with a loud noise fireball exploded and this time it was even more loud and far reaching, its shockwave almost covering half of london city and spreading horizontally in the sky.

While its magic fluctuations so intense that it almost stopped some of operations of ministry of magic. While Dumbledore who felt these fluctuations was sure that even if it was his good friend Grindelwald and himself joining hands to resist this attack they couldn't help but be obediently blown not even leaving ashes.

As soon as this thought came, Dumbledore felt his years of learning was in vain. Just then he began to think what to do if Tom went astray with such immense power. Atleast he had no way to deal with him. 

"How old guy are you still worried about Grindelwald or you're too going to be hypocritical and send me to azkaban where nothing else but death of dementors will happen. As for you aurors although embodiments of justice but heart is as black as charcoal. Although death penalty can be avoided but living charges must be paid. I'll give you 3 choices first sign this contract, second die after killing each other and last flee now an I'll hunt your family until cut roots and weed"

As soon as Tom some contracts flew, this time shadow contracts for 9 aurors. As soon a they saw contract some felt humiliated and some felt joy. Without thinking much 3 of them signed and same scene of explaining and all went through and soon everyone signed it. 

Dumbledore felt his worldview collapsed. People do all kinds of things for immortality but even though it's not thorough enough that it can be resurrected after being dead. Some aurors even went crazy to cast death curse on themselves and others, but after a small death and little time they were back.