
Infinite Dice RPG (PT-BR) Yaoi

Author: Alfred0
Ongoing · 12.5K Views
  • 8 Chs
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What is Infinite Dice RPG (PT-BR) Yaoi

Read ‘Infinite Dice RPG (PT-BR) Yaoi’ Online for Free, written by the author Alfred0, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, VIDEOGAME Light Novel, YAOI Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Dados, items magicos capazes de aumentar por um tempo as habilidades de seu usuario, eles podem te deixar forte, rapido,...


Dados, items magicos capazes de aumentar por um tempo as habilidades de seu usuario, eles podem te deixar forte, rapido, resistente ou ate deixar a tua comida deliciosa, cada dado tem suas regras menos... Infinite Dice, ele tem infinitos lados, cada lado faz coisas diferentes e aleatorias, esse dado parece uma esfera, uma esfera que quem a tem se torna um Deus!

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The sound of guns... The darkness... The smoke... Then, oblivion. Everyday, I am haunted by my nightmares. Everytime the thunder roll and lightning strikes, I shivered. Looking outside my window, I am writing my daily journal and poetry today... To release all the pains and tensions from my past. And I wrote.. December 18, 1980 Myshkin, Russia My beloved, Have you ever ask yourself... What's your life purpose? If.. Are you doing the right thing? Are you on the verge of confusion, loneliness, unhappiness and being stagnant? Day dreaming into your own world? Too much questions filled in your heart and mind. Too much of everything that you don't want. Too much! To clear out my confusion and to have more clarity about myself, I dig deeper inside me. Reminiscing my childhood moments and cherish them. Facing the darkest and painful moments of my memories. Those memories of repeating horror, memories of loss, memories of death. Yes, I did face it all. I cried hard. After decades of those patterned memories... This is the first time that I realized.. How I treated myself so badly. And I really wanted to give back to myself. By appreciating my past. Appreciate yourself more... Love yourself more... And you will discover more... I have discovered each words, all feelings, expression, harmony just fits well to take steps in writing this poem for my past. ***A LETTER FOR MY PAST SELF*** My dearest self in the past... I have been visiting you lately in a vast... You are carefree, immature and FEARLESS, You go out more, loving the sun and grasses, Full of sweat and sun-kissed from above. Joyous days, feet touching stones and green Oh How glorious those days have been Flowing like water in every storms within And wind touches, caressing my skin Telling me, It's ok dear, everything has it's purpose". A path full of journey and a dead rose All those rise and fall, I am with you... All those tears and laughter, I am with you... I am always with you til the end of time. You have no choice, we are both destined. Oh loving sun and dreamy moon, Grace us the light in our path divine, My past self, I thank you! For the wonderful memories... In my troubled present, found peace in you. Beatrix ********************************************** As I closed my journal... I just hear my Nana's footsteps and call out. "My princess, it's dinner time. Don't forget your coat, it's a bit freezing today!." "Yes, coming Nana!." I checked myself in the mirror for the last time, before sharing the table with Nana. The beauty in the mirror speaks of simplicity and elegance. I'm tall at my age of 15, around 183cm, with soft silver wavy hair and emerald green eyes. I'm looking at the reflection of my mother. And before my tears fall. "Beatrix?" A hint of annoyance in Nanas voice. "Yes, sorry Nana." Then, we silently eat our beetroot soup. In the same month, in different year. Our mother gather all of us, her children, near the fireplace hearth, made of granite and marble stone. My eldest brother Maxim played the piano while my older sister Annika played the flute. While me and my mom, cheerfully singing. Then, our beloved father Dimitri, joined us in our joyfulness. Amidst our liveliness, the commotion outside the House of Oblonsky raised our fears. People shouting with torches and guns. My father Dimitri was stunned. I'm crying in horror. I hugged my father...for the last time. When.... My small voice... bellowed "NO!!!!" "Mama, Papa..." "Maxim, Annika..." 

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warisan Emak Tonah

Sinopsis Mak Tonah Adalah seorang Nenek dari Gadis belia Yatim Piatu anak dari Almarhummah Putri mak Tonah yang meninggal dalam kecelakaan 22 tahun yang lalu bersama sang menantunya. tragisnya Cucunya yang baru berusia 3 bulan itu harus mrnyandang status yatim piatu karena ditinggal mati kedua orang tuanya saat mereka hendak bekerja. Dalam kondisi ekonomi yang sulit saat ditinggal oleh Anak dan Menantunya , terpaksa Emak Tonah harus banting tulang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Susu dan Keperluan lain dari sang cucu. Ia akhirnya bekerja menjadi seorang Pengasuh anak di luar kota demi memenuhi kebutuhan sang Cucu, dan sang cucu ia titipkan kepada Adik dari Emak Tonah yang bernama Ratih yang juga mempunyai seorang putri yang usianya 2 tahun lebih tua dari cucu h Tonah. dari hasiu upahnya ia selalu kirimkan kepada sang Adik untuk memcukupi kebutuhan Cucunya dan juga keponakannya. 22 Tahun telah berlalu, Emak Tonah akhirnya memberikan sebuah wasiat berisikan warisan untuk sang cucu sebelum dia meninggal, ia menitipkan surat wasiat itu kepada anak sang majikan untuk memberikannya secara langsung kepada cucunya. Saat Sang Cucu mendapatkan kabar akan menerima warisan dari Sang Nenek awalnya senang, namun saat membaca apa isi warisan Emak Tonah, sang cucu tak mau menerima warisannya, namun karena saat itu ia harus melunasi semua hutang-hutangnya kepada bank kreditnya ia terpaksa menerima warisan tersebut. apakah isi dari warisan Emak Tonah ? sanggupkah Cucu Emak Tonah untuk melaksanakan amanah warisan itu? Bagaimana kehidupan sang Cucu setelah menerima warisan itu? yuk ikuti kisah mereka WARISAN EMAK TONAH

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