
Infinite Cosmic Knight

"I am not Good or Evil but sometimes I wish I could be both... because are they not 2 sides of the same coin?". Aavesh thought this before a flash of light appeared and disintegrated him to nothingness... In a world of an Eternal Interstellar War between the Prime Alignments - Law Vs Chaos, Good Vs Evil... was it so easy to simply judge a person without talent as trash? Why must he be judged for his actions, despite trying to only save those he cared about... Why must the Fate of Trillions be under the Control of Anyone? An oath formed within his dying soul and An ancient will awoke... So Time was reset and he was sent back But Something else has been stirred in the Universe when he awoke, Something No Mythic Power has ever Seen Before! When the Final Day of Reckoning Arrives when none can Escape At the Precipice of Oblivion, Between the All life and the Final Apocalypse, Only One Man will stand tall and be the Bulwark against Fate, The Infinite Cosmic Knight! Authors Note: This novel is for those who are tired of illogical cold MCs and want characters to be more memorable. I will try to Do My best to give you something enjoyable! This is My first Novel! FAQs Romance - Slow Type, Will focus more on other Aspects School/Academy - Hell Yeah Harem - Nope NTR - Nope Rape - Nope High-Speed Leveling - Well... yes and No Just read it Guys Also, this novel is inspired by several mainstream DnD Series and is Not fanfic but do expect those elements to interact... I hope you all enjoy a good Story!!!!

COSMIC_DICE_77 · Sci-fi
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162 Chs

The Heroes Part - 3

Anya directly stepped from the Panel while looking at Aavesh and Eon with intense curiosity as smiled sweetly at them. But there seemed to be something faintly ominous in that smile.

"Hello, You have a nice trick! Teach me, I will give you a delicious treat in return - Don't worry, Anya does not harm good friends - You both are good friends yes?"

She asked in a raspy inquisitive manner with her beautiful voice, as she stared at them unblinking with her Multi-colored ever-changing chromatic Eyes.

"Um yeah, sure Anya - We are em good friends! My name is Aavesh and this is Eon"

Aavesh quickly snapped out of his stupor and quickly replied while sending eye Signals for Eon to help. Eon then waved his fingers and the spell snapped. Both of them immediately left the Astral realm and returned back to reality - only to see Anya scrutinizing his face.


Aavesh shreiked out and leaped back in reflex on seeing this Great Ancestor before him - 'Damn, she must have some innate abilities or gifts from her mom to cross fricking Space Time and appear in front of him.'

This girl was a walking BodhiSattva! She could not be offended! How the hell did she end up on this Star System, On this Planet and Why On his Home?!

However such questions could not be asked for now.

"Hmph You Lied! Why did you not tell me you were leaving? Could it be... that you think Anya is Stupid, Anya is Dumb? You do not want to be Anya's friends..."

She Asked with tears forming in her eyes, her face quickly transitioned into sadness and melancholy.


Aavesh cursed in his heart before trying to give a reassuring smile and waived his hands at her.

"No, Anya is not Dumb - We came out to see you personally!"



"We erm even have a gift for You!"

Aavesh then frantically communicated with Eon mentally due to their link.

'Psst Eon, do a Flip, Conjure some Stars and an Exploding Planet, Just do something! We CANT LET HER CRY OR GET ANGRY!'

Eon then appeared before Anya in a mysterious manner, in his orb form.

"Young Lady, we indeed have a gift for you"

Anya stopped tearing up and looked at them like a curious cat.

"This Gift will definitely help you..."

Eon transformed into purple gas that wrapped around Aavesh's Right hand - forming an intricately Runed Glove which sparkled before the 2 children.

But suddenly Aavesh felt a purple glow over his body, when he realized what Eon wanted to do.

'Eon I told you to do tricks! Not Drag Me into It! Damn it!'

'Listen carefully Aavesh, We will likely not be able to awaken them individually at another time. I sense an entity attempting to pry on the fate present here. It has already started with this girl Anya suddenly coming here. They will attempt to send all of us on to different paths, if my siblings key spirits remain unawakened - most likely on opposing ends'


'I know you hate this but trust me, We must act now Aavesh! Make a choice Give Partial Control of your body and leave the rest to me - or Have it your way'

Although this annoyed Aavesh a bit, but he knew what to choose.

'Are You kidding me, Come ON MAN!- Tch Fine You owe me For This! Eon!'

'Thank You Aavesh'

He let Eon's powers guide into his soul as his eyes closed for a moment - Then suddenly they opened with a bluish purple light blazing outwards.

Time seemed to slow down... but not slow enough.

There was also an strange enchantment that rendered him invisible to everyone except the holders of the Key Spirits

Anya was still able to see him but could not move as fast.

Aavesh could hear a slight ticking sound as he saw this time Anya had not caught up and was frozen in her place. Aavesh walked up to her and flicked her forehead with his right hand. A tiny purple force had been sent to her mind pool - bypassing all divine restrictions and protections laid down and targeted an invisible entity sleeping silently next to her soul - Her Key Spirit.

Aavesh then warped space with his left hand as he appeared in front of Zhong - whose pupils saw him but Aavesh was too fast and he once again flicked Zhong and warped space again to appear in front of Alena, who struggled to shift her neck as she sensed someone walk towards her. He flicked her forehead and warped space to appear in front of the twins Camilla and Yuna whose pupils shrank as they watched this intruder appear in front of them.

But he was faster and he flicked them both before warping space and appearing infront of Kai, the orc hybrid. Kai too saw Aavesh and tried to move his arm but Aavesh already came infront of him and flicked his fore head with his purple glove-encrusted right hand.

Aavesh then warped space again to appear infront of the unique couple Alyssia and Petrov who looked quite surprised at his Arrival, as they did not predict it. Petrov however moved at Aavesh with an Equal speed but was caught in a choke hold and directly pushed back into Alyssia who still could not move. Aavesh gave them a stronger flick before warping onto his final Target - Aiden.

Aiden looked horrified to see him and wanted to run - Alas, he was not like Petrov. Aavesh appeared before him and gave him the final flick. After which Aavesh directly warped back to his bedroom and fell dead asleep as the Powers left him and dissipated.

Eon also separated from this union form in an extremely weak manner and dozed off in Aavesh's mind pool - Unaware of the Utter Mayhem that was about to follow.

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See ya in next chapter

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