
Infinite Cosmic Knight

"I am not Good or Evil but sometimes I wish I could be both... because are they not 2 sides of the same coin?". Aavesh thought this before a flash of light appeared and disintegrated him to nothingness... In a world of an Eternal Interstellar War between the Prime Alignments - Law Vs Chaos, Good Vs Evil... was it so easy to simply judge a person without talent as trash? Why must he be judged for his actions, despite trying to only save those he cared about... Why must the Fate of Trillions be under the Control of Anyone? An oath formed within his dying soul and An ancient will awoke... So Time was reset and he was sent back But Something else has been stirred in the Universe when he awoke, Something No Mythic Power has ever Seen Before! When the Final Day of Reckoning Arrives when none can Escape At the Precipice of Oblivion, Between the All life and the Final Apocalypse, Only One Man will stand tall and be the Bulwark against Fate, The Infinite Cosmic Knight! Authors Note: This novel is for those who are tired of illogical cold MCs and want characters to be more memorable. I will try to Do My best to give you something enjoyable! This is My first Novel! FAQs Romance - Slow Type, Will focus more on other Aspects School/Academy - Hell Yeah Harem - Nope NTR - Nope Rape - Nope High-Speed Leveling - Well... yes and No Just read it Guys Also, this novel is inspired by several mainstream DnD Series and is Not fanfic but do expect those elements to interact... I hope you all enjoy a good Story!!!!

COSMIC_DICE_77 · Sci-fi
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163 Chs

Shadow of the Empires

Morpheus, Capital of Rathiel Republic, Hadron Military HQ

In the highest Military Office in the Rathiel Republic, within the extremely well guarded Building, at the Chief Commander's Office, the room lay dim. There was only perdon in the office going through Information on the Secure Datapads provided to them.

A Grizzled Old Man in a decorated Traditional Military Suit, looks calmly into the Datapad in his hands. - "The Full Investigations of the Rift Invasion - Thousands Dead". There is a slight melancholy in his eyes as he gazes at the pictures of the Mass Memorial being built for the Fallen.

'So Many young die, But an old bastard like me lives' - He sighed.

He is the Commander in Chief of the Entire Rathiel Republic Army, General Sam Manek.

During his Active Service, He was a Legend in the Battlefield, His forces managed to Successfully Defend the Republic from a 4 front War - He successfully Negotiated a Military Alliance with the only friendly Star Country sharing Border - The Imperium Federation.

He managed to keep Rathiel Safe for 400 years of Active Duty. He was one of the few Lucky Beings who reached the True Stage 8 in Energy and Body Dual Cultivation.

He was there During the Crimson Uprising that shook the Entire Ho-Jax Sector. You could say he was there when the Republic was Born. After all the carnage and Blood filled battles, he stopped improving after Stage 8. He had a couple of Decades left in his Lifespan but he chose to still serve his country to the very end.

Once he dies, a Pillar of the Republic would fall and wars might Escalate to Dangerous Levels.

He was one of the 7 Powerhouses that acted as Stabilizing Presences who could protect the Star Country from other Foreign Forces.

But he would not be for long, he knew it too, Unfortunately, there were not many Talents who could reach Stage 8 after 100 years of Age. There were few promising candidates but they needed time to grow to that level - Time this Country did not have.

He then looked at the Star Sector Map on his Desk. Rathiel Republic was in a quite precarious position, on the Nothern Side, it shared the Border with the Infamous Drokhlan Frontier Republic, Run by Masquerading Pirates who were supported by one of the Big Self Titled Empires - 'Jaxos Empire' it was just a Star Country level power, but it followed Monarchy Systems.

Frequent Blood Baths were common with the Drokhlanians and Rathielites - although both nations Possessed Planetary Destructive Grade Weapons, Due to the Rule of the Nine- such weapons were not allowed to be used simply - there had to be Authorization Sent by the Nine Factions for usage of such weapons.

This was done to prevent Planetary Destruction by Genocidal Mortal Species. Wars However were permitted and apart from Research into Weapons of Planetar Grade Destruction being strictly controlled - Other Forms of Researches were allowed.

Speaking of Research - they had a very bad Relationship with the Semi Cybernetites Run Star Country of Kyberion Collective- they were filled with Humans who fully embraced the Digital Hive mind Technology that let them have semi- cybernetic bodies and impressive research capabilities. Cultivators who wanted to walk the Path of Machines would flock there.

They were a creepy bunch.

They leaned more to the Homeritus Empire which for some Reason hated the Rathiel Republic. Obviously to curry Favor Kyberionians would have a hostile stance as well against the Rathiel Republic.

To the North West Border lay the Carmoditus Coalition which was essentially a Vassal State of the Jaxos Empire. They Run by Some 'Royal' Merchant clans which dabbled heavily in Diabolism and Slave Trade.

They often Coveted the Lush properties and even people of the Republic so much, that they would launch regular Planetary Raids on the Border Systems - this led to heavy Migration of most of the Population to the inner Systems and prevented economic Development of the North West Regions of the Republic.

To the West they shared a Death Level Rivalry with the Kingdom of Desia - They were eternal Archenemies. When the Rathiel Republic was just formed, Desia was part of it as well. They were supposed to be the 4th largest Star Country in the Ho-Jax Sector.

Before their Formation, their Territories were in a Fierce Battle with the Jaxos Empire and Homeritus Empire. After all they were the Final Sector Imperial Territories Overseen by a bunch of dying Sector Imperialists. After Decades of Rampant Warfare and Instability - the Final Sector Imperialists were Overthrown under the command of the Martyr Rathiel who gave his life in to put an end to the Strife of the 3 forces.

His Move was so great that AEON and DLCL were alarmed and decided to intervene and put an end to the whole Chaos. Assisted by the Imperium Federation, the People of the Final Sector Imperial Territories were allowed to form their own nations in a Democratic Process which led to the birth of Rathiel Republic, Drokhlan Frontier Republic, Kyberion Collective and Carmoditus Coalition.

Rathiel Republic was the largest of the four and had some of the best resources available. It almost seemed it might truly become a full Power State in the Star Sector. Unfortunately, just a year later - both Empires Declared War on the Imperium Federation and A man by the Name Vide Desia suddenly popped up in the Western Region where they shared the border with both Jaxos Empire and Homeritus Empire.

With Sudden Armies at his Disposal and High support of Local Low-level Nobles who stood to lose all their privileges in the New Rathiel Republic, He Launched a Separatist movement that tore Rathiel into half.

He carved the more than 60% of Rathiel Territory would have almost overrun the whole country if not for Sam Manek. Then Officer Sam Manek managed to rally all his forces and fought an intense bloody war with Uprising Nobles and Imperial Armies backed by two Major Empires .

The Battle for Survival of Rathiel went on for Several Months until the Imperium Federation managed to reach a stalemate in its war with the 2 Empires and Intervened for the Second Time in the Rathiel Republic and called for Diplomacy for all Parties involved.

Under Humiliating Treaties that forced the Rathiel Republic to never make a claim for its Lost Territories from the Newly Formed Kingdom of Desia would Rathiel Republic Finally be Acknowledged as a Sovereign State by the Empires.

Even then the Kingdom of Desia still claims that Rathiel Republic Must fall into its rule and Statehood. It has launched Minor wars every now and then to attempt to Humiliate the Republic. But the Republic was not as it was before.

The Final and the longest friendly Border is in the East with the Imperium Federation. The two Countries had exceptional Friendships.

A Projection of a Battle scarred old woman lights up before the Old General who gives a Standard Military Salute to her and she returns the Same.

"Hello General Jhansi - The Goliath Ship is Secure and we have the culprit Bludfries in our custody - We found him attempting to escape with the Cargo Ship to Desian Territory and Sent our Special Forces to Deal with him before he could escape."

The Old Woman Smiled calmly at this and spoke in a confident tone,

"The Culprit will be a valuable exchange for critical Research Materials with our Contact in Kor-Min Sector, Plus the Goliath Ship will definitely help fasten the Research on Our Joint Project - As usual do not worry about the Jaxos Empire, Our Imperium Federation will help you transport the ship to a secure Facility - Also Do send Your Men as well for the Research Study and Prepare for the Candidate Selection soon, The Collegium has preponed it to 4 years Due to the Announcement of the CORE Institute"


"Do Not Worry My Friend - Select Candidates from the Ages of 11 - 19 to be sent, This time the processes will be highly different due to the special situation Now."

"Oh and Keep Ensuring that nothing is revealed to your Government - We have managed to find more Proof that the Rathiel Government parties are secretly funded by the Desians - I am transmitting the secure Dossier to you - Don't be too rash and Be Safe Old Bastard - Jhansi Out!"

"Manek Out!"

Both of them returned Salutes and the Projection feed switched off.

But a Chilling intent could be seen on the Old General's Eyes.

'To Think You BackStabbing Traitors still sit in the Parliament - One Day I eviscerate You and Extinguish your Clans'

'For Now - I will let you be- But the moment you make a single mistake'

'I will Personally Chop your head off'

After Suppressing his rage filled thoughts, the Old General Calmed down and began to calmly make preparations for the next few activities.

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Sorry Everyone! I had to miss my deadlines due to Sudden halt of Project in my Course. I was extremely busy for the past few days but I have managed to take some time to write some stuff out.

Thanks for the Views and the Collections Dear Readers!

In this chapter I wanted to introduce the Cosmo Politics surrounding Rathiel. I hope You Enjoy!

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