
Infernal Abyss

Title: "Infernal Abyss" In the gritty city of China, two deeply broken souls cross paths in a world of darkness and secrets. Huan Jing, a brilliant yet enigmatic mafia genius, stands at the helm of his powerful crime family, leaving a trail of calculated chaos in his wake. Little do his enemies know, beneath the cold exterior lies a haunted past that fuels his every move. On the other side of the city,Si Jian, a charismatic law student, appears as the epitome of charm and grace. Unbeknownst to all, she hides a chilling double life as a ruthless psycho killer, driven by a thirst for vengeance against those who wronged her and her family. In a twist of fate, the paths of Si Jian and Huan Jing collide in a sinister encounter that sparks an unexpected connection. Drawn together by their shared darkness, they embark on a treacherous journey of forbidden attraction, navigating through a world filled with deceit, betrayal, and violence. As they fall deeper into each other's broken existence, their feelings intensify, defying their better judgment. Their love becomes an illicit flame that threatens to consume them both, but they cannot resist the magnetic pull they have on each other. However, their passion and entwined destinies attract dangerous enemies from all corners. Rivals from Huan Jing’s criminal underworld and enemies from Si Jian’s secret life lurk in the shadows, ready to tear them apart. In the face of relentless tragedy and heartache,Si Jian and Huan Jing must confront their demons together, or risk losing each other forever. "Infernal Abyss" is a dark and emotionally charged tale of love and redemption, where two shattered souls find solace in one another amidst the chaos of their lives. Can they mend their broken pieces together, or will the forces of darkness ultimately tear them apart? Only time will tell if love can heal even the deepest wounds or if their fate lies in the abyss of their own making.

FengQiYuinYong0_0 · Fantasy
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40 Chs


In the heart of a city shrouded in darkness, Si Jian stood before Xiao, her eyes pleading for answers. Her relentless search for Huan Jing had led her to this moment, a moment of desperation and despair.

"Xiao," she implored, her voice trembling with raw emotion, "if you know where he is, if you have any information, please, I beg you, tell me."

Xiao's gaze was heavy with reluctance, and his silence was as profound as the abyss that had consumed them all. He had his reasons for withholding the truth, reasons born out of fear and a deep concern for the consequences that might follow.

"Si Jian," he began cautiously, "I cannot tell you. You don't understand Si Jian...we've been trying to find him too…if I would've known then it wouldn't have been hidden from you would it?.... It's not just about you and your torment; it's about what might happen to him."

Si Jian's eyes welled up with tears, and her voice wavered as she responded, "I don't care about the consequences anymore, Xiao. I need to find him, to see him, to understand what has become of him."

Xiao's heart ached as he looked at Si Jian, torn between his loyalty to his friend and his fear of what she might do. "I promise you, Si Jian," he said softly, "if there's any change, if there's anything I can tell you that won't lead to harm, I will."

With that, Xiao turned away, leaving Si Jian standing alone, her heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty and unfulfilled longing.

As she walked back to her home, a sense of gloom settled over Si Jian like a suffocating shroud. The city's neon lights seemed to mock her, casting eerie shadows that mirrored the darkness in her soul.

"Why such a gloomy soul, my dear ?"

A voice echoed in her ears as she turned back to look who it was and because there was no one else except her in the silent gloomy road with black clouds hovering over…..

A person who had a solemn expression and a reassuring smile…..reminded Si Jian of her father…he somewhat looked like a mystic…..like if he was a peer baba

"What do you mean?...…..Who are you?"

"A child like you….everything is fate afterall my dear..."The peer baba offered a compassionate smile. "Guilt is a heavy burden, my child. But remember, even the darkest night gives way to the dawn. Seek solace where you can. If you seek for comfort and solitude to wish for something which might soothe this torn heart of yours then come to Jamui Sharif Mazaar."

And with these words the peer baba walked away….Si Jian was confused and turned to walk ahead but then turned back again to ask that elder what he exactly meant and how did he know she wanted to seek solace? Ofcourse he looked like a peer baba but still…it was her silly confusion...but he had already disappeared….

Si Jian was confused….everything seemed hazed….she was overwhelmed....her already damaged heart was tearing apart from this separation.....

Si Jian's soul, a fragile porcelain,

Cracked and shattered in this endless spin.

A love, unbidden, crept into her heart,

Now torn apart, they were worlds apart.

In the labyrinth of fate, they'd briefly met,

But cruel destiny played its vile duet.

Her love, unexpected, now a distant dream,

A chasm between them, or so it would seem.

Her heart, once whole, now torn asunder,

In the absence of Huan Jing, a world of thunder.

Their love, a storm that raged within,

Leaving her soul fractured, yearning for him.

A symphony of longing, a melancholy song,

For Huan Jing, her heart did truly long.

Yet he remained a phantom in the night,

And in this separation, her soul took flight.

A love that bloomed in the darkest hour,

Now a wilting flower, losing its power.

Their connection, a thread so frail and thin,

Si Jian's soul, torn apart, yearned for him.

In the silence of her solitude, she wept,

For a love so profound, a secret well-kept.

Her soul, a wounded bird, sought the sky,

Hoping one day, her love would draw nigh.

But for now, in the abyss of despair, she'd dwell,

Her soul aching, a story only time could tell.

Separated from the one who held her heart's string,

Si Jian's soul, torn and tattered, longed for him.

And then, as if guided by some unseen force, she found herself drawn to a place—a mazaar of Jamui Sharif. It was the same place Huan Jing was in, seeking solace from his own torment. Si Jian had never been here before, but it felt like destiny calling her.

It was as if a strange force was dragging her to that place…..it had been five years since Huan Jing disappeared...….

She entered the mazaar, the air heavy with incense and the sound of whispered prayers. The moon cast a silvery glow upon the river beside the mazaar, its gentle ripples a reflection of the turmoil in her heart.

In the quiet solitude of the mazaar, Si Jian wept. Her tears flowed freely, carrying with them the pain and longing that had consumed her. She cried for Huan Jing, for herself, and for the torment that had bound them together.

And then, just as she had felt drawn to this place, a figure emerged from the shadows—a peer baba, the same one she had encountered. His eyes held a depth of wisdom that seemed to pierce through Si Jian's soul.

He approached her, his voice a gentle murmur, "Child, I sense the torment in your heart. You seek solace, understanding, and redemption."

Si Jian nodded, unable to find her voice amidst the weight of her emotions.

The peer baba continued, "Know this, my child, the path to redemption is fraught with darkness and light, with pain and healing. You must find the balance within yourself before you can find the peace you seek."

Si Jian listened intently, his words resonating with the turmoil in her soul.

The silver glow of the moon was raining upon the mazaar.....

"If it is within Your divine wisdom, O Merciful One, let the torment he endures be shifted to my own soul. I willingly bear the consequences of my past actions if it means he can find the peace he so desperately deserves....I beseech You to grant him,the one who vanished after drowning me in his comfort and presence, solace, comfort, and peace. His soul bears the weight of torment, just as mine does, and I pray that You may lighten his burden. He might have killed many but his guilt should be enough to wash away his past my god….please listen"In the solitude of her prayers, Si Jian's tears flowed like a river, each drop a testament to the depth of her emotions. She knelt before an altar, her hands trembling as she clasped them in supplication, and her voice quivered with every word she uttered.

Her heart, heavy with the weight of longing and uncertainty, poured forth its anguish in those quiet moments of communion with the divine. The room was filled with the soft glow of candles, their flickering flames reflecting the shimmering tears that cascaded down her cheeks.

As she closed her eyes, her whispered pleas echoed in the sacred space, reaching out to a higher power for solace and guidance. She prayed for Huan Jing, the one who had both tormented and touched her soul. Her words were a melodic lament, a symphony of sorrow and hope.

Each prayer carried a piece of her heart, a plea for his safety, his redemption, and their reunion. She begged for him to find peace, to escape the darkness that had ensnared him, and for their paths to cross once more.

Her tears were not just tears but an offering, a testament to the love that had unexpectedly blossomed in the midst of chaos and torment. They were a poignant expression of the pain of separation, the yearning of a heart that had found its counterpart.

In those tearful moments of prayer, Si Jian bared her soul to the heavens. She cried not just for herself but for the man she loved, a man whose fate remained uncertain. Her tears carried the weight of her love, her anguish, and her unwavering hope that somewhere, somehow, their destinies would intertwine once more.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mazaar, near the river, Huan Jing knelt in prayer. His tears mingled with the flowing waters as he asked for peace for Si Jian. He had felt her presence, sensed her pain, and yearned for her to find the solace he had sought in this very place.

But fate had kept them apart, two tormented souls seeking redemption, their paths intersecting yet never quite converging. And so, under the watchful gaze of the moon and the soothing murmur of the river, they both wept for what might have been, for the love and torment that bound them, and for the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Si Jian under the tree near in mazaar while Huan Jing on the other side near the serene river that held his tears…both under the bare glow of moon that witnessed their pain and longing….both cried tears of guilt,grief and longing....one never wanted to be found again by her because of his own guilt of hurting her to an extent that had driven her to become the monster she never wanted to and the other who fell in this dark abyss of his love unexpectedly longing to find him again and keep him all to herself and vanish and soothe all this guilt and pain...….. both under the same sky,same moon,in the same mazaar….what kept them from finding each other ???? Fate…