
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Movies
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82 Chs

Meeting 2

Paidithalli Naidu: (leaning forward, sneering) You're a brave young man, Raj. But bravery won't protect you or your company. I'll say it again—50%, or you'll regret it.

Raj: (firmly) Mr. Naidu, we've already discussed this. Your demands are unreasonable, and your threats are unacceptable.

Paidithalli Naidu: (voice rising) You think you can stand up to me? To my family?

Raj: (calmly) If you can't negotiate in good faith, perhaps you should call your father, Appa Naidu. Maybe he can offer a more reasonable perspective.

Paidithalli Naidu glares at Raj but pulls out his phone, making a call. A short time later, the sound of a luxury car approaching can be heard. A Rolls-Royce pulls up outside AKA Enterprises, and Appa Naidu steps out, escorted by bodyguards. He strides confidently into the building and towards the meeting room.

Appa Naidu enters the meeting room, exuding authority. He looks at Raj with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

Appa Naidu: (coldly) So, you're the young man giving my son a hard time. What's the problem here?

Raj: (standing his ground) Mr. Naidu, your son's demands for a 50% share of our company are unreasonable. He has also resorted to threats, which we will not tolerate.

Appa Naidu: (smirking) You don't understand how things work around here, do you? We control the Hyderabad port. If you don't comply, your company's materials won't make it through. Your business will suffer.

Raj: (unwavering) We're aware of your influence over the port. But your threats won't change our decision. We will not give in to your demands. Furthermore, we know about your family's background and your attempts to whitewash your image through legitimate business deals. If you continue this path, it will only bring more scrutiny and trouble for you.

Appa Naidu: (angry) You dare threaten us?

Raj: (confidently) It's not a threat. It's a fact. We will protect our company and our interests. If you continue to pressure us, we'll make sure the authorities know exactly what's happening. Your reputation and your operations will face the consequences.

Jayaram watches the exchange through the cameras, his heart swelling with pride as Raj holds his ground against the powerful Naidu family.

Jayaram (thinking): "He's handling this better than I ever could have imagined. My son has truly come into his own."